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Everything posted by Vahal

  1. not 100m/s, I managed to have a 58m/s vertical speed with my first probe sent to Eve. Of course no chute, out of fuel and promised to a brutal lithobraking. And surprisingly if almost of the probe was blasted on the impact, a battery, a basic solar panel, the core and half of science modules survived. I laughed a lot. The easiest celestial body to reach and landon, that's Minmus. Not simple as the Mun to reach, but so easy to land on. Weak gravity, no atmosphere, nice flat "seas" at 0m or so... A really nice place to train.
  2. Well, if those kind of panels can be easily read and not flood you with zillion of esoteric options (not everybody is an astronaut or astrophysicist), and don't cripple the game why not. With mods like FAR, deadly reentry, Life support, etc, implemented in core game by Squad would be assurance that they are optimized for the game and uptaded as same time the game is. But with the active and skilled community of moders I'm not that's a real need. Those kind of mods are nicely coded and they're updated in the following hours of an official patch release. If a mod is discontinued by a its moder, usually there is someone else to take over.
  3. It's not a matter of Career or Sanbox, it's a matter of taste between ppl who like realistic flavor simu and ppl who like some scifi fun. Imo KSP is a good mix of serious business gameplay and fun gameplay. If I want serious only game, I go play Take on Mars or same kind of games. Sandbox and Career have similar fun and seriousness, the only difference is that in Career you have to build your space program from scratch and Sandbox you're already the king of the hill and have only the challenges you want to face. Career is also a good start for beginners who are not flooded by tons and tons of parts when they are barely able to make fly a tiny rocket. What you're saying is a difference of taste, not game option (Career/Sandbox) and seriously how can you want more serious game with those little green guys? Really is that serious? I can understand that ppl want serious space program, but Kerbal Space Program with less fun aspect it's like you wanted to have seriousness in Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon or Duke Nukem, It's not intended for that, I want serious FPS, I jump on ArmA III. KSP brings both fun and simu aspect in a nice shaped working game, making it less fun or less serious could break this balance and twist it in a way should be only allowed by mods not implemented in the game officially.
  4. What I don't want to see: *PvP as it is understood now -> **** off new comer with your advanced units. In fact no pvp at all would be fine. By extension I would be really cautious with multiplayer if you can deliberatly grief other players "oops sorry my poor little rocket blasted your nice space station you built endless days of work /troll." Some competition ok, but, I'm a carebear not a guy who enjoys to crush my pals. *Free to play model. Cause it tends to ruins a game. Same with all business model who turn player in cashcow. When a game is good there is no point to use tricks to milk players, they pay cause they like the game. And so far, I will pay and be happy cause the game deserve it. DLC, as long they are nice and useful addons, no problem (depending price of course). *Simplification. KSP is a complicated game despite his funny design and the blowing stuff entertainment. Make it simplier to allow total noskill to play it would ruin the game. I'm not against tutorial who clearly explain game's mechanics, in fact this is really needed, but nothing more. I don't wan't to see lemmings in this game even it's atm a solo game. *Weapons. Ok There already are mods with weapons and the vids made me laugh but kerbals are not humans, the only tolerated violence is relative high speed rendez vous. *the game becoming too much serious. I don't want to play Space Program Simulator 2013, I want to play Kerbal Space Program, with moar struts, moar rockets, blowing stuff, building WTFdesign rockets and land on other plantes with them.
  5. C'mon leveling isn't that painful and you're not that weak, but all gameplay are not well balanced, for example the mage gameplay is REALLY hard at the beginning when facing some good HP pool mob when stealth bowman is so easy from the beginning to the end I had to scale up the difficulty to have a little bit of challenge (without cheaty mod). I was lvl5 or 6 when I met my first draugrs and it was a bad surprise... for them. Their boss tasted some arrows and my nasty two handed maul, it appears he didn't like at all. For ppl who like magic, there are some mods like Midas magic who add some powerful spells (and some totally overcheated ones) with some nice visual FPSkillers effects.
  6. One of the most hilarious fail I had was when I tried to save Dodloos Kerman from his loneliness on da Mun with a lander and almost empty tank so I designed a rescue pod (basically the same lander with a probe core Stayputnik to send the rescue ship and more fuel to be able to send back the guy at home.) So First try, I Launch the rescue mission, no problem to leave atmosphere then I started to circularize and... BOOOM! I was so surprised that I almost felt of my seat. My rescue pod was almost totally annihilated, just the pod and the probe core were in, all the rest was just blown of or just flying away. I found out that was a fracking stage of the previous mission who collided into the rescue pod. How small were the chances that could happen? Jeb could say 50% it happens or not... Well, I was amazed by the bad karma of my poor kerbal and after cleaning orbit I sent another rescue pod. I managed to land it at less than a km and my kerbal was happy to come back home, there was so much snack waiting for him! So I made a classic and fast travel back to Kerbin and while I was in the upper atmosphère I saw a little detail really, really annoying... When I turned the lander in unmanned rescue pod I placed the stayputnik on the top of the little pod, where you usually find... yeah, the parachute The poor Dodloos knew what asteroïds impacting Kerbin feel.
  7. You can install some unofficial patches who fix most of known issues. i had a lot of problems with Skyrim, the worst was when I bought heartfire, the game was so messed up I could barely play a minute before crashing. then with Dragonborn, it's totally fixed, no more crashes. Notice too that if you are running too much mods your PC memory can be overwhelmed and game will crash (well, more or less like it happens with KSP), might happens too if you have not enough memory for the vanilla game. When I check how many hundred hours this game monopolized... Oh, dear
  8. yeah sure a Kerbal can't take data from science module ... with the state of art leading to those technologies he could take data from the comfy seat of his pod and stack same type of reports.
  9. Some science modules are not out of service after sending datas, thermometer is one fo them. And you can mount several science modules of same type on a probe. Most of them are tiny as possible so there is no problem to put 2,3 or more gravity sensor AND same with thermometer, the only science pods who are annoying for that are Goo and MBay. @ ThirdHorseman: 12 MBay, the main structure of the Bouchon 3 is made with MBay and SAS and I didn't need several pods cause I use the TAC radial storage devices who are a lot, lot smaller and easy to place almost anywhere (but without this mod yeah, I had to use at least 3 pods, erf, what a weight increase). You can see them on the side of my pod (the box are not the stock radial chutes). I had 12 of each science modules (MBay, Goo, thermometer, barometer, seismograph and magnetometer antenna from Interstellar) even those I won't need for the mission like barometer (they would be useful on return while being in Kerbin atmosphere but... I forgot to activate them ). I closed the case with encasing almost all my science modules in a service module (nice mod) The problem with my vessel configuration and ladder is that Jeb couldn't use ladder to reach radial MBay, and all science modules place on the "back" of my Bouchon 3, that's why I decide to totally rework my design especially now I have my beloved MK1 Lander Can (Jesus, I'm totally fond of it! It's so easy to configure a lander with it, good symetry, lightweight, lot of place to put devices, I just would that rasterpropmonitor be avaliable for it). About the fuel and the engine, I had plenty fuel (almost 900 liquid fuel), the pack you see on the vessel gave 1K4 dV with a Thrust of 120 but ISP of 390 If I remember right a sort of Poodle, but the main asset of this engine (L2 Atlas Low Profile Engine) is its flatness, drawbacks, TWR is atrocious, almost no vectoring and seems quite fragile, I managed to break it at my first attept of landing even If I hitted the Minmus ground at something like 3m/s, hop, just separated from the tank... =_=' Damn I like those little landers but no matter the efforts I do, my vessels tend to grow, becoming space behemots "Time to launch a little space lab!" *after some time to build it the "little" space lab weight 1,500t on the launchpad and the station itself "only" 170... I knew I shouldn't listen the little voice in my head whispering "whould be nice to make it go to Minmus and land everywhere you want." "Oh, nice nuke powerplant and electric generator, you may need them when being on the dark side of a moon." "What a wonderful engine, you need it!" etc. I do know how works science but I'm wondering how ewactly science lab is impacting it. Let say a biome has 100pts of science, you can earn them by several mesures whatever you use (transmission who is less efficient or returning the data directly to KSC who is the best efficient way to earn science atm) So If I'm using science lab, will I just empty the 100pts pool faster or will I earn a juicy bonus making the TOTAL pool of science for the biome reaching for example 130pts. Shorter, is the lab makes me earning more at the end than the nominal science pool for a specific biome or just empty the biome faster (and easily when considering long range missions)? If the lab was considered as same as KSC lab is (so for example no data loss during transmission between lab and KSC) the lab would be a must have and due to its electric supply consumption and time that take to process datas (damn it takes decades to process atmospheric datas! less than 1% per second) it's already balanced. atm Lab is just usefull ad far I know for long range missions when making several travels is a way too long solution (or sending at the same time several science ships but could be tedious and tricky especially when you have some "easy manoeuvers to do like Jool aerobraking @@ "Oops sorry Bob, I didn't make it in the time, send me a XMas card from Jool core!")
  10. Eve is a bit scarying cause its thick atmosphère and strong gravity turning the planet almost in a oneway trip for Jeb but Eeloo... So far, so tiny, so hard to reach and so depressing. But the worse is that there surely kraken lurking around, I know that cause it beheaded, my long range huge exploration probe I had so much pain to bring here. I don't want to lose some little kerbals
  11. Well, the weather station would be redundant with atmospheric sensor on Sensor Array Computing Nose Cone don't you think? The nice way would be to make atmospheric sensor, barometer and thermometer in a single science module, a weather station. The main advantage of weather station would be to have an atmospheric sensor that is rerunable cause usally weather station are autonomous module delivering datas continuously.
  12. ThirdHorseman, how dare youuuu?! That wasn't my huge science vessel just a little cork to earn science on Kerbin. Ah! Ahhhh! Fear my beautiful Science Vessel "Bouchon 3" who isn't really a flying cork anymore (Well, I know it's a bit overengineered ^^ ) Posing for the photo before Minmus transfert Orbiting Minmus and starting to collect science Landed, Jeb is really happy to be able to land this monster a bit failed in design (I wanted to make my last second only with RCS but they're too weak so it's barely able to counter vertical acceleration, so the vessel is vertical until the last few meters and flip on the belly activate RCS and... pray ) That's how I manage the descent Jeb went back home with 1701 science cause I messed up when tried to remove data (damn that's very awful atm to remove data in 0G EVA "STOP MOVING JEB! STOP MOVING FRACKING VESSEL!. Oh dear, he just smacked the solar panel and broke it...")... not enough place to store same experiment... and messed up a bit with action groups too. I just explored the greater and lesser flats plus earning some science in orbit. I will make my "little" bird to do the job more efficiently while I keep training on rendez vous. I'm agree with the attempt to make ppl doing advanced manoeuvers, but I'm sure there is no need to push them too. when you see a pic or a vid of guy making rendez vous and docking, you WANT to do the same cause it's perhaps the most efficient way to do interplanetary travels, earning science and whatever but first it's so COOL (and frustrating when you fail, again, and again, and again, and again...) I want to be sure on a point. A biome as a total science pool, the science lab just allows you to empty it with less science modules and less time (if you have to make several trips from Kerbin to the biome) right? Or does it give a science bonus that make a biome giving at the end an extra science amount when compared to the standard method? WAs taking with a friend who said me that and now...
  13. Hi folk. I have some questions about the magnetometer antenna and the science. The antenna doesn't deploy when logging data, is that normal? I can log eve with folded antenna. I can't pick the data from the antenna with my dear when he is on EVA to collect datas from science modules. Is that on purpose or buggy? Can we have an antenna collapsible by a kerbal like solar panels? TY for reading. *go back to learn about the art of blowing up rockets.*
  14. Oops yeah Heartfire . And, yeah items on racks tend to fall on the ground randomly, some others are sticked in some weird position. And if you put something on table or other furniture, usually you will find it on the ground the next time you'll come at home =_= . Zephyr, that's the bow you find when helping the poor dead girl to achieve her lifetime quest? What makes Skyrim just beautiful ils the amount of HD textures for everything. Ok, it makes the game heavier for the system, but damn, it's so nice!
  15. URA! Just when I prepare my second mission to the little mint moon. 07
  16. Ahhh Skyrim. One of my favorite timesinks. I just love to walk around and see how beautiful the country is and hunt [almost everything, I just spare cutes foxes and rabbits... most of the time) helping people decimating necromancers and bandits with my deadly and stealth arrows. I played an heavy armored nord with 2h battleaxe who was quite fun "hey bandit, see my battleaxe?" *SBAF in his head* "See it better? Oh... dear, you lost your head. Sad news... NEEEXT!" but tried a sneaky and nasty imperial warrior who fought with her bow and dual daggers. Just deadly. So much powerful that I roflstomped the poor guy you fight at the end of main Dragonborn quest (no spoil ^^) "Hey dude, how are you?" One arrow in the head "You seems to be in really shape... what a shame. two other arrows and it was down... . REally the stealth bowman is the deadliest "class" I played, without any mod you can almost twoshot everything when it's not oneshot. Another thing I like with Skyrim is the player community, with lot of modders, guys and gals giving tips and advises... Well, Like here in fact. The main issue with Skyrim was stability. Each DLC came with its bunch of bugs and crashes... Damn I was so mad when earthfire came out and just made my game so unstable that I barely could play 1min until it crashed. Hopefully it's not a problem anymore.
  17. Glad to read this! About the reusable ability, since I struggle a little bit with science lab I'm quite happy
  18. The problem about the Science lab and the beginners is that it needs not only science to be ASAP unlocked (In career mod I tend to focus first on science modules so it's not a problem) but some skills that (no so) new players don't have, like rendez vous and docking while you can quite easily reach Kerbin orbit, Mun and Minmus orbit and even land on them. Well it's not like encourage ppl to improve their skills is bad, but at this time of the career and perhaps experience, it's a little bit too brutal. Facing them even earlier than before to their limits, what can be depressing (and more when you know you are "losing" science due to your space pilot skill). Plus the fact you need 2.5m engines and tanks to be able to send it for space trips around Kerbin (you can with 1.25m i know but the launcher is... well, kerbalistic ) so need more science than usual to unlock at least Skipper engine, of course for thoses who want to make landers subvessels, they need docking port too to be able to send the subvessel to the target, drain science et and bring the results back... What you needed before 0.23: Basic skills (leaving Kerbin, orbiting and transfert, landing on low gravity CB). Focus on science nodes on the techtree in first place, like an investment. Unlocking science modules early permitting to earn science faster with drain it on Kerbin itself. Even no need to reach a moon. Until you have solar panel (who are unlocked quite rapidly) just bring back science report. After that, just spam science (who was a bit boring I have to admit, draining Mun orbit of all its science was long, not because it was needed to adjust trajectory to reach biomes, but cause it took decades to transmit back all this science stuff to KSC while you just couldn't do nothing else than wait (a bit similar when you have a 45min burn transfert due to your tiny engine and loooooooooooooong way to go). transmissions had to be affected by warp to make this less tedious. What you need now: Advanced skills: docking (well, not that difficult but need a more difficult skill to have...) and my nightmare, the rendez vous . Unlocking science, Skipper at minimum, docking ports. That means you will have some kind of troubles to do that without "losing" science cause you could not boost it with science lab and have to make numerous missions to spam science what will make the process even longer and perhaps more tedious than spamming science before. About returning the science lab it's not that difficult cause even if the module is big, it's not that heavy and i managed to make my flying science Lab take a trip around Kerbin and moons like piece of cake and bring it to home, the MK1-2 landing pod is heavier and less easy to fit with external components due to its... hummm... special symetry. If I can do that, new comers can. Challenge accepted
  19. I can launch the vessel, but game randomly crashes, or when I perform experiment but it's not everytime I use the module... I found out that was KDex when I tried to use only this mod and crashed while flying. Game doesnt crash anymore since I removed the mod. I think I will only add 0.23 certified mods to avoid this kind of problem and lose some poor kerbals when their ship is deleted (sorry Jeb, Doodlus and Chris, wasn't my fault. )
  20. Yup, happened on Eve and Kerbin, I landed my pod, deployed the panels made some science stuff and then went back to KSC to keep playing... Later when I came to the vessel I left, solar panels were broken . Only on planet with atmosphere (I guess thick atmosphere but didn't try on Duna, wanted to keep my panels ) It would be nice to repair solar panel or at least on OX-4 and SP-W/L models to be able to convert the remains as basic OX-STAT panels.
  21. It seems since 0.23 the KDex isn't working well anymore crashing my game several times. I hope there will be some patching around. 07
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