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Everything posted by VR_Dev

  1. This is how I feel. Which is why that clipping is immoral argument is ridiculous.
  2. Giving away your secrets, dangerous. Now there's gonna be knock-off cupcake ships everywhere. Really well done video though dude.
  3. Any pics to show what you mean? You gotta take some close ups hommie. I just loaded the b9 nosecone in so I didn't have to look at the round stock one. I changed the weight to .4, to equal the adapter and nosecone, which is bananas
  4. It's raptor mania. Mine is done pretty much done visually. Handles like a brick though, I blame the new flaps. And as always, the outrageously heavy adapter. edit; updated
  5. Yeah thats the problem using the adapters. No flat aircraft, but it makes everything so smooth. Why not just make it a 35? I think it looks really similar with that adapter body. Or just make it a hybrid of the two. Nothing wrong with original craft.
  6. haha I dig it, you and I have totally swapped building style.
  7. Now with wings! Looks better than I could have ever imagined.
  8. You're not alone, /u/G-wave built this a couple days ago. If you haven't seen it. Here's the reddit post.
  9. My god I hope that tthing lands on water. Is it more efficient fuel-wise to have the COL below the COM though? This is a question I've always thought about while building planes. Maybe Kerbal isn't realistic enough to portray it, but in real life it seems to me the Lift pushing up under the COM would be more ideal then the lift pulling the COM from above. I could be so very wrong though.
  10. Aircraft like the one on the left confuse me. Is it not better to have the lift below the COM? Why put the wings up top?
  11. Giving my ZOIDS a run for their money huh?
  12. For those of you in this thread with a reddit account. Subscribe to /r/fighterjets, lots of good stuff. This guy just popped up in my feed, the JASDF F-2A in ocean camo I would kill for a cockpit like that in Kerbal.
  13. Wow, never seen that before. That thing is sweet. That air intake inspired this craft. I figured the VTOL engine needed a big ol' intake.
  14. Part clipping got that tail in the direction I want, I feel immoral now....
  15. Yeah the F-35's wingspan/surface area is too small, so It will never be able to do this. I can't find it right now but there's a video of a aircraft designer verbally ripping the F-35 apart. I do think it looks cool though. This is the winner
  16. The f-22 Raptor. Love it, love everything about it. I'm a sucker for the shape & how smooth it is. I really like the f-35 too
  17. Thanks I knew Beta was coming, I was just curious if that was the number were jumping too. I'm sure it will drop the day I get my last craft updated to .25 And in regards to part clipping. I love it, it opens up a whole new world of customization. I hate being limited by the boundaries of the attachment rules. However I do consider it more like cheating to clip to boost performance. Especially hiding flaps inside a fuselage. There may be no such thing as cheating in single player, but if you claim your aircraft performs better than mine because you have flaps hidden everywhere, that's pretty lame. Edit: Mareczex said it better first
  18. Thanks I tried making a green one for you. But it kind of looked yellow. It is gonna take longer than I thought, but I'll try again. Also I'm going to see about getting it to work with tweakscale. For now to change the size go into the .cfg and play with the "scale =" & "rescaleFactor =" to change the size. The numbers must be the same. Also thanks for the compliment. They will just keep getting better too. I think they look enough like the real thing, but I want them to operate perfectly.
  19. Did I miss something? Is the next update jumping to .90?
  20. This video is incredibly helpful. Thanks nil. I'll have working hatches soon.
  21. I guess my understanding of part clipping is fundamentally flawed. From my understanding I part clip all the time, but I've never toggled the option to allow it. I just use various building tricks to do what I want. What does turning on "allow part clipping" allow me to do that I can't do already? Edit: I also have to do a lot of rotate & click before the part turns red. It's a fun mini game I play. Thats how I accomplish a lot of things
  22. I love the IR expansion lights. I think my cockpit is pretty cool too.
  23. Thats beyond me dude. Is that something you think you could do? Also the download link for the beam saber is back up. Conversation on the beam saber can happen here Download link in the OP and right here
  24. Dig what you have so far dude. I really like the battery/cockpit/nosecone situation. I love those nosecones for everything, but man are they unnecessarily heavy. Thats the thing I'd like to see fixed more than anything. Also really nice and clean thread setup.
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