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Everything posted by Borisbee

  1. So, it seems to by the case that unless you use Mun as your template body, attempting to use VoronoiCraters makes the planet disappear. I'm sure this is because Mun is the only body to use craters so naturally it works there, but I'm wondering if someone with more knowledge on the PQS system could tell me a theory on why it doesn't work when trying to apply to a different body. Frustrating to not be able to use them on bodies since they are great for adding little detail to what might be an otherwise boring surface.
  2. Figure I should point out that Planetfactory is pretty much depreciated at this point. No one uses it due to the amount of ram it takes up for planets. Kopernicus is the way to go.
  3. Ah, this information is handy then. I wasn't aware what they were really used for. So it makes sense to have them increment outwards from the sun I guess.
  4. No need to call it Core. The confusion came because Augustus had a thread calling a config file "Kopernicus Core". All it did was contain a preexisting config file with all the planets from various planet packs so that flight global indexes weren't used twice. I can see that he was trying to help, but honestly I think it did more harm than good because it's just caused a ton of confusion on what it actually did. Especially since he was packaging the Kopernicus dll along with it. The planet pack authors should have just checked which flight indexes were in use when making the pack rendering such a thing useless. It's not like there are tons and tons of them floating around anyway. Random thought, would it not make sense to have Kopernicus itself assign incrementing flight indexes per planet it loads? Would stop this sort of issue in the future. Edit: Ok you replied while I posted, nevermind heh
  5. I just noticed this, and gave it a quick test spin via hyperedit. Figure I'll let you know a few things I noticed. Erin doesn't match up with the texture. There doesn't seem to be large patches of dry land like the texture seems to say there should be. Instead the entire planet is riddled with snake like veins of land. Pock doesn't seem to have a working color map in normal view. Just has colors of minmus. Looks like Pock in map mode though. Thud could probably use some tweaking with the height map. I haven't checked the original PlanetFactory in a while, but in this version the map view looks a hell of a lot cooler than the actual planet is. I suspect the heightmap just needs harder lines edge for the craters. Right now they transition way too smooth to really be as noticeable as they should be. Ablate, as stated above by someone, doesn't really look like it should. This is likely going to be the hardest planet to get right due to the unique shape it has, but it will be worth it if it can be done right. Also the PFOffset mod you tried to use isn't a valid PQS, it's a custom wrapper by Krag. Inaccessable could probably use a bit more "squishing" to make it seem more like the original. I think your main issue here is the fact you've tried to copy Krag and use PQSMod_PFObate which isn't actually a valid PQS mod. The PF stands for Planetfactory and it's a custom wrapper that Krag added, which I'v mentioned above as well. A few other notes, I'v noticed you've left most of the other PQS mods active that were copied over from the templates such as the PQS citys and noise mods. It's probably a good idea to disable any that you aren't actually using. As for getting around the PF mods that krag used such as oblate and offset, I think you might have to use the vertexheightoblate and offset mods (could have the name wrong, but it's something along those lines). Edit: Looks like Thud has same issue in default PF. I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to make those types of craters with seperate map decals. Also I noticed Accension doesn't look anything like what it should either. The other thing you're missing is Voronoi craters for most of the planets. You might have issue getting those to work though. Took a look at PF source, the PFOblate and PFOffset are actually custom PQS mods, so they may not be possible to do in Kopernicus quite yet.
  6. If you could, could you look into why the light source for planets some times does not match up in map view? I think that and the biome issue of overwriting the template body with the new biome are the two biggest bugs of the current Kopernicus mod. - - - Updated - - - I think it should be stated that Kopernicus core is NOT the correct name of the mod. It's just Kopernicus. The "core" mod that Augustus had in his thread was nothing more than a config file.
  7. Pretty sure this can do most of what RSS does, at least in terms of what you're trying to do. I don't think you'd be able to supply custom pressure curves and whatnot without RSS. I'm surprised no one has released a planet pack for the real planets now that I think about it. I'd like to have stock bodies along side our real planets, but at the kerbin scale. The big reason I never bothered with RSS despite how neat it seemed to be was I don't want to play at 10x scale. The terrain just looks boring as hell when you stretch it that much, and when I tried to use the kerbin scale version it seemed a bit buggy.
  8. This is subjective I think. Sometimes using a texture and normal map can make the planet look very flat from map view, not to mention it won't pick up any extra noise you add to the terrain with other mods. Here is an example of a planet done using both techniques, the first is without exporting a .bin file. And here is after adding a .bin. I prefer the second one myself, but choose what works best for you. Oh, and to create a .bin just use the export scaledspace button in kittopiatech. As a side note, I also ran into a problem of using Tylo having my planet not show up, even though Flo shows up and it does indeed use Tylo. Pretty odd. The sunlight bug is really bothering me, I wish we could get that squashed. EDIT: Seems I can't get the .bin to load without having to go to the planet and do a manual update mesh, unfortunate.
  9. A goal of mine has always been to add most of the real planets/moons in our solar system to the kerbal system along with the stock planets.
  10. I can load the textures with RSS, but the heightmaps seem to be not a standard format. For example I can't open them in an image editor, and I see no preview image, unlike the normal and color maps.
  11. Are you trying to clone stock planets, or actually change the existing moho to mercury? If it's the latter you should just use RSS to do it. One thing to note is that I found trying to use the heightmap from RSS doesn't seem to work, I think it's in a different format, so that may be your issue if you're trying to do that. - - - Updated - - - I'd say we need volonoi craters. I can't seem to get that PQS mod to work.
  12. The sunlight issue I believe is a bug from Kopernicus, I was hoping that was fixed in this version but unfortunately doesn't seem to be the case.. As for your moon without a heightmap in map mod, did you try exporting the scaledspace? There is a button in kittopia to do it.
  13. I'v been tinkering around with this some, and I haven't encountered any black terrain bug myself.
  14. I'm wondering why you put Better than Starting Manned in the "highly recommended" category. I'v never used that mod because I was under the impression it was a sort of "total converstion" mod much like his minecraft version, and it's not designed to be played alongside other mods.
  15. Can't get vornoi craters working. Trying to apply the PQS mod to planet causes the planet to disappear and floods the debug log with exceptions. Anyone have any luck?
  16. There's no real "development" for Kopernicus core. It's just a config file that has everyone's planets already added so that flight global's aren't used by two of the same planets, which frankly should be handled by mod authors since it's fairly easy to tell which indexes are in use (not that many planet packs out there).
  17. Glad to see this has been ported to a better platform, and even better to see that you made some changes to the existing plugins. I think these are pretty damn good planets and I'll be sure to use them in my next career. First Outerplanets, now this. I'm still patiently waiting for someone to come out with some well done atmospheric planets. Not sure your stance on CKAN, but would be pretty nice if you could add support for it.
  18. Does this allow the use of all PQS mods? Can we now use map decals? If so that's amazing, and maybe now we can actually get proper ports of the original PlanetFactory planets.
  19. To add an asteroid is easy. To make it with the quality of a stock planet is much harder.
  20. To be honest, the planets seem quite fine the way they are right now. I think everyone just needs to be patient and wait for the new moons to be added and see what other ideas they come up with. A thin atmosphere to me doesn't seem all that useful or interesting, especially if you're trying to take it even thinner than Duna. If you can't really use it to aerobrake or it's not an issue for deadly reentry, then to me it's almost pointless and might as well have no atmosphere at all. Remember guys adding any atmosphere at all is much more difficult to do than having none, which means it's going to take longer for them to get it right and up to the same standards of the other planets.
  21. Haven't forked anything. I'm still trying to see if I can't get custom planets to load along with config planets but it's slow going. I'm pretty new to KSP modding and the config node system I don't quite understand just yet.
  22. I'd just use a stock part as a placeholder model if you are unsure about part creation, although to make a mod like what you are describing will still require some programming knowledge. As far as the sunlight showing at the wrong angle, that sounds like the PQSMod_MaterialSetDirection not being set correctly for some reason. Maybe RSS is conflicting or something, who knows. I'v been toying around attempting to have Kopernicus load both config made planets and hardcoded so that I can have finer control and not rely on seperate mods for terrain generation. At the very least I wish I could load the default Kopernicus planet (mars) because it's done rather well in my opinion. I posted some test images of using map decals in Augustus's thread.
  23. I got bored and decided to play around with mapDecals. Here are some preliminary results. Unfortunately I had to hardcode these in and recomplie the dll so it's not compatible with anything. While I was at it I reenabled the original Kopernicus planet which is actually Mars and you can see in the picture above. The decal I used was taken from planetfactory Skelton.
  24. The textures are already available with RSS, they just need to be adapted to Kopernicus. I'm having issues atm doing it. I tried to add mars but when you get close the textures go away and it's just a bright reddish/white color.
  25. Here's a thought, has anyone attempted to add the RSS planets to the stock system? So we have both the stock bodies and the real planets? I'v been playing around with it some but not having much luck.
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