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Commissioner Tadpole

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Everything posted by Commissioner Tadpole

  1. Sounds like a quite interesting dream! Interesting how real world things can affect the dream world.
  2. That's some nice ideas you've got there. Mind if I add in my own idea to the mix? It's a moon to Bombora(and the furthest/smallest one at that), it is called Pacifira, and looks like this. (I didn't make this planet, this guy did after I asked him to do it). It's orbit is elliptical and crosses Crato's orbit, though a resonance prevents the two from colliding. However, they still pass reasonably close. Once this event happens, Pacifira is tidally locked to Crato. It looks like it is habitable, since it has jungles and it's atmosphere contains Oxygen(relatively low, though - 11.5%), but actually most of the moon is a big ball of poison. You see those two bodies of water? It isn't just water. Well, it technically IS water, but it's mixed with poisonous toxins and Kethane. Lots and lots of Kethane. The jungles are mostly dull gray, and the trees actually prey on living things. The vines extend all the way to the grassy floor, and at night, chemical actions deposit liquids such as acid into the grass. If you readed or watched The Life of Pi, you know what I am talking about. If living beings wander on the grass at night, the acids will begin to digest them, and the hostile surface of the moon will absorb it's nutrients and use it to produce fruit for the trees, often possessing small remnants of the victim on their core, such as teeth. It's atmosphere also notably lacks an Ozone layer, which causes solar UV rays to penetrate into the planet unharmed. While this isn't a hindrance to Kerbals and their EVA suits, this prevents any life from surviving in Pacifira due to the harsh life conditions. This moon may look too hostile and impossible to go to, though as long as you only stay out there during daytime, never take your EVA suit off, avoid the oceans, and, of course, stay within your ship during the night, you'll be golden.
  3. Will this work with Windows 8...? Nevermind, someone alterady beat me to it.
  4. "Tadpole, your rocket is too heavy! I'll just put you out of your mercy and toss it into the ground!"
  5. This is my second KSP dream so far, and it's more fleshed out than the first, but still makes as much sense. Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section. Basically, on it I am playing KSP version 0.24.1, where Kerbin's landscape was completely reworked. Basically, there were cities everywhere. On the dream, I was driving a spaceplane that seemed to look like a BirdDog from Brotoro's Long-term Laythe Mission across Kerbin's cities, containing Bill and Jebediah(even though the pod can only host one Kerbal). However, when I pressed M, I noticed that Kerbin, alongside Mün and Minmus were now orbiting a large purple Gas Giant. What's odd is that, in the Map screen, Kerbin was dangerously close to the Gas Giant's surface(in fact, it almost looked like a spacecraft could aerobrake in it at that height), yet in-game the unnamed Gas Giant looks even slightly further than how Jool is seen from Pol. Something odder is that the Gas Giant orbited the Sun faster than Kerbin did, which meant that it would overtake Kerbin, and after some time catch up with Kerbin again, possibly 'devouring' the planet in the process. Another incoherent thing is that, on the Map screen, it has no rings, where while I am controlling the BirdDog, white rings can be seen. After that, the dream got slightly less 'gamey' and slightly more livid, as I was seemingly in Jeb's point of view instead of just controlling the BirdDog. Me and Bill then flew the BirdDog towards Kerbal Space Center and went into a lab-like building(where it was suddently nighttime), where Wernher von Kerman was awaiting. Us three then began developing a large laser seemingly capable of destroying the Gas Giant. Cut to several Kerbin days after, the Gas Giant had re-rendezvoused with Kerbin and was going to collide with it. Several Kerbals were panicking in the several cities from 0.24, while me and the rest of the KSC team were in the Kerbal Space Center(that now was oddly sitting on top of a mountain overlooking the cities instead of being in the flat that it used to be on). Wernher fired the laser pointing at the Gas Giant. We all watched in awe as the large orange beam made it's way towards the massive purple ball of gas looming above Kerbin, and as soon as it hit, the planet vanished in a puff of smoke. All Kerbals began to celebrate the fact that Kerbin gets to live once more, and the dream seemingly ended. I have to admit, it considerably made more sense than my previous dream, which only included Minmus breaking apart revealing a massive battleship that proceeded to destroy Kerbin. The concept of a Gas Giant destroying Kerbin is silly, but also a bit interesting. What would YOU do if you found yourself in that situation?
  6. I am proud of saying this... Kerbal Space Program is the first game that made me want to learn more about Math.
  7. That happens with every message, the input field is never cleared, though with other messages they are actually sent, while typing /join #KSPOfficial it isn't posted at all.
  8. Well, I'm not sure, the wiki page states it's either Volcanism or Cryovolcanism. Makes sense, but I think they wouldn't add MUCH radioactiveness. Also, which page you posted the BirdDog's craft file again? By the time I saw it I either still had the demo or I still lacked the proper computer needed to withstand KSP, so I ignored it.
  9. I don't get how KSC is in a bad base location. It's pretty much in Kerbin's equator, which makes it easy to get into a stable, 0° inclination orbit around Kerbin, so it's actually in a great location. This technically means that any base not in the equator is a bad base, unless you're in a planet with an inclined orbit, such as Eve.
  10. Well, I've been having this issue since 0.1.0. I installed 0.3.0 today thinking that it was an issue with the previous version, but nope, still not working.
  11. I can't join IRC channels. On the (Notice) tab, I can type text just fine, but if I type /join #KSPOfficial, nothing happens. The text isn't even sent. And yes, I configured the mod's irc.cfg file.
  12. I wonder how the kerbalnauts will react if on Thunderstorm 0.23, cryovolcanism is added to Laythe. (NovaSiliko stated he plans to add that feature to Laythe, alongside radiation, so it's possible that it may be included, though maybe not on 0.23)
  13. Oh. I forgot that. Thanks for pointing it out. Might add in a notice stating that or even a FAQ to the main post so users who won't check Page 2 can see it.
  14. Unfortunately this mod seems to break my game if I try to launch it a second time after I install it. The game ceases loading at Squad/Spaces/mk1pod/cockpit or something like that. (I don't remember at which part exactly it stopped), and the error was fixed after I uninstalled this mod.
  15. Is it compatible with Kerbal City(a mod that adds a city to Kerbin) and Planet Factory Mod(a mod that adds new planets)?
  16. He's at the Astronaut Complex(alongside the rest of the astronauts). I'm just not sure if he's impatiently awaiting for a next mission, because before I forced him to he had to stay crammed in a Mk1 Command Pod at the Mun for two entire Munar days(which are very long, by the way). But my next Minmus base will have more room, so he'll likely be happier if he's hired.
  17. Also, Brotoro, you really should install the Clouds and City Lights mod. It doesn't changes the "important" classes, it just adds city lights to Kerbin and clouds to Kerbin, Eve, Duna, Laythe and Jool, and they all look really pretty(except for Jool, which looks like a mess, so make sure to disable Jool clouds by deleting the string in the cloudLayers .cfg file), especially Eve, which makes it look even more like a Venusian planet. That, and it isn't much resource-intensive, unlike it seems to be. Just figured I'd suggest this because it'd improve the quality of the pictures, being able to gaze at the bluish clouds of Laythe(though they might look white to you since you're colorblind, but still doesn't removes the prettiness). I know you said you try to run the game as stock as possible, but the mod doesn't changes any game behaviors or adds new parts, just adds aesthesical features, so I think this one should be allowed to pass. It's your call, though.
  18. I think I may have gotten better...I sent a probe to Minmus and a space station to Mun...both without MechJeb. Sure, it's something mundane for you experts with your self-sustaining Eeloo colonies, but I'm happy with my small progress.
  19. Everyone would die, because my skill level is not high enough to place a base in another planet/moon...or in space at all, for that matter.
  20. I can't seem to be able to sync with the rest of the server. It displays that I'm synchronizing with the rest of the world when I log in, but it actually does absolutely nothing. It only lets me sync when I'm seemingly piloting a spacecraft, and after it syncs up KMP disconnects me from the server, essentially making this mod useless apart from me being able to talk to others, like a slightly worse version of Kerbal Live Feed(because I can't pause and quickload). EDIT: That error is gone for now, but now KMP attained this nasty habit of randomly disconnecting from servers! AAARGHHH! It's like it's trying to do anything it can to keep me from playing Kerbal Multi Player and to trap me into Kerbal Single Player!
  21. I sent my first probe to Minmus and suceeded. Hey! It's a progress! The furthest I went to before this was the Mun!
  22. Any screenshots on how it would look like? I suck at making rockets that carry heavy payloads. I don't think that would work out, because I plan on the base to send in a minimum of 4 crew members(while still having some room for Jebediah to rest in too, as he's been in the Mün for an insanely long ammount of time awaiting for his base that never came since I suck at KSP, and I bet he's not happy about having to stay all that time crammed up in a Mk1 Command Pod.
  23. I'm sorry for the three day old bump, but reading this story was a blast! I hope you can continue writing stories like this! I wish one day I could make a long-term Laythe mission like yours. Also, might make a tutorial on how to use the Habitation module you used on Laythe for a rocket for the Mun? I liked the design and I intend to start off long-term missions with the Mun, since it's the closest object to Kerbin and therefore the easiest to reach. (I find Minmus harder because of it's lower gravity well and inclined orbit. Plus it's farther away) Oh, didn't knew you were colorblind. That must suck. The horizon isn't a rosy glow, by the way, it's actually just a bright blue. Just givin' ya a heads-up, don't mean to offend ya.
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