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Everything posted by Vahal

  1. So using RCS is adding more weight. So less TWR. So less efficiency. replacing a Poodle by more T30 is finally marginally better since you have to put [more] monoprellant, and increase the part count. Plus the size of the T30.
  2. With rockets, size does not matter. No need to check my staging. 64 bits is enough for me. Well, how could it go wrong?
  3. Well, a decoupler just above the last SAS and your little guy would descend like a feather in the wind. Just for the "challenge" I dld your save and tried to rescue the 3 green heroes. I managed to build an overkill rocket with more than enough dV to this mission. The RIP (Rescue: InterPlanetary) has 13K3 dV and is easy to fly. It was fun to rescue those poor guys with stock parts.
  4. To "touch" the basics of physic it's more than enough. We could say gravitation forces are badly modeled one applied at a time! shaaame! But no, it's matter of gameplay. Hopefully for ppl who want more realistic aerodynamic there is FAR and for the ones who want more realistic gravitionnal forces who require NASA knowledge level, well there are astronauts simulators or NASA program.
  5. I have some 502 too and F5 can help when you spam it. this error appear randomly during morning/afternoon/evening/night so I can't figure what causes this...
  6. Well it's time for some comments: I'm french so it's possible I messed up some translations but hope it's not too bad. First, it is said that Santeri Koivisto is a finnish NOT Felipe nor Squad. a study lead by Squad, the mexican editor of the game show that about 7% of [KSP] players are involved in aerospace stuff The physic model created by Felipe Falanghe for Kerbal inspired some teachers and among them Santeri Koivisto. This finnish former teacher left his job to start is own company: Teacher Gaming. Second, the journalist didn't critic the french eductionnal system. He pointed that there are two schools, the inductive and the deductive, french use one the finnish use the other and this one seems to fit better to explain some stuffs to young people. He doesn't say, finnish inductive system is better or deductive system is better, he said that one allows to young finnish schoolers to played with Kerbal Edu when it would be considered as too inappropriate for french ones and be better for students who have a specialized cursus about physic. He said too that Pierre-Yves Martin see the game as a nice feature to young schoolers science enlightenment... Exactly what is said about finnish youg boyz and galz. And let them talk about what they want about their feeling about the game mechanics and science stuff connected with like TWR or 3D object movements. The main point of the article is about the fact that Kerbal Space Program is a ludic video game who make people interested by science and finally have an edu mod when usually you have eductionnal game, not fun, not interesting and failing totally on their original purpose, making - young - people interested by science/history/whatever you can learn at school. And it's quite a nice compliment at the end... Especially when you know how videogame are considered by french media (I could say media cause no matter the country is more or less always same story "video games are evil, they make ppls mad and lazy and stupid! boooooh! Look at this poor normal schyzophrenic boy who murdered his hamster cause he wanted it evolve after playing pokemon!")
  7. "Welcoooome!" And now you know why kerbals don't want to go on Eve. "She will eat meeeeeeeee! NOOOOOOOOOO!" btw there is already a "face of mars" in KSP, it's the "face of Duna"
  8. I want Hans Zimmer music for my Shepard Kerman, while he is kicking Kraken Reaper with his goo'gun! Go Shepard! Go kick asses with your Kermandy! Well, more seriously it would be nice to have more musics and modified ones to be unable to find when it finishes and when it starts so you do'nt have the loop boring effect. Ambient music for atmospheric planet flights/rides would be nice.
  9. The reprocessing laboratory can hold several identical science reports.
  10. tiens ils parlent aussi de l'article dans le devnote tuesday de ce mercredi
  11. Je en sais pas si vous avez vu ça mais, on parle de KSP dans le Le Monde et uniquement bien en plus!
  12. never a good idea to have a match style lander, it's too narrow and tall, so easy to tip over. 4 Rockomax X200-8 strapped around another one is better. You will be able to ditch the radial fuel tank 2 by 2 (asparagus) to maximize your efficiency and have a flat and wide little lander
  13. Thank the Eve's syrupy atmosphere Well, after six career attempts who failed because of corrupted save files, mod fatal update for my .craft or my entire game I finally did it! Jool You're MINE!!! I though I was cursed I missed land U_U. But this mission gave me A LOT of science and I have nice wtf moments. I forgot to refuel my Impactors before releasing them so 4 of my 6 impactors just drifted way like space debris, I overstimated the aerobrake effect with Laythe so I had to burn some fuel more, fuel who missed to slow enough to land on the ground instead of the ocean. Well, I know what to do with the next La Perouse lander probe Time for the 8 other ships to arrive! The Jool Exploration Fleet on the departure... A long time ago now (Damn it takes AGES to reach the green god of Kerbol system!)
  14. I can't agree more People forgot what early access means, what alpha/betatest imply. It has to be a finished game that is not finished... cm'on! The first game of a not game company and guys wait that everything has to be perfect, fast with no mistake and debugged before each update. So why buy early access game in this case?
  15. Today I switched TAC Life support of cause I couldn't sacrifice Ernie Kerman. I sent a ship to Jool and it appeared that I underestimated the food consumption of my 4 kerbals Jebediah, Bill, Bob and Ernie. So There was too many guys in the ship and I had to choose one and throw him trough the hatch. But... How the hell could I shorten the life of a so cute little green guy? So I went back to the space center and switched the mod off.
  16. Well, considering it's her first fly and that the gears didn't obey when I pressed "g" And most important that I made a full scale skygliding I consider this first flight as a success. Super 25 flight more or less like a brick but still fly It's really surprising when managing a full IVA landing and BLAM! shuttle shaked like hell, explosion sounds and a bit of sideslip. clic onc "c" and... Super 25 wingless and on her belly. What the hell? Landing gear break down? And I saw the LG box so I understood. Like the guy say in Welcome to Zombieland, rule 2 doubletap!
  17. That's why I have 4 containers and my pod so I can make five experiments of the same type. Why? Cause you need often more than one experiment to drain all the science even with returning the science report. Usually it's around 3 or 4 experiments so I placed 2 per side so I will have no worries about the science reports stack.
  18. on 0.23 I made an undersized lander for Minmus an I saw Jeb in a pretty bad situation. Then I tried to tweak around the ship course and finally had this. I kept some fuel inside the tank to slow down at the last moment since I underestmated too the weight of the beast for the parachute... Jeb managed to land safely. He did even come back with Mün science reports! not mention for the classical "Get out and push dude!"
  19. Today I will not explore the Mün's anomaly cause the game only want to crash
  20. Sometime ago: http://imgur.com/a/pioB3#0 (dunno why imgur doesnt want to show my biotifoul album ) design slightly evolved by the time Some old designs: and a quite weird lander I imagined Land it was a bit tricky
  21. Vouip, très pratique, tu as universal storage maintenant qui te permet de faire ça également. D'ailleurs on peut voir les petits caissons de stockage TAL accrochés au niveau du inline NERVA (le moteur) ce sont les quatre caissons blancs avec les petites poignées jaunes. Le défaut que je trouve au service compartment c'est que si on accroche quelque chose aux parois cela peut parfois dépasser et être visible depuis l'extérieur. Et ouais coller des choses dans le SAS de 2.5m est très pratique, ça lisse le fuselage et permet éventuellement de pouvoir y coller des choses en plus. J'y colle toujours deux petites batteries et deux MRTG pour mes service modules et mes étages de transfert que je dois après désorbiter.
  22. Ah bah le forum officiel est plutôt calme, mais bon si comme moi les gens postent dans la partie internationale c'est un peu normal.
  23. Pour le pod qui fait le job, voui, c'est sûr, l'avantage du petit container de TAL c'est que ça pèse que pouic et ça se monte en radial, c'est très petit, une cannette c'est quand même assez gros et ça pèse la bagatelle de 0.6t, mais bon, j'ai balancé des "Poivrières" sur la Mün donc ouais, ça peut aider (en hommage àla pétoire du même nom ) Sympa les rovers. Pour Minmus, fait le aussi plat que possible et avec une bonne largeur pour la base, pas trop de SAS et éviter d'aller au delàdes 10m/s
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