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Everything posted by Crzyrndm

  1. Sorry, I didn't keep a 0.90 version of KSP to compile things against so you're kinda stuck waiting for FAR
  2. Because unless you are travelling exactly along a heading that is a multiple of 90 degrees (0,90,180,270. ), following a fixed heading number results in a non-constant direction. The heading control is actually fixed to the direction the original heading you entered was in, and then the heading is constantly updated to follow that direction. Think about what would happen flying over the north/south pole if this didn't happen, and then go do it (with the camera in chase mode preferably, otherwise it spins around the pole) EDIT: East/West/90/270 being a constant direction actually only applies at the equator. At other locations it would have a turn rate that exactly matches a slice of the planet perpendicular to the N/S axis
  3. Latest version is only compatible with KSP 1.0, the stock lift/drag system changed considerably between 0.90/1.0. This is the last 0.90 compatible version I believe
  4. Alright, version 1.5.6 is the "official" recompile of that (+ the fix for the ghost ship...). RE: The cockpit It found Mach 2 and then the drag from the front of the craft being completely flat brought it back down to what you see there (I was sitting there waiting for it to crash into the ocean, because you know, no control source...)
  5. You can't start calculating the subsequent frame until you know how everything ends up in the current frame This is what ferram is already doing essentially (multi-threading is batching up sets of calculations that can be run in parallel)
  6. Ambient light adjustment has no dependence on module manager, you'll need to go to the mod thread (with logs)
  7. It allows one to make edits to config nodes (about 99% of what gets put in .cfg files in GameData) without editing the file directly (so no file overwrites which leads to issues reverting, difficulty applying multiple edits, etc.)
  8. Can't do it with stock, may look into it once things settle down with FAR NathanKell already made something like this (AeroData IIRC?)
  9. FAR doesn't show because it's for 0.90 and IIRC CKAN filters by version. 0.90 FAR working in 1.0? Unlikely...
  10. I'm still not seeing anything with all of those mods. Could you give it a try with this version please. Yea, that's still flying with 0 control sources. 1.0 changed something...
  11. Actually, no, there is an override required to make this work because of certain QoL requirements (nuFAR uses colliders by default for detection, but wing edges cannot use colliders unless you really wan't to mess with people attaching parts to the front/rear of a wing). That said, the override is simple (must give more rep to ferram...) and included in the patch download (there was another issue but that was just an update to how the plugin talks to FAR) tl;dr It's all been worked out ahead of time
  12. Control is exactly the same as stock SAS, press button and it releases control, release button and it locks again. About career, it's not particularly good at flying rockets (or rather facing vertical results in a lot of stupid behaviour) so I don't have much issue with it being constantly available. That's just my opinion though
  13. 1) You're probably running into the "Easing" behaviour. It smoothly changes the setpoint to reduce the jump that would occur when it slammed form "I want to go here" to "I want to go there" 2) Incase the OP didn't get it across, SSAS is surface relative SAS (with a few extra bits and pieces). First, Pitch held shifts as you travel to remain the same no matter where you are on the planet. No annoying pitch up as you travel. Second, all the axes are separated. When you give pitch input only, SSAS still maintains control over the roll axis (and the yaw axis if roll angle is very small). Third, in addition to the separation, you can activate and deactivate control for individual axes. Particularly, pitch+roll with no heading control is amazingly useful for planes (because you can turn by rolling, as you should) Thank you
  14. Assuming your issue is that radar alt is going to the seabed Math.Min(radarAlt, vessel.alt)
  15. Or use acceleration if you want a measurement independent of the current body
  16. Thats a yes, but the stock parts will require a MM config to change from stock behaviour to theoretical mods behaviour (which is pretty standard for part behaviour altering mods)
  17. Mainly add things to the tweakables (such as sliders with increment buttons) from what I've seen. Since PWings uses it's own GUI window it doesn't need any of that
  18. It's not, everything is handled internally (not sure what you would think it was using KAE for?)
  19. remove the "!lh2Amount" line. Patches process all values on a level and then all nodes on a level, not the order in which you put things in the cfg
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