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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. If he was anymore popular you guys would have the paparazzi to invade his or his family's privacy for you. Props to him for getting out under the radar. Edit:my post was not about any pressure he may have felt, but rather your trying to dig into his whereabouts. i would tell you that stalking, or attempted stalking is a violation of rule 2.2d(assuming he is a forum member), but i dont want to get in trouble for backseat modderation. Read here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/74833-Macey-Dean/page3
  2. 9/10, I am glad NASA didn't add jet engines and spam intakes.
  3. i kept expecting Vortigaunt chanting to start up durring the video
  4. man kashua hasnt been online since october, wonder what happened. he was always a great help.
  5. Is there a button to hide all the HUD elements so we can take clean screenshots?
  6. Actually it was named Mt.Lemnon after Lemnon Kerman climbed to the peak to celebrate his triumphant return from duna.
  7. http://kerbal-tutti.blogspot.com/2014/12/r4pt0r-won-be-99-stock-for-090.html someone copied and archived the first post of a thread I made a while back. http://kerbal-tutti.blogspot.com/ seems they do that to a lot of threads :/ whats up with that?
  8. If I may suggest, build a "resort" and drive/fly it somewhere at least 2.5km from KSC. maybe a hitchhiker hut village on a beach somewhere?
  9. Hey folks, been playing alot of Alien recently, just got to the flamethrower. Who else has played it and what did you think? I really need to rewatch the movies. I think the game is great. Hasn't been since the 2002 Resident Evil remake that I've played something that has filled me with such dread and fear(except the PT demo). The atmosphere is great, and the sound work is flawless. Also, how do you use your traps? I tend to keep them and try to use wits alone. I finally used a flare to attract a group of people and then gifted them a pipebomb, that made that section a little easier.
  10. I would love to place it radially too. I also want to make a stick figure statue out of them to land on onther planets. I'v made a similar thread once before http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92951-The-Not-Rockomax-Micronode-needs-a-massive-buff
  11. Bringing my own thread back from the dead because it is all still relevant. So I had a contract just a few hours ago, putting a satalite into XXXXXXorbit, whatever. to my surprise, the orbit the contract needed was displayed in the map view, along with some lights indicating the direction required. these are what we need displayed on all orbits. Edit: is that a fine print feature, or is that a mod i added?
  12. 1/10 this is the first time I've seen that name.
  13. I presume you are talking about the stuff to the left and right side of this gif: Yeah I agree that would be a nice touch. Being in beta now, I hope for more polish like this myself. your pic didnt work, might want to re-try that. if its a pic off of your computer desktop or something, you need to upload it to a service like imgur first.
  14. I started dating my ex-fiance in highschool. I proposed on our 5 year anniversary. Then when we finally moved in together it all went to shambles. Its been a half a year now and I've been testing the water again. Relationships aren't always worth it, but you should always be open to finding that someone.
  15. I thought the textures, (on the mun at least) were supposed to look like micrometeor impacts, leaving long streaks in the ground. I like them. I later found out that one of the last few updates made textures load all stretched out, so its a bug.
  16. skyrim or oblivion or fallout 3/new vegas? Alpha protocol was a good one that was really underrated in my opinion.
  17. I build RC planes, its been a while though. Here is an old one, but my most sucessful design. scratch built it out of pink board insulation
  18. r4pt0r


    some kind of bacteria?
  19. compare it to the large torque sas thing too, the textures on that are...well aged, shall i say.
  20. If you are getting it for gaming in general, a prebuilt rig just isn't a good option. build one tailored to your needs. What is your budget? Edit: the 1GB AMD Radeon HD5450 video card was a budget video card from 5 years ago. that said, this link HERE says that particular card ran far cry 2(a game from 2008) at high quality settings at an unplayable frame rate. So I imagine modern games will be less than cooperative. The CPU is listed as the vague "Intel Core 2 Duo 3.00 Ghz" is presumably the Intel Core2 Duo E8400 @ 3.00GHz, which, while rated highly for value, is not rated highly for performance.
  21. Edit1: I just re-read the op, and figured out why "sun" wasn't there, nevermind then. Edit2: I just read the previous page and found out your next piece will be "mun", nevermind then. I pledge to continue to plug this thread anytime a music suggestion pops up in the suggestions forum.
  22. I'm saying Duna needs a Olympus Mons, or something similar(or something just more interesting!). Ike has more interesting biomes... Ike, like ruffles, has ridges.
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