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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. I stumbled upon this: my first rocket. The thing is though, I didn't know about throttle, so the liquid engine never worked because I didn't know how to control it. I recently re-flew it (obviously now knowing how to throttle) and it got a pretty nice sub-orbital trajectory. The nostalgia is strong with this one.
  2. Here are some big things I've done in the last several months worth noting: 1. Multiple Mun and Minmus landings. 2. In-Progress Mun Base. 3. Space station around Kerbin 4. A rover on the mun. 5. A few SSTO's in low Kerbin orbit. 6. One asteroid redirected.
  3. Banned for not completing your sentence.
  4. Banned for talking about talking about quoting!
  5. No. You don't have feet. Is the moon an alien mothership?
  6. These rockets: THERE IS NOT ENOUGH DELTA-V
  7. What about exactly three? The person below me speaks French.
  8. Thomas988


    Pro: THIS IS AMAZINGGGGGGG Con: Die nearly instantly because there's no atmosphere. The ability to live in any video game universe you wanted.
  9. 2/10 You're slightly familiar, but I probably only saw you once.
  10. I knew nothing about rocket design and orbital mechanics. Nothing.
  11. Can anyone help me get this mod working? There aren't any up-to-date tutorials on this mod, so I'm utterly confused on how to get an orbital construction started. Also, another question. in the picture below, I don't seem to have the part I've outlined in a red box. Where is it in the parts, and is necessary to building spacecraft?
  12. I installed Extraplanetary Launchpads last night, and haven't been able to find out how to build spacecraft off-Kerbin. There also doesn't appear to be any up-to-date tutorials on the mod. Can someone help?
  13. You should see what my little sister built. That poor pilot. Didn't even see the ground coming.
  14. In KSP's current state I only build and fly spaceplanes for fun. I've never used them in a serious scenario nor have I ever taken one higher than LKO. However, with 0.24 approaching quickly I have been building and testing new designs so that when we start having budgets I won't have to use up too much money.
  15. I hope maybe I can see the SLS's first launch in 2017 (that's the year, right?).
  16. I refer to the parts' diameters as 1.25, 2.5, 3.25 and 3.75 meter parts. We don't talk about the 62.5 centimeter parts.
  17. This happened to me only once, but it left me wanting to scream my face off. I installed a mod (forgot which one), and now there were asteroids around Jool that I could redirect. So, I hyperedited my way there and began the redirect mission. All is perfect up until the last approach, which is happening way too fast, and then I realize that I forgot an ARM! The spacecraft flies into the asteroid and is smashed to bits. Rarely have I ever felt like such an idiot. XD
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