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Everything posted by VR_Dev

  1. Here is the thread I have about creating laser weapons. I had a download for just the saber but I guess it timed out. I need to switch to a different hosting site so my links don't get deleted after time. When I get home I'll re-upload it. I could make you a green one too. Wouldn't take long
  2. Just joining the bug report trend. I went from .44 to .47 and now stuff is going nuts Edit: Now that I'm sober I can be more helpful. After I updated a lot of parts resized themselves to the largest possible size. Simply scaling them back down to 100 didn't work, because after launch they were big again. I had to rebuild the ship and now I don't have a problem. Some parts however, while resized in the hanger, return to their stock size once I launch
  3. If you don't have the new IR parts, you're doing it wrong. I can't believe it took me so long to realize this. And tweakscale man, really refreshed this game for me. The claws look awesome.
  4. While true, it is a complete redesign. The whole thing is much smaller, with a completely new body & larger legs. I also removed all the custom parts in the body & neck, so now it's only B9 & IR. After I perfect the body, I will stick wings & engines back on to have the MRK V Raynos. This is an alpha build. Smallest one yet
  5. Just in time to cash in on the Jurassic World hype train. I've built a Velociraptor Dropship Zoid. The Velocirop-ship... Edit:
  6. Haven't tried. I gave up on this a while ago. The poly count is just too high. But since then I've learned some new techniques. I know now how to reduce polycount automaticaaly by %, instead of by hand, as well as how to use low poly models with texture maps, like the iron man. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92220-Iron-Kerbal-Suit Either one of these techniques could make these run much smoother. If anyone still wants to see a whole pack of interchangeable zoid parts let me know you're still interested. I could do the same thing with Gundams. If you want to help there are many ways you could do so as well. I could also release just the cockpits if you're interested in building zoids with stock parts & custom cockpits. Like the t-rex above or my raynos
  7. Is anyone still interested in this mod? I kind of gave up on it a while back but I have a version that flies. Not well, but it does fly. Maybe I'll pick this project back up, or I could just release the parts I have if anyone is interested in helping me tweak .cfg things like thrust and lift. Haven't tried. Thanks for the info
  8. After a brief grieving period over the loss of the MK2 adapter I have gotten back at designing new .25 crafts for my fighter jet market. I'm trying to develop a distinct new style that will be as recognizable as my older dogfighters. Still nowhere near as functional as my old craft, there is still a ton of work to be done both visually and performance wise, but I'm happy with the direction.
  9. Still has to be rebuilt for .25, but Zoids are super syfy, and I haven't shown this thing off in a while.
  10. The Headless Horse-Gundam Happy Halloween homies
  11. The Gundam crashes the game if loaded into .25 so I decided to build it from scratch in .25. However that turned into redesigning many aspects of the craft & implication of the newest b9 update(which is awesome, and seems to make the game run smoother). So that means that a mrk III & mrk IV will be out soon. The MRK III is pretty much the same, however smaller, lighter, and way less parts. I'm shooting to keep the part count around 150. The hips have been completely redesigned thanks to the ability to move parts in the hanger. And the upper body will rotate in regards to the hips/legs, which should assist in walking. The MRK IV will be smaller still, completely eliminating the fuel tank the legs are attached to. I haven't decided where to place the engines yet on this model & this craft wont have the long distance capabilities of the MRK III. The plan is use this design for the deep space model that will be the MRK V.
  12. The attempt to rebuild the Gundam Suit for .25 turned into a full rebuild. Depending on the changes it will be either the MRK III or MRK 2.5. It is built using the most recent b9 update and obviously the new .25 stock parts. The new b9 update seems to make the game run much smoother. Improvements include smaller still, lighter, and a drastic reduction in part count. I plan on keeping the part count under 160 parts. The upper body now also rotates in regards to the hips/legs. This is the best looking leg design I have accomplished yet. The hips have been completely redesigned thanks to the new movable IR parts. I was able to mount the IR rotators upside down then move them into the correct place. This took a long time of trial and error to mount the hip, move them 180 degrees to see how they looked, then move them again. Every time you relocate the part they jump back to the normal position. The lighter design means I can have a washer above the hips. This means the upper body will be able to rotate in regards to the legs/hips. THis should assist in walking. Also working on redesigning the chest to be more compact. The intakes look much better than the do on the old MRK II Gotta love the new engine effects. Still lots of work to be done, especially tuning the walking. But I just continue to keep improving this thing, and I believe one day it will work perfectly.
  13. Cupcake I was gonna offer to convert all your dropships over to .25 using the Redux mod, but that pic doesn't look too bad. I''ll still do it if you want to offer a .24 and .25 version.
  14. Let me know if you need help editing the craft files to get your cars working again
  15. dude you are a pimp. I had no idea .craft files were text files, and so easy to modify. I've always wanted to be able to do this but I figured it was complicated. I thought I was going to have to rebuild everything, but here's one of my ships in .25
  16. It definitely just feels like time wasted which is why I'm bummed. I finally thought I had a market of quality aircraft set up. But it's cool I'm done complaining. I hope squad knows I still appreciate the update. Being able to toggle surface attach is awesome. As for now I'm gonna use this mod to get my completed craft into the game until I build some new .25 ones. I know it sucks not being "stock" but it beats throwing my crafts in the trash. It really is easy to open your craft files in a text editor and ctr-find to change the part names. Edit: One of my .24.2 ships loaded into .25, no rebuild required.
  17. One of my many new abominations. To me the older parts just looked sharper and more realistic Sleek and pretty .24.5 with the flaps under and inside the wing .25 version The body can be saved, just not the wings
  18. I had that problem too, with the floating flaps. You have to attach the flaps when the wings are flat, then angle them all together. Attaching the flaps to wings that aren't flat means you have to tilt the flaps to match the angle of your wing. I assume that's what high dihedral means lol
  19. I've always hidden them in the delta wing. It looks ridiculous sticking off the back on a small craft. It doesn't work on the tail however.
  20. That involves editing the parts model. Not as easy as tweaking the config like I did for the nodes
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