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Everything posted by Tyrador

  1. Ackander you put a lot of great work into it, well done! Do you plan to add Service Module System ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52362-0-22-Sum-Dum-Heavy-Industries-Service-Module-System-(V1-4) ) to this mod? And Asmi's ECLSS mod ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/58127-0-22-asmi-s-ECLSS-Mod-(current-version-1-0-12)-Life-Support-Mod )
  2. Hello, Does anybody know Normak's e-mail, he doesn't seem to respond to my messages. I'm apologise for inappropriate question. Thank you for your help!
  3. Hello, Does anybody know Kickasskyle's e-mail, he doesn't seem to respond to my messages. I'm apologise for inappropriate question. Thank you for your help!
  4. MediavlNerd, are you planning to add to this tree NearFuture mod? It's much more realistic than Interstellar and is better looking.
  5. Can this mod work with Near Future Mod? Thank you.
  6. Is this mod alive? The first satellite look great, could you release it please?
  7. Your work is absolutely amazing! Keep it up! Are you planning to make 1.25 meter parts? Also, could you please upload it to the Kerbalspaceport?
  8. Same thing, i stopped using Remote Tech because of this issue. As there is no connection when i have 1 Sat with huge dish and Sat 2 with dish capable reaching Sat 1. Sat 2 has no connection...
  9. Yes, you are right, developer has posted something recently, but nothing except pictures has been released for a months.
  10. Seems like project is abandoned, there were no updates for a while now.
  11. nothke Your work is absolutely stunning! Keep it coming! This is exactly what i was looking for, finally eva in space would have actual purpose!
  12. ECLSS Is Stunning! Thank you for pointing it out! What about Communications? I'd say they are last thing to remove definitely. Near future Propulsion pack has 2 great aspects, first one of the best models in KSP Modding and second it adds challenge with electricity management and is +/- realistic (Which is the point of my mod idea), as well as idea with capacitors. Deadly reentry is another mod that adds challenge and is +/- realistic. I completely agree that mods that try to fit everything is hard to make, but having 100 mods installed and having compatibility issues is a headache. Do you think it is possible to make solar flare radiation releases + general cosmic radiation?
  13. Micrometeorites with damage to solar panels and heat sinks plus change in movement vector of the ship. Micro-gravity will limit the No of Days Kerbals can stay on ship, artificial gravity (centrifuge) module could negate this effect. Recreation, psuchological, sleep and exercise is a hard to implement i guess...not sure about that one.
  14. Hello Everyone! Looking at the quantity of great mods developed, such as: Near Future Propulsion Pack, TAC Life support, Ioncross, Remotetech, Interstellar, Biofuels, Deadly Reentry and others. I've come up with idea to make one mod which encompasses some near future realism aspects from mentioned mods, particularly complex heat&reactor mechanics from Interstellar. And create some sort of realistic nerdy mod (Excluding the planet sizes) focused on obstacles facing manned interplanetary travel, such as cosmic radiation. So that when playing this mod you face constant challenges to keep your little green crew alive. List of proposed mechanics: - Life support (Air, Water, Waste and Food) - Hydroponics (Biofuels mod) - Heat Mechanics - Fission Reactor Control - Communication - Atmospheric Reentry - Electric Engines - Cosmic Radiation - Micrometeorites - Solar Flares? What are others not mentioned by me factors/issues in interplanetary manned travel, which could be added here? Thank you!
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