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Everything posted by Vahal

  1. Near Future Air Conditioner Thank you! Jeb will be able to eat icecream again and not only drink boiled Minmus water.
  2. Considering all the ....ty games at 50 or even 70€/$ that flood the videogames market 40€ for a game that is smart, makes you learn stuff, use your brain, not plagued by facking DLC or cash shop, a game with an active and friendly community (well, unless you talk about mechjeb or who is the best between Karbonite or Kethane but hey, nobody is perfect ) with dozens of talented and devoted modders and nice dev team in comparizon of what you'll find almost everywhere else who do an excellent job keeping in mind it's their FIRST game. About the demo and tuto they enhanced them. TL DR, yeah, this game worth every single cent and the more you will play, the more you'll find it worth. I bought this game less than 10 bucks and feel ashamed that I've paid so little and thrown 50 through the window for games that I uninstalled after less than 20 hours. So I bought it for a friend
  3. Je viens de voir un détail pas forcément important mais qui a accroché mon regard. Sur le second screen tu as dans la description de Kerbin "Atteindre une orbite stable est l'une des premières choses que les programmes spatiaux en herbe s'efforce d'obtenir" Ce sont les programmes spatiaux qui veulent atteindre l'orbite, donc on devrait avoir "s'efforcent" Quand au sens de la phrase je dirai que accomplir sonnerait mieux que "obtenir" . En attendant c'est un sacré boulot et je peux sans trop m'avancer te remercier au nom de la petite demie douzaine d'anglophobes que je connais et qui sont très heureux de pouvoir jouer au jeu en français Tanque illou!
  4. Ahhhh this brilliant mod back on tracks! Well, just need to start over and make a new magnifcient archives photos set THANK YOU!
  5. mod que j'utilise depuis un moment déjà^^
  6. Yeah, shame on me I didn't read that facking manual and those unshielded solar panels can't be folded. About the the science bug It seems it was related to science alert.
  7. The probe core nosecone is already VERY heay for a 1.25m core. 0.4t is almost the MK1 lander can weight (0.6t). Four times the inline probe core weight and almost the same of the 2.5m inline probe core (0.5t) . I think it is already less attractive than for example the stayputnik or any other 0.625/1.2m probe cores due to its shape (one node only and rounded) and its weight even if it has more EC than the others (a 1.25 inline batterie is only 0.1t). The poor thing has enough drawback (I would decrease the weight to 0.3 in fact)
  8. So, I have two weird problems. First, I can't transmit datas. The datas are send, but never gain science. Next, if I can deploy my solar panels, I can't fold them, even manually, there are no option appearing. My OS is Windows 7 64 pro. here my mod list
  9. Just a little info: The Hound is till named the Terrier in the part description It's ultralow priority and corrected that. Thanks for the update(s)!
  10. I tried movie time with 1.0 and the plugin stock toolbar button doesn't show up. I want my beautiful screenshots back
  11. That's what I did, I removed the Sounding Rockets chutes and placed standard MK16 chute wich solved all the problems, made the design a bit special but efficient (lighter, cheaper, more room for stuff and finally more compact due to the removal of all the SR chutes) able to land anywhere I wanted. I even used antenna to make some light landing legs if the core landed on mountains. And with MK16 the descent is stable, the payload doesn't wobble like mad (speed varying from 6.4 to 9.7 event with NINE chutes) I noticed one thing, the decoupler is quite hard to place. I don't know if it's due to it tiny size but I have to carefullly move it to have a green light to place it.
  12. Yup, same glitch here and speed that doesn't want to slow below 6m/s.
  13. Haven't transmission problem with my install. datas are transfered properly and I earn the money and the science.
  14. And many thanks for the mod. It's the only way I could play Career since I can't play more than ore before beeing totally bored and switch back to science mode. Now because of you I spend my all time on KSP, some ppl will curse you
  15. Hey here. Since I'm totally fond of this little part I would like to know if it needs some update to work well. With the new aerodynamic changes and the reentry effect I'm not that in hurry to find out the container can't sustain reentry
  16. I will try as soon I unlock my docking ports
  17. Even if the stock system of smart warp is not that bad, I had some bad surprises boowting timewarp and passing the node so i'm really pleased to see thi mode already up to date! Many thanks... again
  18. ASAP. But I want too to finish my 0.9 modded career so While I will be testing the new game, I'll try to finish my career game... If I can resist
  19. The TT-38K if I need some narrow design, TT-70 If I want some wide profile and since my new career I use the MRS decoupler/sepatron combo. I used the manifold but since there is no point to use it (heavier for no benefit) I don't anymore.
  20. I use RCS only for the ship that dock to the flagship. The lander and the refueler have RCS but thos are not active when docked. Clipping? You mean that having more than one docking port used generate kraken drive/phantom force?
  21. and few seconds later As you can see now the Ap is deacreasing... so the Pe. Dear gods, what is happening?
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