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Commissioner Tadpole

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Everything posted by Commissioner Tadpole

  1. Brotoro, have you considered using TextureReplacer to save you of constantly having to photoshop the girls' hairs into the pictures and having to play the 'Make-believe' game regarding their hairs while you're playing? You'd also be able to give the guys unique hairstyles as well, although this part is mostly optional.
  2. It's actually both fuel efficiency and part count(albeit weighed a little more towards fuel). So yes, you would be a 1 in my scale. You are now officially the King of Inefficiency. I'd give you a crown, but the vessel carrying it had so much fuel the Level-5 Efficiency pilot decided to make all that fuel worthwhile and is now in a biome-hopping trip on the Mun. Pretty much 6. The 6 and 1 levels can extend way further than they are described at. So there's no neccesity for a Level 7 or 0.
  3. Zero - 0: "Efficiency? What's that? Did you mean Exxageration? Lemme see an 'efficient' rocket. Wow, are your astronauts ants? That thing is microscopic! Go build something bigger!" In a more serious note, I guess you two would fit in One, as it is specifically for the players who aren't efficient at all. Zero or Minus One would imply that you're so inefficient that you actually end up being efficient. Edited, thanks for clarifying.
  4. Fact: Efficiency is something that's great when you have to manage finances - especifically, in Career mode. However, it's obvious that not all players are so inclined to make all stages to be recoverable, and that some are so finicky that they only use 100% reusable spaceplanes that can go Single Stage to Eeloo and Back, and will revert the entire mission if a small wing is destroyed. Ahem... so, we get to the main point. In a scale of One through Six, how efficient are you in Career mode? One - 1: Not efficient in the slightest. Will make extraordinarily big rockets that pack way more Delta-V and costs than necessary just for the sake of it. And out of that, only the capsule is recovered. The player is essentially dependent on cash earned from contracts to not go into bankruptcy. He/she won't care whether he/she lands in the KSC or in the South Pole - as long as it's in Kerbin, it works. Two - 2: Barely counts as efficient. Will try to make rockets carry only the needed, but will often do the job poorly or just not enough. One could say there are more flags scattered around his/her save file than money in his/her wallets. He/She wants to land in KSC, but won't actively try to achieve that and won't mind if he/she lands somewhere else. Three - 3: Moderately efficient. Will only pack the necessary to optimize costs and part counts, and will try to land as close to KSC as possible. Will also try to use a reusable spaceplane, but not too often, and will be mostly for flights within the Kerbin system. Four - 4: Highly efficient. Will keep a threshold of a value for each stage, and any stage whose price is higher than said threshold will be remapped to be efficient. If possible, will also use Kerbal Engineer Redux to monitor the delta-V levels for each stage to make sure that they're not packing much more than needed, but will also leave a little extra fuel. Other than that, the player is mostly similar to Level 3. Five - 5: Finickily efficient. This is where things start to get creepy. Rockets are mostly really tiny, sometimes even trying really hard for that. There is also a pair of parachutes for each stage, which is triggered as soon as it is ditched.. Basically most of the program is Spaceplane-oriented, and designed to be as much recoverable as possible. Nuclear engines may or may not be common, depending on whether the player priorizes cost and weight or fuel savings. Six - 6: 100% efficient. All vessels are as small as possible, any ship that doesn't land squarely in the runway is considered a failure, if a course has a mismatch and a correction is required, the entire flight is reverted to start, and Delta-V is as tight as possible to minimize costs. If you don't play Career, those can also apply to your Sandbox/Science save file. I guess I would be a Level 2.
  5. Minmus' theme is really nice, it fits with its' crystal-like surface and enviorment. Have some rep! Also, will you do a theme for Kerbin? In my opinion, it should be fairly upbeat and cheerful, considering how Kerbin is the starting point to a whole new adventure to other planets. However, don't make it too active, because it should also be fitting for airplane explorations.
  6. I think it is Duna's ridiculously huge ice caps that marks Duna an inspiration of Mars instead of just a clone. Seriously, it sounds silly, but it's what makes Duna be Duna, just like Spatzmiaus just said.
  7. ...I admit, whenever something doesn't work my way, I HyperEditâ„¢ it so it does. Fortunately this mostly only applies for more hardcore things such as docking, rendezvouing and Geosynchronous orbits.
  8. Enceladus' south pole would be my best bet. It has been researched that there are underground rivers in it.
  9. Do you mean rovers or Kerbals? Because Jeb was able to exit the vessel just fine.
  10. Whenever a ship doesn't work like it should, I HyperEdit it so it does. Mostly because I cannot stand losing. This is a habit I really have to cut back on... It's not a good idea to leave Job in outer space... there are several jobless people around the world needing extra money!
  11. You asked in the thread title what game mode we're playing, then suddently you ask which game mode is our favourite in the poll and post? Anyway, my favourite is Sandbox, but recently I'm trying my luck at Career again.
  12. I personally think it's going to be better if it was into Kids React. The characters in Teens React... just don't seem to be the type to be interested in KSP. As for "whiny users" swaming the forums... they'll just eventually go away because of the game's requirements. And most of them likely won't be interested in the game(or, if they are, will just get it to destroy rockets or be like Danny or CG_Kerbin) Ahh, I love the fresh smell of KSP elitism and generalized perspective of others in the evening... (Not) Seriously, though? Generalizing? Is that the best you can do?
  13. The T45 engine isn't always the best option, because it also requires quite a bit of science to unlock it, and it has less thrust than the T30 - thus, less dV squeezed out. And I have tried it before - didn't quite stabilize the rocket like SAS does.
  14. And, in order to "balance" it, they made the capsules' built-in reaction wheels extremely weak. You can barely steer the rocket even with wings! And the more useful winglets were only unlocked by the time you unlock the more powerful Reaction Wheel, but Squad decided to "balance" it by making the very first reaction wheel very tiny and weak, so the only real reaction wheel you can get is very deep into the tech tree. *sigh* Sorry if it seems I am attacking you or Squad, I'm just really frustrated because SAS modules are a must for me, and then they make them even harder to acquire.
  15. The new update made my game run really smooth for some reason. Phew, now I don't need to buy a new computer anymore! On the other hand, I hate how they made the basic SAS really tiny. It just makes career even worse, because proper SAS modules are just further away, which means more time having to put up with the near-inexistent steering torque of the capsules.. Shame on you, Squad.
  16. ...wow. I guess that's Easter Egg-worthy.
  17. Honestly, to me it seems like the KSP Forum is on the 'Active Community' camp.
  18. I really cannot wait until 0.27 comes out... Serious mode: Unfortunately, this is the KSP community's style of reaction, and I'm afraid you have no option but to deal with it. But yeah, I can understand why you'd act like that. Heck, we even got a .26 Hypetrain thread once!
  19. Poor Kerbin, got punched twice. Although I think Jool got the worst punishment, seeing all of its' moons being punched before it(plus Eeloo). Although, why you were angry at Minmus? It's fairly easy to land there.
  20. Now that's an interesting one. Good job! Although I think this should go on Mission Reports instead of General Disussion. Ask a mod to move it.
  21. I think you should edit the thread's title a bit, it looks like an official statement.
  22. So, in the end, your Planet Buster Mk2 transformed into a cloning device! Too bad it's so unstable, it could be fun to play with. perhaps Danny could mess with that as well, and create an army of Unnamed Mystery Component Kerbals to take over Kerbin
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