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Everything posted by biohazard15

  1. Looks like "pre-0.24 craft lag" is not limited to FAR users. Some crafts that included in FASA (namely Saturn V, Nova, Apollo SA-204, Big G) experience serious lag when NEAR is present. There is NO FAR-related modules in their craft files. Any help would be appreciated. They're hard to rebuild, and I'd like to use them at least for inaugural flights.
  2. 0.24 beta, Manned Orbital Laboratory is "exploding" in the VAB due to multiple resources.
  3. The ideal way would be to assign crew only when you click on Crew button. No click - no crew.
  4. Can you do a recompile of v3.0 DLL? It doesn't throw in as many black textures as 3.1.
  5. Any plans for this to be properly balanced for 0.24?
  6. So, we've got Saturn Vs from DennyTX, FASA, NP, SXT and we're about to get KW one. Eventually, this will force Squad to add a stock Saturn parts in game...
  7. New 5m Saturn V-esque parts? Looks interesting, can't wait to compare them with NP.
  8. Looks interesting. Does it depend in any way to Planet Factory? All is OK in career mode?
  9. Yeah, there is no noticeable bugs with NP or any part-only mod, except stock bugs (like x64 decoupler bug). Prices are outright cheaty ATM, so if you want to play a balanced career, you'd better wait for update.
  10. Prices. Suddenly, you know a lot more about your launchers' efficiency.
  11. To anyone who want to use 64-bit version KSP: First: x64 (aka 64-bit) version of KSP is HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL BUILD. You have been warned. Second: It CAN and it WILL break your game in many ways that are discussed below. Again, you have been warned. Third: Many of these ways suspected to be Unity-related, which means that SQUAD has absolutely NO MEANS to fix them. One more time, you have been warned. Since we've already got too many "x64 problem" threads, I've decided to make a meta-list of all bugs, issues and glitches that plague 64-bit Windows version of KSP. Please read these rules before posting into this thread: 1) This thread is dedicated to bug reporting for Kerbal Space Program, version 0.25, x64 Windows EXE (KSP_x64.exe). Other versions (32-bit, 64-bit for Mac\Linux) should not be discussed here. If you have encountered a bug that is also present in x86 (32-bit) version, please report it as general KSP bug. 2) If you want to report a bug, include as many details as you can (screenshots, videos, logs, saves, craft files, etc) and instructions on how to reproduce it, if possible. 3) No mods here. Use support forum for modded installs to try to get help. Please notice that most modders do not support x64 version.. 4) Version 0.24.2 and earlier is not supported anymore. Please update. KNOWN BUGS Disambiguation: - Red: Serious bug, no fix - Orange: Serious bug, partial fix - Green: Complete fix\Minor bug or not a bug\Does not break the game Delayed\locked staging How it manifests: Sometimes you need to press Next Stage button several times to activate next stage. This also prevents quick activation of several stages. Also, easy to reproduce: attach several radial engines to fuel tank+probe (1 engine per stage), launch and try to activate all stages real quick. Solution: No known fix. Game randomly crashes to desktop How it manifests: Game randomly crashes on desktop. Currently, info about this bug is insufficient to make conclusions about what causes it and\or reproduce it. Might be hardware-related. Solution: No known fix. Transmission of experiment results yield less science than it states How it manifests: When you review results of your scietific experiments, it will show you how much Science points you'll get from returning results to Kerbin and transmitting them via antenna. However, in x64 version you may get less points from transmission than it states. Confirmed with EVA experiments (report and surface sample) done on Launch Pad, there also reports of incorrect results for EVA report done in Minmus orbit. Note that recovering experiments yield stated points. To reproduce, build a craft that contains manned pod, Communotron 16 antenna and some batteries. Launch, go EVA, do both EVA experiments. Return to the pod and transmit them. Their transmit worth: EVA Report - 2.4 Science, Surface sample - 2.3 Science (if you've never done these before) On 32-bit, you'll get 4.7 Science. On 64-bit, you'll get 3 Science (2 for Report, 1 for Sample). Interesting thing: Crew Report yields full results (at least on Launch Pad). Solution: No known fix. UPDATE: Workaround may be found here. Note that it alters game balance. Right-click on part does not activate menu How it manifests: Right-click on any part does not activate context menu. This bug seems to manifest more often after several quickloads. To reproduce, start a new save and launch any pod. Try right-clicking on it and see if that activates menu. Then do a quick-save and immediately do quick-load. See if right-clicking became harder. It might be almost impossible to open (or close) menu afer several save-loads. Note that going to non-flight scene (Space Center) seems to "reset" number of "cycles" needed. Solution: If you need to use quickload, try to go to Space Center and use save-load menu from there. Otherwise, no known fix. Left mouse button is working as right mouse button upon quit How it manifests: After you've quit the game (by any means - menu, Alt-F4, crash), your LMB will act strangely (for example, it will activate right-click menu on desktop). Apparently, this is a Unity bug. Solution: Click anywhere with right mouse button, this will fix it. Decouplers does not working as intended How it manifests: decouplers does not apply any ejection force. Very rarely, they may work as intended, but this is random. You can easily reproduce it: go into VAB, place any 2.5m fuel tank, attach Rockomax Brand Decoupler on top of it, attach any light probe on top of decoupler, launch and activate decoupler. If it works as intended - probe will be launched into air; if not - probe will just fall into decoupler. Solution: Fixed in 0.24.1 update. Lagging GUI animation How it manifests: Some of animated GUI elements (Kerbal portraits and stage light indicator being most apparent) experience serious lag. The game itself is running fine. Solution: No known fix. Flashing frames during scene change How it manifests: During scene change (mostly between VAB\launchpad or SPH\runway) there is a quick flash of other scene (mostly Astronaut building). Scene loads normally. Apparently, this is just a visual bug. Solution: No known fix. Can't launch x64 version of KSP Solution: There are several, fastest is: - Go to your KSP folder - Find "KSP_x64.exe" - Right-click on it and select "Make a shortcut" - Cut-paste this shortcut to your desktop or other convenient place - Use it to launch x64 version
  12. You get several buttons which allow you to add money, science and reputation.
  13. PF was never fully compatible with Career mode. It broke your science archives in 0.23.5, it could break contracts in 0.24. This mod is sandbox-only. And judging by that Krag wasn't around for several months, I think we can declare Planet Factory dead.
  14. Can you include Fuel Science experiments in your future release?
  15. It's working, although prices for DRN ans ScienceJR are somewhat too high.
  16. Yay, I've been waiting for this release! Sadly, KAS functionality won't work in 0.24 due to KAS being FUBAR (especially in x64)
  17. Don't want to be mean, but it looks like you're violating KSPX license. As stated in KSPX OP: StupidChris, as a person who got the said permission, can modify it; you, on the other hand, can't (Although I think you can send your changes to StupidChris, he might use them if he likes them) RLA, on the other hand, is completely OK, as stated in RLA OP:
  18. Decouplers doesn't work as intended in x64 version - basically there is no decoupling force, which means that fairings won't fly away when separated. This bug was in x64 hack for 0.23.5, and it seems that Squad didn't squashed it (Or, in case it's a Unity bug, they simply couldn't do nothing about it). Moving from decoupler to a small separatron rocket means that this bug will be circumvented. AIES fairings use this method.
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