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Everything posted by DeepOdyssey

  1. Hi baha i asked about RBS-15, you might have missed that post, so i'm asking again. RBS-15 is super wonky. Basically it start maneuvering sideways when closing in to the target[i understand this is intended as evasive maneuver against CIWS], but sometimes it is slowing so much, that it literally almost stop. Speed drop to 30-40 m/s and then it mostly miss target by a quite a big margin. Don't know why it's happening, but the AGM-86 cruise missile is doing fine.
  2. 2 times smaller engine, should be 4 times weaker, but it is like 8 times weaker, so it's tied to the size exponent/mass. I thought the engine power was connected to the surface area of the engine inlet, and compression ratio, but i was wrong apparently.
  3. RBS-15 is super wonky. Basically it start maneuvering sideways when closing in to the target[i understand this is intended as evasive maneuver against CIWS], but sometimes it is slowing so much, that it literally almost stop. Speed drop to 30-40 m/s and then it mostly miss target by a quite a big margin. Don't know why it's happening, but the AGM-86 cruise missile is doing fine.
  4. Well i activate it before, but your method works great. Thank you!
  5. Well i have missiles attached through radial decouplers under the plane wings. Each missile has guidance system. Before i launch missile, i choose missile guidance mode[cruise or AGM]. Then i launch the missile. I tried either with "control from here" on probe, or just from plane control. Neither will work. Oh and i don't switch to missile after i decouple it.
  6. Hi Bahamuto. Is there any way to enable Missile Guidance with my own cruise missile, after i drop them from the plane or other vehicle? Even though they have their own probe and guidance system, it seems they don't remember their tracking settings.
  7. This is must have for 1.0, can we expect compatibility fix?
  8. Bandi94 is right. I've made a similar mistake of going in other direction, was really confused, because my orbit was perfect, yet the game didn't accept it. So i relaunched i opposite direction, this time it was fine.
  9. 2mil for science lab upgrade WUT?! That's a lot of grinding on hard difficulty.
  10. So when can we expect the fix for loosing crew experience? I know i can EVAs kerbals out, but it's tiresome.
  11. Any chance of attachable explosive charge? Or at least non attachable explosive charge with timer? Bombs with timer? I want my kerbal demolition squads
  12. "If you see blocks, switch to lower texture resolution" -What blocks? Why would higher resolution cause something that looks lower res? Any way to restore higher cloud density like in previous pack?
  13. Does the Z-fighting is supposed to look like this? At 15:36 I have similar issues, for the first time i thought that were storms, but in no way storms are that frequent on earth/kerbin.
  14. This is becoming more and more refined, great mod for us who like to blow .... up
  15. Right now i would place my bet on ESA, because russians had many failures and no success in their space probe missions.
  16. Dear Sirkut Is it possible to steer your robotic parts using mouse? I mean i assign for example hinge and rotatron to be steered by mouse and try to point at a vector. Add a dummy part on the hinge that will act as a pointing vector -it could be easily seen just like col, com, cot by enabling it in option.
  17. For all genetic/cloning experiments that bioethics and religious zealots objects. Somewhere underground far away from civilization. Maybe Micronesia?
  18. .30 cal use 30mm ammo, seems little silly. Though i'm not a gun nut, it's still bothers me. I have changed it already, but i guess you should know.
  19. I believe similar turret is in one of the submod that bahamuto linked on first page.
  20. alt+b And 100km is maximum, i managed to modify HKEV so it will still hit targets at 75km, you just need to make sure it accelerates slowly, over a longer period of time.
  21. 10km is nice and dandy. Still it's such a small distance in space, now while we have this awesome HKEV1 missiles!
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