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Everything posted by Dante80
[1.2.2] Stock Part Revamp, Update 1.9.6. Released Source Files!
Dante80 replied to Ven's topic in KSP1 Mod Development
I actually started yesterday to change all NFsolar panels to the texture Ven uses. Thats why I asked earlier about how to make the reflections work..XD If you are content with some rockomax grey, I have made a plain looking fairing variant for personal use. Here it is.. (click on the preview pic for the actual texture) -
[1.2.2] Stock Part Revamp, Update 1.9.6. Released Source Files!
Dante80 replied to Ven's topic in KSP1 Mod Development
1. Ah thanks, will take a look. 2. I know that, was commenting on the model for VSR parachutes. They are tall like the conechutes in realchutes. -
[1.2.2] Stock Part Revamp, Update 1.9.6. Released Source Files!
Dante80 replied to Ven's topic in KSP1 Mod Development
That is very true. On the other hand, the pretty lights are too bling to hide in a bay though...XD The offset tool does a great job to...skinny them up. Sadly though, I have a bug that makes them explode under certain circumstances (nothing to do with the mod). -
[1.2.2] Stock Part Revamp, Update 1.9.6. Released Source Files!
Dante80 replied to Ven's topic in KSP1 Mod Development
Keep playing with the pre-release (which is also my first experience with VSR), and really loving it. Some feedback. 1. How did you make the solar panels be reflective like that? I want to edit the panels in a couple of other mods to match the effect if possible (thinking of NFSolar). C: 2. I know its a big project, but a stock-alike dual crew pod would be a very worthy endeavor for a future version of VSR I think. I think its consistent with the part additions you have made. 3. You did a great work on the engine department. The engine TANKPLUG feature is really ingenious (although making it work is a little tricky), and the added parts complement the game well without unbalancing it. This mod made me remove KW, novapunch and cryogenic engines from my install. I just use this together with Atomic Age (for the superlative "Candle" and "Nuclear Lightbulb" engines which finish the work you started imo). Any plans for a VSR 2.5m nuclear engine? 4. It would be very nice if the added parts also had tweakscale configs. 5. I really don't like the way the parachutes look. I prefer the stock look to that of RealChutes to tell you the truth (those cones are too tall for my eye). 6. Great work on the battery department! Those lights are much sought after, hope we get to see all the battery parts having them in the future. My only gripe is that the 100 and 400 batteries are too "fat" and un-aerodynamic for putting them on the sides of a rocket, but that why the offset tool exists I guess. Any plans for a couple of aerodynamic parts that would fit well to planes/spaceplanes too? 7. The heavy RCS being 5way instead of 4way would be a nifty change imo. Keep the goodness coming man, cheers..C: ps: Found a bug in the last pre-release change. You added the rescaleFactor values to your configs, and the result was that the science junior got shrunk a little, and the goo canister got blown up. -
[1.2.2] Stock Part Revamp, Update 1.9.6. Released Source Files!
Dante80 replied to Ven's topic in KSP1 Mod Development
Playing with the pre-release and really loving it so far! Now, I know its too soon to ask, but would anyone testing the pre be willing to make a Remote-tech cfg file for the new antenna (love it too btw)? I don't know how to do it myself..T_T -
[1.2.2] Stock Part Revamp, Update 1.9.6. Released Source Files!
Dante80 replied to Ven's topic in KSP1 Mod Development
Many thanks! -
[1.2.2] Stock Part Revamp, Update 1.9.6. Released Source Files!
Dante80 replied to Ven's topic in KSP1 Mod Development
First of all, I really love this mod, keep the goodness coming Ven! I need some help. I want to keep the regular one man capsule, as well as the small MK-16 parachute. What do I need to change in the configs so that I can see them again? If someone can help me (instructions on what entries to change/delete or a config that has these changes to download) I would be indebted. Any feedback is vastly appreciated, cheers..C: -
tyvm. I will be using redundant RTGs, so battery size is not that important. From that site, it looks like you can get away with 4 sats in KEO (distance between adjacent sats is shown as 4.905,553 km). Will give it a try..C: I'm launching straight to KΕO apoapsis and then bringing up the periapsis to what needed. You need more Dv that way (as well as a manned pod for the vehicle deploying the sats), but I have tried it a couple of times and its pretty straightforward.
Here is a question for you. I want to make a KSO constellation consisting of 6 sats at the equator and 2 polar sats. The KEO sats are simple affairs, using just the large omni to form a network, while the two polar KSO sats are serviceable stations equipped with the all dishes needed for long range communication. The 2 polar KSO sats (set at 180 degree separation) would send the signal from the target spacecraft/celestial body to the equatorial sats (using an omni), and those would use their omnis to talk to each other, thus relaying the end signal to KSC. The equator sats will be placed to KEO in a single launch, at 60 degree intervals so that the distance between adjacent sats stays lower than 5Mm. I tried to do the constellation with 4 sats, but the distance seems to be a little more than the large omni can handle. So, here is the question. Lets assume that all sats are dispensed in a single flight, and that the target separation for each one is about 60 degrees (so that we cover the whole equator with 6 sats). Eccentricity and inclination is planned to be 0 degrees, and the sats are equipped with tweakscaled RCS thrusters for precise maneuvering. If we assume that the apoapsis of the spacecraft that carries them is 2,868.75km, what should the periapsis be so that the spacecraft deploys one sat every orbit? The target separation between the sats is 60 degress, and the number of orbits needed is 6. Also, is this possible to do with 5 sats @72 degree intervals? If yes, what would the periapsis need to be then? Any and every help would be vastly appreciated, cheers..C:
Hello, I have encountered a problem (no idea what is wrong though). I am using TAC life support together with this reskin pack . When modular fuel tanks is installed, the textures in the pack do not show, only the original TAC LS textures work. When removing modular fuel tanks, everything seems to be fine. Any suggestions for what might be the problem?
I had modular fuel tanks installed. Removing it fixed the problem for me.
rbray, a question. Right now, 2.6 aggressive destroys my memory (crashing while using about 3.5gb when the loading bar finishes), while 1.1 with the exact same gamedata folder loads ok with about 2.7gb at the start screen. My gamedata folder is about 1.8gb in size, using a lot of mods. If I understand correctly, 2.6 aggressive has a config file where we can place folders and parts and assign instructions on compression, overrides etc. Everything not specified in the config is compressed with the 1.1 method. Might my problem be that the 1.1 compression comes at the end of loading instead of in-the-go? Could this be altered in some way?
w00t! Thanks a lot for the update man A request, could we have support in the future for this mod? It adds - among other things - some very nice tank textures...C: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52042-0-23-Near-Future-Propulsion-Pack-%28updated-20-12-13-new-panel-23-compatibility%29
Thats why I asked you about understanding the fact that what the developers want the game to become is different from what they wanted a year ago man. Take for example resources. They worked on them, tested them, made textures and parts for them and then decided that their implementation was not good for the game, as they envisioned it. And shelved them. Now, you might not like that. You might think that they should have had a concrete idea for the feature set the finished game would have, and stick with it. But really, scrapping all that work done already on that particular feature is far harder or/and bolder than just sticking with it, compromising their vision for the game and going with what a part of the community wanted just to appease or "keep their word". In other words, regarding resources Squad did exactly the opposite of what you think "pulling a Notch" means...
PDCWolf, have you thought about the fact that what you want the game to become may be different than what the developers of the game want? Or the fact that what the developers want the game to become is different from what they wanted a year ago?
For two reasons.. 1. I love space exploration and astronomy. I used to play games as a child like Elite, Shuttle, Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space...and that kinda sticked until now (Eve online, AstroEmpires, Ogame etc). 2. I am the perfect customer for sandbox games! I do not need the game to hold my hand and tell me what to do, I have a wild imagination and run with my own ever changing sets of goals and restrictions. The awesome thing about all sandbox games is that they provide you with a playing field to go wild in...and thus its impossible for me to grow bored with them...C:
[1.1.2][1-1-2] May 13-2016 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
Dante80 replied to rbray89's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I think that would kill clouds elsewhere though. What I did when I had a 8k Kerbin cloud texture in the past was to just remove the Kerbin1 image as well as the relevant lines in the .cfg file. Btw man, if you are using this (the best clouded Kerbin texture there is), then going for the cloudless matte or shiny version and addding this mod will produce a far better (and customisable too!) outcome. Trust me on this, used to have the cloud texture myself for a while...C: -
I don't really think there is a divide man, especially if you read what you signed up for. Its really an entitlement problem for some people, stemming from this. Terms of service </section> EULA Can it get more clear than that?
Judging from myself, if the development stage of the game ended tomorrow, I really got my moneys worth from it...and then some (1000hrs+ of gameplay for the equivalent of 1 hours work for me). Of course we are entitled to complain. And Squad is entitled to not give a damn, for 2 reasons. 1. Complaining about something does not mean you are right about it too. 2. Complaining about something does not mean you have the right to not be ignored. Btw, I'm not trying to white-knight, just calling a spade a spade.
Have You Ever Made A Mission Way Too Complicated
Dante80 replied to MrCoolx10's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Thats not a rover, thats a space bucket-wheel excavator...XD