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Everything posted by Orionkermin

  1. Ok, got the larger tanks and decoupler done. I've added some more images to the album as well. Thanks for the encouragement guys I appreciate it.
  2. I support this as well. It works just as well for giving goals to new players and gets rid of unneeded tedium for the experienced ones.
  3. I've started working on the new tanks. The first three are done, (including an RCS tank) next up will be the larger ones and the radial booster. The nice thing is now all of them will reference the new end-caps which makes the work easier and faster for me, all the while adding a lot more detail. I know a lot of people liked the original "bolted together" theme, but I think going with a sleek but banged up style will give us good looking rockets that still look very Kerbal. (Read made by boxtrolls) By not extruding the tanks in so much, they actually come across as having a more appropriate volume as well.
  4. For me it was watching a youtuber named oneFjef. I was actually downloading another game while I watched his first couple videos and went "oh this looks fun let me check out what it costs on steam." It was only $20 something so I picked it up and ended up playing it a billion times more than the $60 title I had been downloading...
  5. Oh I see, my mistake, you wanted an actual reflective material. Yea it's too bad there's not a stock one. I think I've seen one from the community somewhere though, if you want to go that route.
  6. Just a FYI, if you can set up the alpha Chanel in your texture to act as a specular map. (White=shiny, black=not) That way the windows don't have to be seperate meshes. Works great for paneling as well. (Just make the panel lines much darker than the panels in the spec map.) Anyway, looking good so far keep up the good work.
  7. That's what I was thinking, and even may be what I end up doing with the service modules in HGR when I get around to remaking them. If I do it for this one I suppose it could be a good testbed for future SMs I make. When I'm home again I'll post up pics of the refurbished Corvus command pod to get some feedback.
  8. Sorry, it's still a bit too early in development and there's already a lot of things in alpha floating around this thread at the moment. I was doing some work on the Corvus over Christmas and I wanted to ask the community how much they care about the service module and engine. Would you rather see just a service module that works more like a cargo bay? (Mount stuff inside like the 6s mod) i've reworked the command pod a bit, it now has a heatshield and new texture. I'm going to be redoing the nose to match as well but I want to know how people feel about the other parts. I'm planning to add a tiny linear RCS port instead of the integrated ports I have now. That should allow for more balanced RCS systems.
  9. I agree, the gizmos are my favorite part of the new update. When you're moving them with the offset tool turn off angle snap for more fine movement. Pressing "f" will switch the tool's orientation between "global" and the part's. Just in case you, or anybody who looks at the thread didn't know. The applications for making decent looking two stage landers excites me.
  10. Hi, I haven't gotten to do much formal testing yet and have gotten mixed feedback. I'm going to say in it's current state it seems to be working for some and buggy for others. If it doesn't work try removing the plug-ins first as they are more likely to break and are there for convenience rather than being required. In the development thread someone reported some kind of incompatibility with one of Tantares MM cfgs, so be mindful of that.
  11. Here's a build for the plane parts. Still no gear or Far support as of yet. I'd highly recommend editing the stock landing gear to be available from the start. "Girder skits" don't work too well on the bumpy tier one runway, turns out. I have a gear bay in the works but it's not implemented yet. RE: the capsules. I'll mostly likely continue to develop both. I've always wanted to make a "Kerpollo" CSM pack and the newer one will likely be a part of that, whereas the KTS will just be a stand alone pod. Thanks for all your support everyone, and for your patience while I jump around from project to project, it keeps things fresh for me and helps keep me from getting burned out.
  12. Nice! I'm glad people still like it despite the state it's in. I like the asymmetric nature of the CST-100 and would like to come back to this pod a some point. But, since I really wanted something that would have view ports that would give an appropriate angle when docking I've had to design something else. http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y477/morrowindorion/screenshot8_zps18ab89a6.png' alt='screenshot8_zps18ab89a6.png'>@Tygoo7: I can post them up. They don't have FAR support yet and I'm not sure if I should continue with them if people would prefer a standard cylindrical design. Let me check a few things out with the cfg files and I'll post up what I have.
  13. Hmm what a weird compatibility issue! Glad you got it fixed, though. Out of curiositiy, you don't like the Tantares TKS? Isn't it 1.875m or is it 2.5?
  14. If you play with mods Tantares has one. I've always had a fondness for small two man capsules and I'm glad that there's an actual niche for them in the career now. I'm playing through the career un-modded right now to get a feel for the overall balance and I've got to say that a stock 2-kerbal command pod would be really nice. Sure you can glue two mk-1 pods together, but that looks ugly and uses up more of the sparse early game part limit. Of course even if they don't add one I'll just use mods, but I'd be interested to see how squad would design it.
  15. I'm actually planning to begin working on rebooting the entire mod after the holidays. I plan to work in phases, so first would be tanks and adapters, then engines, then the command pods etc. to answer the question you asked in the other thread, I've considered making the radish a true 1.875 diameter pod, but I haven't reached a definative conclution on whether that's what I want to do with it yet. There is something to say for it's adaptability on whether you want to use it for 1.25 or 1.875m stacks.
  16. Sorry, I've been really busy with work and stuff. I haven't even had time to play with .90, so this is untested in that build of the game. http://www./download/0o5468vs0d62248/KTS.zip"]http://www./download/0o5468vs0d62248/KTS.zip
  17. So I think I might go back to the drawing board with this capsule. After playing around with it a bit, it doesn't really fix the issues I have with the mk1-2, such as poor forward visibility. I can post a link to DL the current version of people want to muck around with it for some reason. @sampa: it's more of a place for me to show and discuss multiple small projects rather than creating a separate thread for each. But yes the first I posted and furthest along development wise is a kerbalized gemini.
  18. Continuing work on the KTS-86 (CST-100) Beginning to add the IVA and pod to the game. Not a super impressive IVA, but I think it will do. Need to add props and make some adjustments. http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y477/morrowindorion/screenshot8_zps230e89cd.png' alt='screenshot8_zps230e89cd.png'> I'd also like to hear how far people would like me to go with this particular craft. Is just the pod enough or do people prefer I make a service module and such too. Let me know your thoughts.
  19. OK, I cant guarantee this will fix the problem but I noticed you have more than one copy of ModuleManager.dll, you should delete the extras and only keep the most recent one. (2.5.1 in this case) When you have more than one it can cause a lot of weird problems. It's something to watch out for when installing a lot of mods, a lot of them bundle it and if they have different version numbers you wont get a warning. So give that a try and let me know if it fixes things.
  20. Yup it's right here and I get what you mean. I haven't done an official release yet since I still need to come back to it and do some tweaking. I've been sort of jumping around between a few projects. Speaking of which I might as well show a few things I've been working on, even if they aren't directly related. This is meant to be a place for me to drop off my random creations anyways... The first is a set of basic aircraft parts that will be available from the start of the techtree, giving players more options about how they run their space program in the early career. I still need to make a landing gear and add support for FAR, before the basics are ready. I've also started work on a CST-100 alike just for funsies. It isn't very far along yet, but it's interesting to work in a bigger capsule size than I'm used to. (2.5m) I'm only planning to seat 4. Still in the early texturing stages at the moment, but I'm excited for it. Should be a fun little alternative to the MK1-2, which I'm quite bored of at the moment. http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y477/morrowindorion/KTS_zps23f52d01.png' alt='KTS_zps23f52d01.png'>
  21. Hmm, have you tried deleting and re-installing the mod? Also when you right click on the parts do they still let you deploy the chutes?
  22. I'm a big fan of the KR-2L as an interplanetary injection engine. I use the smaller stuff on the CSM to come back when there isn't so much mass left in the mission profile. Works great for Apollo style missions to the Duna or Eve systems. Been to Dress this way as well.
  23. Keep in mind that it's not supposed to be a 1:1 Gemini. It's a simplified and kerbalized version of which the parts should generally have uses outside of this single build. For instance i could see the monopropellant engine being useful in some two stage Apollo style landers. Having the cap detach would require it to be a separate part from the chute because of the decoupler, so it's been simplified to keep the work and part count down. I intended it to use the DRE heatshield, as I've had complaints in the past about pods with built in heatshields and parts on the nose not being shielded properly. That's something I had considered in the earlier stages of development, but ended up not putting in because I wasn't sure if people would think it was OP/prefer to attach radial batteries. Maybe I'll add some in the next build. Thanks for the mission report bs1110101, good to see the pod in use. And thanks everyone for the feedback.
  24. I changed the textures to mbm format because of a bug involving TGA in ksp .25. I also added the PMK lander can to this version of HGR. It's been available in the R&D version for a while
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