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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. this sums it up And crazyewok stop saying fanboi for the love of talos. it makes you seem incredibly effeminate
  2. it's about what squad wants, not what this comunity wants. reminder that its their game, that you purchased, with these terms https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/terms.php Please keep in mind: Squad is not under any obligation to release any updates, expansions or titles at any time. Each release may very well be the last one. Squad is under no obligation to implement any given set of features prior to the final release for KSP or any future title. All posted lists of planned features are unofficial and do not imply a promise by Squad to deliver anything listed in them. Squad reserves the right to add, remove and modify content on any of its software at their own discretion, without prior notice. Squad is under no obligation to maintain any level of communication with the player community, choosing to do so at their own discretion.
  3. i argue with this guy in every smurfin' thread and he just keeps throwing his "if you dont want it dont use it" rhetoric. its useless. people like him cant be helped. he would prefer ksp was a mix of simcity for colonization, star trek for meeting other races, minecraft for the dynamic generation, and ksp as it is now butwith a few of his choice mods installed. he would really just prefer his own game not squads.
  4. and yet people complain about .20...
  5. I just wanted to say that No More Room in Hell took 7 years so far and has become the best zombie game I've ever played. plus its a free mod. people seem to think squad having an undefined, evolving vision for this game is a bad thing.
  6. and Ragnarok can occur when whackjob devours the moon
  7. the Allfather, WÃ…Âden, One-eyed, Death-blinder, long beard the terrible one.
  8. but in the end minecraft was notches game and he was allowed to change his mind on what features he wants in the game or not.
  9. http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/12/23/kerbal-space-program-dev-on-random-solar-systems-the-joy-of-failure-and-the-cult-of-steam/ i agree with the devs. my most fun mission was a manned ike return mission where i returned to kerbin with only 2units of fuel left. nerve wracking and very rewarding to make it. and i think the devs are better off without a public road map. im not for multiplayer myself, but once they saw it was possible they decided to change their plans and started that whole operation.
  10. awww man. oh well. keep up the good work squad
  11. well, you're right, but that's why I asked. cuz they mentioned the unity change-log. unity has changed.
  12. yes. partially in the next update. oh and we call them "contracts" here. kind of like hitmen, but shorter, greener, and much more space oriented. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68489-Devnote-Tuesdays-The-0-24-Update-Goals-Edition
  13. try decoupling your batteries and your command pod. in all seriousness i suggest keeping it as is. i can already see bugs where control surfaces cease working in atmosphere cropping up if this is implemented.
  14. from todays devnotes: does this also mean that i can put an upsidedown quadcoupler under a rightside up quad coupler and have it connnect at all 4 points? because currently it only connects at 1 corner and will sag very badly.
  15. mods aside, the only moving parts ksp has are landing gear, extendable ladders, the extending antennae, and doors to some science things. only the landing gear will interact with the environment (ie ladders phase through ground/parts), but i would be all for rotating parts. I think the mod should move this to suggestions instead, because i think it would be great in stock, if the controls for it got worked out. kinda like the long arm the shuttle(or was it ISS?) has for moving big parts
  16. I would have used the MOAB, but I couldn't find an image with a human reference.
  17. im glad there wont be resources. it would be unrealistic without MASSIVE structures.
  18. right but this is KSP. it is about space exploration. it may have an economy in the future, but this shouldn't be "Sim City: Duna" . building and then landing bases on other planets should be the extent of it.
  19. hey its the "if you dont like space planes dont use them" guy. it should be noted im pro colonization too. ive landed a fair share of bases on extraplanetary bodies. however, off planet construction just doesn't fit the bill for this game (as the two of us have argued in the past). same for orbital construction and off planet kerbal spawning. i do wish you would stop forcing your ideas on gameplay on us.
  20. I'm not trying to be mean, but I think you're looking for this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Empires_V forgive me if I'm wrong, but those ideas don't sound like KSP to me.
  21. Do you use the Mk-3 series? I can never get a design that I'm happy with that uses it. I think that it needs some re-working/additions. For one, the texture on the backside of the cockpit is off center. But beyond that the Mk-3 parts also don't have much use. The Mk-3 fuselage doesn't have oxidizer for de-orbiting a shuttle design. I believe that Mk-3 fuse types could be expanded greatly. despite the obvious cargo-bay, perhaps a Mk-3 science bay or lab? Mk-3 hitchhiker type pod? or a special Mk-3 nosecone with built in landing gear. If you have any stock Mk-3 designs or ideas please share those as well. Let us discus the beautiful, but misunderstood Mk-3 series within this hallowed thread. Edit: at some point I missed it having an IVA view. The kerbal that deceived me has been relocated to Eeloo.
  22. its an issue with the ladders. untill they are fixed put another ladder on the top of it, horizontaly. make it one slightly longer bending ladder
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