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Commissioner Tadpole

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Everything posted by Commissioner Tadpole

  1. Sorry for the bump, but I'm trying to port this to Kopernicus, and I need to know the planets' exact orbits. Doesn't need to be precise, I just need the basic idea of them, but if you want to give me all the details, go ahead. And as stated above, Laythe and Minmus will look like their vanilla counterparts due to the lack of a colourmap for Laythe and a heightmap for Minmus.
  2. Heh, we all make mistakes. I myself forgot how many times my probes died because I forgot to deploy solar panels.
  3. ...Wow. I didn't like the forum's over-optimism, but I never asked for this. You say that while you yourself is currently surrounded by(and is member of) a legion of black knights(no racism intended) who seem to accentuate the negative in every single flaw they can find. In fact, in my experience there are more complainers than defenders in threads like these. But it's no surprise, as those threads are mostly as a sanctuary for the former; defenders are mostly too busy actually playing the game, or at least submitting bug reports to the appropriate section instead of throwing a tanturum until SQUAD fixes it.
  4. If you can make a satellite that can do all of that by itself, then that's enough of an achievement in my eyes.
  5. Launched a small probe into a mostly polar orbit on the first try. My main problems were that I somehow couldn't make it a 100% polar orbit, and that my trajectory wasted way too much fuel, resulting in me being unable to fix that issue. Now, I managed to mostly curb those two issues. 1.0.2: Best. Update. Ever.
  6. Re-learn. I guarantee, 1.0.2 atmosphere may look daunting at first, but once you tame it you'll never want to revert to 0.90's souposphere. And as others said, 1.0.3 will likely not break the atmo again.
  7. I'm a fan of the Alternis Kerbol mod, thus it was a big shame when NovaSilisko announced the short end of its development. However, I'd like to continue the development of the mod - even though it'd probably miss a few features, such as Gilly and Ike's comet trails - and since license is not a problem, that only leaves me with two problems(and my near-inexistent coding skills): Can Kopernicus let you change existing planetary bodies? And would it still accept the existing planetary maps for Alternis Kerbol?
  8. Do you happen to be an user from the Starbound forums? You sound familiar to me.

  9. Loved this story! Although... were those red things Launch Clamps in the final screenshot of the tower?
  10. It's a pronoun used to refer to genderless/asexual individuals, replacing the terms "his" and "her". There are also other terms, such as "xe"(s/he), but that's beyond the topic.
  11. I feel sympathy for Dres, but its landscape just isn't interesting. You could say it's a spiced-up version of Mun and Ike, but without a planetary body for you to stare at from the surface.
  12. Give a screenie of your craft, so we can properly help you. Do you have wings on the tail of your craft? Reaction wheels can only help you so much, and too much of them can be fatal due to excessive torque. Also, keep your rocket pointed prograde at all times. Not pointing prograde is a possible reason to rocket flips.
  13. It took me three or four launches to master the new atmosphere - and the first two never had my rocket flipping backwards, rather I just flew in an innefficient manner to the point of me requiring 6k m/s of dV to reach orbit - and after that I'm just loving 1.02. Don't understand the complaints, it's a neat game.
  14. Say, what kinds of rovers you suggest for driving around on other planets? I've made a small Vall rover that can do 21 m/s, but that will obviously be far too little for driving around a whole moon.
  15. What sort of bugs should I expect when launching from other bodies?
  16. Oh right. I forgot that we'd be able to redirect it this way. Ah well, it's either this or no boulder. I'm sure many users would enjoy taking their Magic Boulders to Jool or something like that.
  17. Everyone back in KSC1 is enjoying upgraded buildings, R&D facilities, Administration strategies and whatnot. Meanwhile, I'm stuck with pre-0.21 buildings simply because I am KSC2... Talk about discrimination.
  18. NEWS: With the new Locked Camera, you can pan underground again! This means the Duna SSTV Hill Easter Egg still lives on!
  19. As we know, Xir Highness Magic Boulder, the lumpy greenish rock that wanders around Ike, has been wiped out of the game since, due to the game's coding format, any moving object that isn't classified as either a planetary body with a full-blown SoI or a spacecraft will not appear. But I have a concept that just might fix the problem: classifying the Magic Boulder as a vessel. Of course, that would completely kill the idea of it being an easter egg since all you'd have to do is to go into Map View, observe it, and either target it so you can fly a normal vessel there, or simply switch to it. These issues could be easily solved, however, by making MB be considered a different type of vessel; one that, like Debris, is by default invisible; like Asteroids, can't be switched to; like Asteroids, Flags and EVAs, can't be selected as a vessel type when you rename a craft of yours; and unlike all other vessel types, can't be toggled visible/invisible in map mode/tracking station since its icon would not be present. I'm not sure if this would be enough to save Magic Boulder, since there might be two problems: First, it's probably not possible for a vessel type to be completely absent in the toolbar that lets you toggle which vessels are shown or not in the tracking station/map mode. Second, even if the first problem is avoided, the game might be unable to always spawn one instance of such vessel in a specific orbit(especially in already-existing save files), and if it does, it might end up spawning multiple instances, resulting in a ring of Magic Boulders around Ike. But hey, better than nothing. Thoughts?
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