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Everything posted by DaMichel

  1. Also try lowering the conduction factor (ALT-F12 -> physics -> thermal). It might be enough to keep temperatures normal.
  2. The internet is awesome progress IMO. Sure it counts as information technology, but the ability to communicate instantly with anybody on the planet needs to be mentioned on its own. Also the ISS. Who would have thought that US, Russia and EU would work together like that. Big diplomatic progress. But yeah, some areas of technology really need some innovation, and the will to actually implement it (electric cars *cough*).
  3. We already got the answer to this one! (I'm so sorry, but somebody was going to post this sooner or later. Those are pretty cool pieces of artwork at least!) I highly doubt religion would be problematic more than it already is. There are plenty of different religions among people already, some (all?) of them claim to have the only true god. Adding aliens into the mix would not change much, i suppose. Rather, we would probably try to convert them to our religions.
  4. He he, i gladly helped debug FAR, which is awesome And yeah, the garbage_reduction branch fixed BDArmory issues for me (@Feni).
  5. Ferram4, sorry, forgot to remove my rescaled landing gear. Here is a new link https://www.dropbox.com/s/199qugno0pnf9rz/Suttle%203%20debug.craft?dl=0
  6. Great, it works with the garbage_reduction branch. I also tested the new v0.9 of BDArmory. My issues are gone. Ferram4, i made a stock craft for which the main axis is messed up. FAR dislikes the "shuttle shoulders" as it seems. (The craft is actually nothing too fancy) https://www.dropbox.com/s/199qugno0pnf9rz/Suttle%203%20debug.craft?dl=0
  7. Thanks. Odd. Perhaps, i f'd something up while playing with code of both mods. Ofc., i'm pretty sure that i removed that stuff again I'll try the garbage_reduction branch, though.
  8. Ferram4, i have encountered a bug, too. BDArmory missiles & bombs break FAR. Both the analysis GUI stops working and aero forces stop being calculated. Remove the missiles and everything works again. Craft file and output log are here https://www.dropbox.com/s/1odp1co80es7mvq/output_log.txt?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/s1xqq1v85c5q7dk/Smallish.craft?dl=0 Moreover, something odd is going on with the craft center line just after attaching the missiles. https://www.dropbox.com/s/fmmvgdf1b2txpin/screenshot2.png?dl=0 Btw. what about the chute thingy?
  9. Thanks. This worked @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleParachute]]:NEEDS[!RealChute]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] { //Copies ModuleParachute to transform it into RealChute +MODULE[ModuleParachute] { @name = RealChuteFAR sizeMultiplier = #$@PART[parachuteSingle]/mass$ @sizeMultiplier != -1 // 1 over ... @sizeMultiplier *= #$../mass$ @sizeMultiplier != 0.5 // multiplier = sqrt(multiplier) %deployedDiameter = 25 // default @deployedDiameter *= #$sizeMultiplier$ } This didn't. I don't know. It was this way before By the way, 2.6.7 of ModuleManager is apparently not in CKAN. I didn't notice, so i've actually been using the previous version 2.6.6.
  10. Hi, i need some help, too. I tried to make better configs for RealChuteLite bundled with FAR. REALCHUTELITECONFIGS { massOfMk1ParachuteInv = #$@PART[parachuteSingle]/mass$ @massOfMk1ParachuteInv != -1 // 1 over ... } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleParachute]]:NEEDS[!RealChute]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] { //Copies ModuleParachute to transform it into RealChute +MODULE[ModuleParachute] { @name = RealChuteFAR // mass = area * some-fixed-area-density // -> mass0 / area0 = mass1 / area1 // -> area1 = area0 (mass1/mass0) // -> diameter1 = diameter0 (mass1/mass0)^(1/2) multiplier = #$../mass$ @multiplier *= 10 // WORKS //@multiplier *= #$@REALCHUTELITECONFIGS/massOfMk1ParachuteInv$ // ERROR @multiplier != 0.5 // multiplier = sqrt(multiplier) %deployedDiameter = 25 // default @deployedDiameter *= #$multiplier$ } This line "@multiplier *= #$@REALCHUTELITECONFIGS/massOfMk1ParachuteInv$" generates an error. [ModuleManager] Error - Failed to do a maths replacement: +MODULE[ModuleParachute] : original value="0.1" operator=* mod value="#$@PART[parachuteSingle]/mass$" I cannot figure it out. Even the error report seems wrong since it should be one over the mass of the Mk1 Parachute.
  11. Not so long ago i read an article on cosmic rays causing dementia like brain degeneration. See this article for example http://news.uci.edu/press-releases/long-term-galactic-cosmic-ray-exposure-leads-to-dementia-like-cognitive-impairments/ (just search "cosmic ray dementia") So i guess a Mars mission will absolutely need good shielding. But what i find interesting is that the authors used only charged particles, "For the study, rodents were subjected to charged particle irradiation (fully ionized oxygen and titanium) ...". What do you guys think, does photon based radiation have similar effects (i guess so, since it's ionizing)? Big lead panels and nuclear engines might be a little impractical But the article suggest that medications will be developed in order to fight these conditions. Which would be cool since it will help here on earth, too
  12. I'm playing through a SETI campaign with KScale2 and couple of other mods. Excellent work so far. Much better than stock. There are two issues that bug me a little. First, fuel lines come very late. I know, asparagus staging. But they are also needed for shuttles (main engine on shuttle, fed by external tank). AFAIK there is no other way to do it. I think a good place to introduce fuel lines is the same tier that the medium sized space plane parts are on. Secondly, big space plane parts are split over two successive tiers. So cargo bays and tanks come first, next tier has cockpit, adapters and so on. Cargo bays and fuel tanks are pretty useless without the adapters, therefore things should be rearranged a little.
  13. Well, sucks for people like me who don't read manuals Have this feature suggestion then: Add your BDArmory button to the KSC scene and make it open the config dialog. Quite simple and would make it more N00b friendly accessible for new players. Nice plane btw.
  14. This is a pretty low mass. I guess some mod parts have such low mass because i cannot recall seeing a part that has less mass than 0.001 which is for, i think, the small cubic strut. Therefore, can you explain why?
  15. Err, i don't know how to assign a joystick button Ok, suppose i just like to have things handled by the stock gui for consistency. There are plenty of mods doing their own thing with hotkeys and such. Mostly out of necessity. But sometimes there are conflicts. No problem if you don't like my suggestion.
  16. The first thing that seemed to have helped me is to let Steam check and redownload broken game files. There were actually some broken files in my install. But still i get overheating from time to time. Second, as a simple workaround: ALT-F12, go to physics menu, thermal tab, and turn off the checkboxes for conduction, radiation and so on. Also tune down all the sliders to zero. This should pretty much disable the system. Unfortunately the settings are not persistent :-/ Perhaps it is possible to shut it off via ini files?
  17. BahamutoD, i'm a fan of your work There was a little issue with BDArmory, namely it didn't allow for firing gun turrets from action groups. So yesterday i made a dirty little hack in order to let me fire guns via the fire action of the weapon manager. I made it to fire a lengthy burst since it doesn't seem to recognize when a AG button is held down. Here it is https://github.com/BahamutoD/BDArmory/compare/master...DaMichel:fire-gun-from-wp-man No pull request because it's such a dirty hack you probably want to do it differently anyway. Is there a chance we could get fire via AG buttons proper?
  18. This talk showed some very impressive stuff. However, i'm not scared of the machines yet. These systems basically just classify things, i.e. associate one thing with another, if i understand correctly. It will not suddenly make an AI emerge with its own goals, ideas, creativity and so on. IMO, one must be much more afraid about people abusing these technologies (loss of jobs - like the guy in the video said, surveillance, stupidification of humans due to "offloading" intellectual activity to the computer, and other ways we haven't even thought about yet). Perhaps some day (not within my lifetime) mankind will understand what consciousness/sentience actually is and then we will replicate it in the computer. I believe we will obtain the hardware requirements to runs this on much sooner. A benevolent AI overlord might actually be a good thing
  19. Some people are seriously trying to simulate a complete human brain, eventually. By 2023 the project is supposed to deliver some results ... https://www.humanbrainproject.eu/discover/the-project/overview I suppose from a purely materialistic point of view, once it is possible to simulate all the neurons in the brain with all its connections, it would be possible to create a virtual human mind - provided we somehow miraculously get all the connections right. Might have to wait for a little while longer until our computers are powerful enough. We have 1,000 trillion synaptic connections. So i guess we need computer memory of the order of Petabytes to represent them in a simulation. Meanwhile we can simulate little worms http://www.openworm.org/about.html
  20. That would be great. I didn't notice a leak once the game is loaded. All that memory is used up when scatterer is initialized. P.S. you are doing a pretty good job for an amateur! Well sure, but i would rather setup dual boot with linux than mess around with KSP under win64
  21. I started a similar career game, too. No Remote Tech, but with FAR and SETI Contracts. SETI contracts start with unmanned probes and slowly build up the game until the first kerbaled Mun landing. This has worked in a very well balanced way so far. In contrast to the stock start, the lighter probes get much more easily into orbit and to the mun. So there is enough opportunity to get upgrades for kerbaled missions. In a stock scale game this doesn't matter too much. But stock career with K2Scale is horrible No way to build well designed crafts with the starter parts there. Just wanted to report.
  22. I love this mod. It makes KSP so much more pretty. If it wasn't for the memory consumption it would definitely be a cannot play without mod, right next to FAR. My current KSP install needs about 2.3 GB on the start screen. If i load my savegame it needs about 2.7 GB *without* Scatterer. Scatter just pushes it to 3.3 GB. It runs very unstable like that since i frequently get spikes that go over the limit. Is there a way to reduce the memory consumption? It seems like a lot. You probably know the works of Bruneton and Neyret (2008) and others http://www-evasion.imag.fr/people/Eric.Bruneton/. In "Precomputed Atmospheric Scattering" they say "Thanks to our optimized parameterization our 4D table has a better precision and uses less space than the 3D table of [sFE07] (8 MB for S with 16 bits floats vs 12 MB for their 1283 texture).". Hardly the 512 Mb that i'm seeing. Any ideas? Here is the article http://www-ljk.imag.fr/Publications/Basilic/com.lmc.publi.PUBLI_Article@11e7cdda2f7_f64b69/article.pdf
  23. Base system is Ubuntu, and Mint on my laptop. I mix and match components though Window Manager: i3wm Login: lightdm Mosts apps: KDE The laptop is actually a Mac Book Air, setup with dual boot Linux. At work we have Gentoo (!) with all sorts of fancy stuff, btrfs, systemd and whatnot ... Our system admin is a big Linux geek obviously
  24. I have the suspicion that this bug is some sort of numerical instability that occurs with numerical solutions of differential equations when the time step is chosen too large, i.e. solutions will oscillate to infinity like so (blue line, obviously) I think i actually saw some temperature oscillations in my crafts where the bug happened. I guess KSP uses the simple Euler method to solve the heat transfer equations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler_method. Does anyone know? If this is true, Squad would be better off using backward Euler https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backward_Euler_method which works with arbitrarily large time steps. It would require the solution of a matrix equation for each step but that cost could be spread over several frames by solving only every couple of frames.
  25. To be clear, i'm not disputing that performance should be taken into account. Should have said "sensible designing for performance" when i wrote "optimization"
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