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Everything posted by Floppster

  1. It seems your folder for the radial engine is named Radial.. instead of radial..., this made the contents not write over the vanilla part and i ended up with two copies of the same part, probably screwing with ksp. Also, ven.cfg seems superflous as most of it is present in the part.cfg file.
  2. I'm having some problems with this update, the game freezes on "Compiling Part Squad/.../radialLiquid..." and after htat line it says Exception: FormatException: Unknown char: #. Guessing its from the MM cfg file, but why would this happen?
  3. Backwards. (Source: I'm a snack supplier.) How do planes fly?
  4. I've got a MM cfg patch almost ready that adds Tweakscale, alters the title, moves the flush fairings and stuff. I went for my standards of 62.5 cm, 1.25 m, 1.875 m, 2.5m and 3.75 m. Anyone interested? If so, I'll edit it in here when im all done.
  5. Great looking stuff here, but the part count is...intimidating. Are individual models used for the different sizes or are they just upscaled versions of the same model? If they are the same, then great! TweakScale to the rescue
  6. Granted. The competition escalates and the WWW (World Wide War) is launched in 2016. I wish for a hard back copy of the Cadaeic Cadenza.
  7. Banned because you're not in Kansas any more...
  8. Well....granted. How is that ever a good thing? I wish for unlimited everything for my phone, for free.
  9. Sorry, we're out of twenty-two's. Can you settle for two's? They can be arranged to look like 22. I wish i always had free shipping. (#FloppsterEmmaWatsonShip2014)
  10. Granted. Due to a weird parasite, you end up in a coma but somehow live for 500 years. I give my wish to the homeless.
  11. Who is making that V2? Revers image search gives me nothing and the only V2 I can find is LazTek's and I hated that one.
  12. Banned because i can't figure out the alien race with a name being something like boggle or whatever.
  13. Posting rights revoked for using parentheses.
  14. Discharged for dropping the crown in paint.
  15. What if the concentrations was different in lakes and other bodies not connected to the sea? Can that be made?
  16. Yeah, I figured it was distance as 2000% seems a bit off
  17. Cool, I'll check it out. Is the bonus a distance or a percentage of the atmosphere?
  18. There's no issue, I just wanted to increase the range for fun and profit
  19. Is there any way of increasing the range of the particle collector or is that hard coded? I checked the config and the only number i could connect to that was particleRate. Does this affect the range or am I way off?
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