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Everything posted by Overfloater

  1. Error - internet not connected to Xannari. WinkAllKerb'???
  2. False. I don't understand it. :-[ The user below me is some guy in youtube.
  3. More than 5000 maybe... Unregistered. ;( The user below me isn't from north america.
  4. Sorry, never met them ;( The user below me is a fan of the band Soundgarden.
  5. Nope. There don't seem to be any "broken" game mechanics to exploit this time, so i'll have to play it differently. Maybe i'll steal Mesklin's unlimited range idea
  6. True. The user below me is older than 40.
  7. False, I use 2 laptops The user below me lives on the eastern hemisphere.
  8. False, I don't have kids. The user below me likes tomato chips.
  9. My super-power of choice would be the ability to throw a ball through a hoop. I'd be stinkin' rich
  10. Granted, but your computer will catch fire when KSP is loaded at ludicrous speed. I wish for a stinky pile of poo.
  11. I'm sure something can be done using those resource mining contraptions :] I'm still getting used to the new gameplay.
  12. Users TAL and Mesklin (sorry can't find) already did theirs... Mine can land on Laythe and stay there.
  13. All i had to do instead of starting a thread, is wait 2 more minutes until this one pops up This is supposed to look like a T-62:
  14. Hehehe thanks mate 8-) not sure i have the nerves to start messing with bearings, i was considering some robotics mod. Those RTGs looked like the roundest & most fitting parts at first. perhaps it would be better to just make the gun one straight girder :->
  15. "Plumber in Ararat"? I thought plumbers are Italian.
  16. My Moho mission attempt number... 50: What the hell? O.O flying to RSS mars+phobos+deimos was easier than this! Must be all those nerfed engines... If you're wondering i'm doing a brute-force direct Kerbin-Moho transfer. Hopefully there's enough stages this time. P.S. Stock solar system Moho --.--
  17. Peer pressure is strong these days! This was slapped together in 10 minutes modeled after 1950's-60's USSR tanks T-54/55/62. (or whatever you make from it). Notable characteristics: - Utterly useless - Fixed turret. Ever been in a mid-battle situation where you shot towards an enemy target, but then realized that your turret was faced backwards the whole time? rest assured as with this tank your turret permanently faces forward! - Crew capacity: zero. Automatic tank! Made from about ~150 parts. I'm not entirely satisfied with it, maybe i could make the turret sleeker using more intakes... CRAFT FILE? Not sure why you would possibly need that
  18. I'd say 3000 for sure Or do u mean only marked posts? Theres nothing to guess as i can't look away from the post count...
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