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Everything posted by VR_Dev

  1. Hey this is awesome, really well done. Dig the Missiles & the the well crafted fuselage shape. You should check out mine if you haven't yet.
  2. Yeah I know the tail shape is a little off. But it's a very unique shape that is hard to replicate. In regards to the main wings, I made a conscious decision to rotate them that far forward. Having the winglets nest into the main wings was more important to me than having them swept at the correct angle.
  3. Merry Christmas everyone. You guys are all the best. For my gift please just check out my new f-22. I spent a ton of time on it and it will be my last craft until I can afford a new PC. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104622-cb_co-f-22-Raptor-Replica-%28Stock-IR-Version%29
  4. Yeah the wing shape is the best I could do with stock parts. And because the new flaps are so under-powered it was necessary to use those slanted, .6 rated flaps. Other flaps could have helped the shape but handling would have been greatly sacrificed. In regards to the tail flaps, I actually disagree. I think they're too small. If you look at the real thing the winglets are at least half the size of the main wings. The stock ones are larger & look more accurate to me. Thanks for the critique though.
  5. Hey thanks a lot. I spent a ton of time on this and I'm really proud of it, so thanks for the compliment. Yeah that looks cool but I definitely wanted to try and keep the weight down so the thing would perform well. Tried to keep the part count reasonable too. I definitely had more improvements to make but like I said I'm out of the game until I get a new PC. I was gonna build a full b9 version with those engines. I had already built one from a previous f22 build. Yeah it took a while to learn how to use the new wing parts.
  6. The 8th complete rebuild of my Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor. This build has is completely rebuilt for 1.3, and is the first to be properly scaled. I took a page out of landfish's book and used a blueprint and Kronal viewer to make sure it was as closed to perfect as I could get. The biggest change besides the correct scaling is the redesign of the wings. I spent tens of hours trying to fit two control surfaces on the wings, but had to settle for only one to get the shape I desired, and still have the winglet nest perfectly into the main wing. HotKeys 1) Toggle both J-404 Engines 2) Toggle Port J-404 Engine 3) Toggle Starboard J-404 Engine 4) Toggle J-404 Afterburners (x2) 5) Toggle BD Autopilot (Armed Model) 6) Fire Weapon (Armed Model) 7) Toggle Team (Armed Model) 8) Toggle Rudders 9) Fire Hidden Vulcan Cannon (Armed Model) 0) Deploy Countermeasures (Chaff & Flare) (Armed Model) kOS Scripts Corkscrew (Forthcoming) Downloads [Stock] [cb] F-22 Raptor MRK VIII Exact same as the photos above, however this build has a stock nosecone. https://kerbalx.com/clown_baby/F-22-Raptor-MRK-VIII [Stock] [cb] F-22 Raptor MRK VII GT For the Air Race Course Craft Download kOS Script [bd Armory] [cb] F-22 MRK VII Armed Raptor Model featured in the photos above. Has a radar nose cone, countermeasures, and hidden Vulcan Canon. Craft Download
  7. Thanks a lot man. I'm gonna give it another day to dry out and see if my computer improves. Else I'll send you the finished product. It literally just needs some struts for the rebuilt wings & for the 4 robotics to be programmed. I memorized all the settings so it should be pretty easy. Also a couple pictures would be much appreciated for the post. I've spend over 100 hours on this thing, I don't want to see it go to waste. This is a pic before I improved the wing design, vertical stabilizer design, & made slight improvements to the fuselage.
  8. Great, they don't allow me to accomplish anything I couldn't before, but they make it all much easier. Unfortunately I think my computer is broken from the booze damage. I was able go get it turned on but it seems messed up and kerbal won't load. I was able to upload my craft though. It just needs more struts and the winglet robotics tuned and it's good to go, if someone were interested in helping.
  9. The pic I took seconds before the giant gin & tonic hit the keyboard. It was done
  10. Yeah using cubic struts and trial and error won't be missed.
  11. Don't know if it's been mentioned yet. But the snap setting affects the gizmos. Took me a while to figure that one out. Gizmos are making my life so much easier.
  12. Anyone having trouble loading .25 crafts into .9? Game running slower or bugs maybe. I've had problems in the past and had to rebuild, but I think this ones ok.
  13. Thanks a lot for the advice dude, and I know, I'm well versed in .cfg tweaking. I like to share my crafts though.
  14. Ok I just bought this game and it's super fun. Editor is kind of hard to figure out at first but then it's pretty easy. More options for things like the wings than in kerbal too. Overall it's like having the SPH in my pocket.
  15. Don't get me wrong I'm super excited. But I literally just finished my f-22 after like 50 hours. I'm terrified to go home and try and load it into .9. Super excited for everything else though. Editor update & gizmos will be fantastic.
  16. I build a craft from scratch at least 20 times until I think it's perfect. However often times I just keep improving it and i never gets released. Then I get bored and move on.
  17. Having fully tunable robotics in the winglets is pretty cool, and looks exactly like the real thing. You can use them as flaps or set them to change the shape of your craft. It's done but every time I revert to launch the robotics invert. Any idea why this is? Newest IR plugin.
  18. Ohh... I thought I was needed
  19. Wouldn't solar panels still be lighter? Probably wouldn't generate enough power though. And hey, I like keeping it classy, you made it wierd
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