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Everything posted by Crzyrndm

  1. Wait, you actually use the "stock" manufacturers tab for part selection?
  2. Can I get this moved to addon releases please. Thanks in advance
  3. v0.3 Added buttons to restore defaults and to save as default Fixed text focusing so it doesn't get stuck after creating a new row (this is why you don't make releases when dead tired...) Might look into adding a little graph to better visualise what's happening, but otherwise this is good for a while.
  4. If you have a custom part module on the part to be toggled part.attachRules.allowStack // boolean part.attachRules.allowSrfAttach // boolean
  5. v0.2 A default setup can be created (from file only at the moment) that will be applied to all new parts automatically Dynamic pressure (Q) readout added to flight UI Automatic addition of new entries (no more add button), just keep hitting tab Fixed "Copy to all" causing all surfaces to always use the same setup (only symmetry relations should copy each other permanently) internal Q now matches FAR Q calculation when using FAR UI cleanup (slightly, it's never going to be pretty )
  6. No such luck for a one liner (you could ofc make your own to do so), although why you wouldn't be caching the resulting curve...? FloatCurve curve = new FloatCurve(); curve.Add(0,0.1,0,0); curve.add(0.2,0.1) curve.add(0.5,0.5); curve.add(1,1); curve.Evaluate(x);
  7. Anything. It can make flying planes at high Q manually a whole lot easier, solve control wobble for SAS/PA, etc.. It's about as configurable as you can get with the very small amount of information it uses (that said I haven't actually tested it with NEAR or stock at all...)
  8. I'd recommend phasing out that bit of advice post-1.0. This deals with the SAS shake more effectively (took a plane from runway to 300kPa and back with no wobble) and more intuitively (if it shakes, reduce the % @ Q (once I add a Q readout that is)). Just got to add a few bits of polish (namely defaults, I don't think I'll add multiple presets to this one). Tuner still has it's place, but it will be the "advanced" tool going forward
  9. You have the wrong version (thats the April fools joke). Make sure you download 1.3.1
  10. FAR has a dynamic pressure (Q) readout in it's data (in Pa, note that settings here are in kPa), and I'll add one somewhere for tomorrows release The equation for Q is: density * velocity2 * 0.5 (decreases exponentially with altitude, increases by the square of velocity). Typical takeoff Q is ~10kPa IIRC - - - Updated - - - And a video
  11. Black plane is Pilot Assistant (link in sig), bottom right is blizzy's toolbar, and the info readouts next to the navball is DaMichaels Kerbal Flight Data
  12. Going to be recommending usage of this mod alongside Pilot Assistant post 1.0 (I just took a plane from runway to Q>300kPa and back down again with no wobbles without retuning any Pilot Assistant systems). I say post-1.0 because I should have cleaned it up a bit by then () but its already in a usable state
  13. v0.1 release Mouse over a control surface (in editor or flight) and press 'K' to open the editor window for that part and it's symmetry counterparts (window behaves very similarly to B9 PWings configuration window in this respect) The left hand column is the dynamic pressure in kPa (for those using FAR, it doesn't match ferrams value of Q just yet E: Fixed on git), right is the percentage of deflection angle (that you set as normal in the editor) that it can use at that Q level. Output deflection is clamped between 0 and 89 degrees (you can input values > 100%). All symmetry counterparts receive the same settings automatically, and there is a copy to all button for doing a quick setup Now, off to do something about that window... (E: Git version improved) NOTE: I won't do another packaged release for ~24 hours, but you can get the latest updates directly from github
  14. Git repo: https://github.com/Crzyrndm/DynamicControls/ I wouldn't recommend anything serious just yet (for one, symmetry isn't behaving at all), but it's there if you want to have a look
  15. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/48327?p=626740&viewfull=1#post626740 For more helpful links: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94638-Mod-Development-Links-Compilation-START-HERE For future reference, you probably want to go to the development or modelling (recommended) subforums for questions in this vein
  16. Neither is constant (ISP is still the same AFAIK, thrust post-1.0 varies with ISP)
  17. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88027-0-25-Aligned-Formatted-Currency-Indicator Hasn't been updated for 0.90 though
  18. Maybe (will get it working on the basics first, but probably can), and yes. It also serves as an Auto speed/altitude tuner for PA/SAS (given correct inputs) EDIT Flying on Stock SAS (no tweaks at all) @400m/s @ 500m in FAR with no wobble (dyn press > 80kPa). This has definitely the most useful mod I've made in a while
  19. All my minor mods are going into a single thread post-1.0 release. Please check my signature for the new thread The control authority a plane needs from it's control surfaces may vary over the length of a flight. At low altitude or high speed, the deflection we have may be too high causing excessive G loadings, but we can't reduce it because at higher altitudes we need all of that deflection to keep the nose pointing forwards. Currently, the tools we have for this problem focus on changing input scale (fine control, FAR's dynamic control authority (DCA) helper, etc.) which isn't always what is needed. Dynamic Control Surface Deflection approaches this from a different direction, altering the maximum deflection individual control surfaces can use according to the current dynamic pressure. This deflection scaling can be different for each set of control surfaces (so you can set ailerons to scale differently to elevators, etc.). Download - Source NOTE: This fixes SAS wobble with much lower complexity than PID tuning and without permanently compromising control output NOTE2: To open the window, mouse over a control surface and press 'K' License is GPLv3
  20. public static float GetAbundance(AbundanceRequest request) request is an object instance of type AbundanceRequest that is passed to the function GetAbundance. If you take a look in the definition for Abundance request, you will find the variable named altitude (periods denote sub variables and functions that belong to the variable with the period in C#)
  21. Fork updated (Probably) Fixed a major error of unknown cause first reported by Hodo here Reduced minimum size limits on several parameters to 1 increment (and tip width can now go all the way to zero) Enforced size limits on inheritance to prevent absurdities Updated all inheritance logic for improved results (shape matching now adjusts length if it can't otherwise match within it's limits (except for thickness), edge and thickness matching follows parent slope, ...) Shape matching now also calls width and edge matching when using left click. NOTE: If this is not a good change, I can easily shift this to be the alternate behaviour. I normally use all three together though, so it makes sense to me. What's worse is that you can keep inheriting off these...
  22. Fixed, update being pushed now @Yemo This is the sort of thing that makes exception detector annoying. It's good for showing that a problem exists, but it should never be considered information for reporting/debugging (This case is a perfect example, the very first error told me exactly what the problem was, the rest were just junk caused by the first fault causing all sorts of other errors). Had I had access to a log file, I would have been able to fix this and push a release without even testing it (ie. hours ago while I was at work) Exception Detector doesn't replace logs
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