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Everything posted by SpacedCowboy

  1. Okay guys, hear me out. I'll try to make this short: Built a ship called "Kethane & Science", obviously entailing a lot of parts and tonnage. Built and tested each stage,(meticulously I might add). Launched for the Mun, got there but due to my poor piloting skills, crashed, hit the escape button, and got the options of "revert to VAB" or "revert to launch", which I chose the latter. So I'm ready to launch and the second stage starts to just fall off the rocket! Reverted to launch again, and with the same results, 3 or 4 times! So why is this ship (originally sound) falling apart on the launch pad? I made no structural changes! What's the variable factor here? A bug?, or what?
  2. Hey, let's not forget Voyager! or, V---ger. Like as in "Star Trek the Movie" It's a perfect combo of real world and science fiction. Can you imagine what havoc would ensue with "Vger" entering the Kerbol system (as in the movie)? A little frame rate problem there,? Ya think?!?
  3. OR, You could wait till 23.10 is up and running, send another ship with the the "claw" and grab him!
  4. That's a great idea, having fun and tidying up at the same time!
  5. What?, no AM/FM stereo!? Just kidding, I started drooling when I saw it!
  6. Boy, now I feel like a total idiot! The thought did cross my mind that the kethane might be down in the sea bed but, with a land drill the bit merely scratched the surface and your'e getting kethane, so I didn't think the mod would be THAT realistic. After all, let's not forget this same mod has that KE-WAITNONOSTOP Kerbal blender! Regardless, thank you for providing the link. It was quite the education. I was most impressed and inspired with Seanth's "Water Strider".
  7. A couple of weeks ago, someone was displaying their Kethane drilling rig, (platform that floats on the surface of the water). They were having a buoyancy issue as to how the platform floated on the surface. Recently, I had a re-entry go bad. (and yeah, Jeb died again) The only thing that survived was an empty kethane tank which hilariously bounced up into the air hundreds of meters, 3 or 4 times! (Felt like I was watching a danny video). Anyways, the light bulb went on, and thought, "Hey, I can make a great floating platform utilizing empty kethane tanks! So I went about constructing a kethane drilling rig powered by 4 turbo jets, testing it out in the water just north of the launch pad several times. I must have had two or three hours invested in the making. So I send it on it's maiden voyage to a pre-mapped kethane site several kilometers due south of the KSC, splashed down almost perfectly using the turbos and chutes, deployed the drills.,.,., and nothing! The platform sat about 2 or 3 meters above the surface, with the converter, tank and drills almost submerged. Everything was working but it didn't work! Whats the deal here?
  8. Yeah, pretty gruesome hey? I got the Kethane pack about a month ago and had to ask the exact same question. When you click on it in the VAB, it's description is rather vague. Anyways, I had to try it (purely in the name of 'science'). I put one on the back side of pod with a ladder ,so the poor kerbal can get close to it. (make sure you have an empty kethane tank). I put it on the launch pad, EVA'd the kerbal, (I think it was Bill) Had him climb the stairway to Kerbal heaven, right clicked on the 'Waitnonostop'. I then clicked on the only option it gives you, BLEND and to my horror Bill disappeared in a cloud of smoke! However, I DID have a 150 units of kethane in my tank.
  9. Thanks so much for quick response. I watched most of your vids and it was an education. Actually learned a lot (or verified) in the opening minutes of the 'Scanning for kethane Eps #17, concerning having two or more mapping satellites being a waste of time. When I first got the mod, I thought I'd be slick and launch two polar-orbit scannners and have Kerbin mapped out for kethane in record time! Put plenty of batteries and panels on them so I could leave the scanners deployed through the entire orbit. Didn't know about the having to be 'focused' on one particular ship for the scanners to work. Oh' well, play and learn. Thanks again
  10. Can anyone hook me up with a link for a kethane video tutorial?, other than the ' Add Me Games ' one, It's so outdated and, well,.,.,outdated.
  11. I'm surprised no one has responded to your thread. Usually this type of post would be bombarded almost instantly with answers and suggestions. Being unfamiliar with your particular mods, I'm unable to help. However, you might get a better response if posted your thread in the 'General Ad-on affairs' category.
  12. I am totally with you on that point! When I was kind of new to KSP had finally gotten to Minmus, landed roughly but without incident, Jeb and the boys were ready to EVA and check out that pale green stuff! But then only to find out some lame engineer had placed a radial chute over the hatch! Jeb cussed a lot.
  13. Ok, I get it, but I don't like it. Just depends on how much gun powder you lay down and lighting the fuse! Only wish there was some way to control the fuse.
  14. How is it, in the VAB or SPH, that you can adjust the thrust on both the rocket engines and SRB's but, on the fly you cannot adjust the thrust limiter on a SRB? I understand that a SRB is an off or on thing but, I just don't get the logic! Either it is what it is or, it is what it isn't!? If it's adjustable in the VAB, then it should be adjustable in flight! Right? Comments welcome.
  15. I'm sorry, but I have no technical advice to give you however, the explosions and crashes were quite entertaining! Not trying to be troll or anything like that but, that was pretty cool!
  16. Yeah, I did try the map view and space center thing and that didn't work, but I will keep in mind the save and load idea. Thanks for the help.
  17. Thanks for quick reply, I will try the right clicking on empty space thing and the IVA next time it happens. It was not a complex ship, just in lander stage with kethane stuff on it. I was trying to right click on the Kethane detector which was shrouded underneath a (I don't recall what it is ;;; 1.25 to mini hexagonal strut), but couldn't bring it up, kept on clicking on stuff and voila, a big mess. Any way, I will try your suggestions when it happens again.
  18. Had a fine ship ready to land on Minmus. Right -Clicked on various parts to check status but those various parts would not "right click off", like they're supposed to. Had this "glob" of highlighted parts imposing on the screen that I did not want to be there! This resulted in a crash landing due to the obscured view! Is this a bug or, am I doing something wrong? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
  19. It was not the wrong area and you are horribly inaccurate!
  20. I'm sure a lot of you have seen this flick but, was that one awesome ship or what?! The scenes of the ship entering the atmosphere of the planet (or moon), and then landing were just awesome! the big pivoting engines and all just impressed the hell out of me. Don't you wish you could build something like that with KSP? I know it's only a pipe dream but, damn!
  21. Alright! Thanks guys for all of your input. Think I"m gonna go with KER. I've lurked the forum for a while now and have noticed the "Great Debate"-MechJeb; Cheat or no Cheat So for now I think I'll try KER to start[/i
  22. Oh, yeah!,,, Duh, forgot about that. I refer to it a lot, especially when I'm trying to remember the name of the ship I was building the night before, looking a the part count on the auto-saved ship at the top of the list, and then scrolling down until I see the same part count and,,, yup that was it! Think I'm mainly concerned with the accumulated tonnage as I'm designing. Thanks so much for your quick response. Just one more thing, being kind of basic game player I'm not really into mods that much, (however I am running the Kethane pack), which one of those mods do you think I'd happiest with? I see by your join date that you're a "veteran" so I would seriously consider your advice. Thanks again
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