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Everything posted by Vahal

  1. I see. Note that using FTP is not a real problem. I will perhaps have to remove some other mod. The entire mod weight 20Mo only, removing some IVA will save three time this amount of memory
  2. you know, "small steams make big rivers" like we say in France I know that Necrobones mods are light even if they are quite nice in terms of textures. It's one of the things I like. But I do not use only Necrobones mods and as a mod happy addict, I "mod "til it crashes".
  3. collaboration between the two of them. You want to kill my ram 7.5m diameter... I really will put Minmus in LKO
  4. Hmmm a color coded canisters update that would offer some textures choice for all the fuel tanks (stocks and the MRS/SpaceY) providing some of the nice textures seen in the Fuel Tank Plus mod (I can't use since my RAM is about to say "NO!" )... Is that something possible (like the fuel switch ability, but just changing the color scheme)? And more important is that feasible, meaning not too boring/long/complicated/memory killing to code? I was very happy to use FTP but since I reached my mem limit, I had to make some room, removing mods, parts (even stock ones I never use) so I wonder ifthis kind of mod could be RAM saving and allow me (and the others) to play with those cool texture without having the game crashing every ten seconds.
  5. Final Frontier had this bug yep but it's said as fixed so... Well, it seems the problem vanished the same way it happened, I'm just a bit sad my Asphia twin disappeared. I hate losing kerbals, even if they're from a bug. On a brighter note, Asphia Karte and Dira send greetings from Minmus, thanking Necrobones for his nice parts mods!.. And as usual Dira planted the flag on the wrong way... Jebediah has real bad influence ont my kerbonauts
  6. Well... It seems there was a KSP glitch yeah... and it finished itself... Very weird
  7. I don't know if it's related to LET mod but since it's first time it happened for me and the first time I used the pod... So I was in KLO and my scientist Asphia went EVA to check some science instruments, then she went back to the pod and I pressed "b" as usual and I heard the noise of the airlock as usual... except my little kerbonaut still was outside! I pressed ) to check and... she was inside! re . I had TWO Asphia Kerman. I verified and tried to send the "outsider" inside by pressing b another time but I was informed that the pod was full... So there really was two Asphia, one in the pod, and one on the ladder just outside! Any idea? Cause now I'm a bit embarassed since I don't know what to do with my two twins (the new Asphia is siiting on a seat in the bay. It seems I had some precognition instinct ^^ )
  8. Since I'm seeing this mod like hvy rockets parts mod, I think it's not a good idea. There are MRS and LET for other stuffs like service bays or struts. My two funds
  9. NO gatling gun was a man portable weapon, even the XM214 who is the 5.56x45 variant, M134 being 7.62x51. Reason one, battery supply, the XM214 drained power wuite rapidly from its 6-pak. Reason two, the weight, the lighter of minguns weight 11kg ALONE and empty. with battery, ammunitions and pack, it's barely bearable... Enjoy your 39kg for several seconds of fire. Reason three, recoil, the XM214 who is the tiniest produce ONE HUNDRED kilos of recoil M134 Minigun is one third bigger... Of course you can lower the rate of fire to reduce the recoil, but in this case what's the point to have this heavy and cumbersome stuff when you can have a nice and effective SAW. M134 was never used as man portable weapon, 25kg empty, 60 with it's standard load, it will throw its shooter after one second due to is 135kg of recoil at 6000rd/min.
  10. And now I've another reason to urgently unlock the 1000pts node time to deorbit Minmus and place it in Kerbin LO, that would be a nice resupplying station
  11. Well since as said before, there already is an interstellar fuel switch with fuel tank plus making one cfg for LET with LFO/LF/O/Mono is not that impossible (btw I'm trying fuel switch for every tanks and it works like a charm) and if fuel capacity looks at tad problematic, just add a reaction wheel and the "hole" on the bottom to place stuff like a cluster of Sparkle engines, the idea behind the "hole" is to provide a very flat engine section to land (almost or really) on the belly. The hole size would be a nice 2.5m wide. About the capacity of the landing part I would see as a little bit less than a Rockomax X200-8 so something like 240-270 LF/300-330 Oxy. I hope you can understand what I'm talking about since it's not my native language and sometime i'm not really sure how to explain what I want to tell in english Here my new lander, the Athena 01 B PROTO And a close up of the huuuuuuuuuuuuge bay. Since my attempt to fit a rover failed due the usual node vanishing problem on the subassembly ( ) I turned the bay into a multipurpose science bay with a big chemcam from Tarsier Space Technology and some DMagic Orbital science stuff, plus two seats and some airlock from Station Parts Expansion wich allows EVA even on big gravity planets like Eve or simply Kerbin making it to possible to go back to the ship without using EVA Pack, jst use the ladder, go back to the airlock and back on the lander can. I had to tweak around though. For example the radial fuel tanks are not in a radial symetry 4 but in two mirror symetry 2 pack since with a radial symetry 4, the bay doors will clip into the fuel tanks .
  12. About the ramp: Why not a sort of service module . An octogonal part with one side who include a ramp which has the height of service module, it will provide too some torque and few monopropellant/EC/a bay on the other side/fuel/flat landing system who would be used as the lander bottom, the ramp being one of the legs/several options It's a crude and awful plan but it shows more or less what I see as landing leg/ramp part. More Boosters, no save problem atm.
  13. Do you plan to import some parts of MRS pack like the long landing gears? Those are VERY, VERY nice. I like them especially cause they give a nice wide (as hell) base to your craft so you can safely land even on slope, something that usually isn't that simple and they are at the limit to land a Rhino engine even easily with some little tweaks. the very big landing legs well, they are big wich is nice but they weight so much (I know mass comes along with size but when I saw 2.5t for the biggest I fell of my chair ) An idea I had when looked at the octogonal can and octogonal bay... Octogonal fuel tank (perhaps for Fuel Tank Plus?) to fit with the rest of the parts design (no mention the help to symetry)
  14. Happy to help! About the last bug I think I had this kind of problem in the past but can't be sure.
  15. I face some troubles with the expanded service bay. When I attach something to the inside top, no problem, it connects to the node, but it's impossible to make something sticks to the ground. Here, no problem wit the node But it's the best I can have when trying to attach something of the lower internal node And same result if I try to attach anywhere on the ground, the part doesn't stick whatever I try. And for some reason there some attachment problems with the octogonal service bay. When I try to stick something on it it's fine, then at a certain moment it's no more possible. And after that I can't even delete the service bay On the screenshot I placed the part at the left and I'm clicking (standard way to deleted a selected part) and that doesn't work at all. And If revert the action the game seems to give up totally. Nothing respond anymore. the part I removed (the radial fuel tanks and engine) are duplicated randomly. This time I was lucky I could quit VAB, the 2 first times I had to use the good old task manager and terminate KSP T-800 style
  16. why not a wedding between a Sparkler vacuum engine and a downsized LL-4M landing leg? And its big brother.
  17. Just an idea from a total nooby who doesnt know a line on how to code. Is it possible to have IVA instruments linked to the VAB/SPH lvl? For example having the low tech instrumentation , them some cathodic screens and when building si maxed, MFD everywhere with fancy buttons and lights?
  18. The picture is enlightening Well, explanations too of course
  19. And what about the two other doors? If you open the four, there will be some clipping right? It alerady looks that there is some clipping between the inner door part and the chassis on the right door setup. The left one avoid clipping and should allow all the doors to be open at same time but it's 1/2 wide as the right door. If the first part was sliding above the inner part of the door (as it acts now) then the inner part was not sliding on the chassis but conventionnaly open like the vanilla bay doors that would solve both clipping with chassis/doors and opening width and the doors would not be as inconvenient that vanilla bay door can be since they are half sliding My poor two funds. And many thanks for your mods guys!
  20. Really... Could you have some mercy for our PCs? think about our memory melting due to your mods we of course dowloaded all. Sorry my dear RAM, I like you but I will hurt you download the mod I'm even a good plane pilot... Time to melt some RAM.
  21. 3 biomes, High Orbit / Near Orbit / Landed and possibly not working on atmospheric bodies or allowing "Upper Atmosphere" and "While Flying". I see some stuff to work around: Biome update. EVA manipulation. Heat management, how the part deal with that. KIS integration. I'm not good enough (well, not good at all ) to help you with find a way to do, I'm barely able to modify a cfg without messing all the part
  22. One question. The good old texture replacement allowed to change directly texture, with this new method, I guess the game is charging in memory the standard texture AND the retexture, am I right? Cause in this case it's an increase of memory use and since I'm really short on free memory...
  23. Why not make a main hull and create a cockpit part and a hatch part. That would solve your hatch headache and make a quite modular rover with possibility to extend the body parts like a processing lab with many bays to place science instruments inside, an integrated mining system, a cargo container, an ISRU, some ressource container (LFO, ore or whatever ). The hull just need to have both ends similar so we'll be able to place cokpit or hatch or another trunk section.
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