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Everything posted by Overfloater

  1. Meat. (as red & juicy as possible :-p)
  2. What could be more awesome than a picture of Bob who took a chair-ride to low Eve orbit? =)
  3. The sound of a cellphone vibrator. My most hated sound. Why is this thing SO freaking LOUD? X-[ Have manufacturers forgot what the purpose of the vibration is?! My 30$ Nokia is not like that, though. When it vibrates nobody hears it, and only I feel it. :^3
  4. I figured rather than landing a hundred times until I get it right, I'll just drive to the mountain. It's a very tiny spot, but if you do hit it, it is still likely you would land on a slope. My other option is to make it a plane, so it could glide to the place. :-b
  5. My Eve ascent vehicle has shrank, but so has it's range. Although 3,500m above sea level is no longer enough, the craft now starts to look like something you would put on a multiple-mission rocket. Can also ascend from 5,400m, but half of the jet-pack will be needed to finish circularizing. 6,500 worked fine, so I didn't need to climb the whole 7,500m mountain =)
  6. For producing blue popcorn. How much pea would a peacock pea if a peacock could peacock?
  7. That means you have to visit the forum more rarely. Where do i sign up for the Pluto-One mission?
  8. Achieved low Eve orbit. But so far only from 3,400 m. Yeah yeah, another "chair ride to orbit". The rocket never reaches terminal speed on ascent, so the pilot might get out of this in a single piece ;-b On my "real" mission he's gonna descend in a capsule though.
  9. Wasteful burn galore is what that was ;-] Bop & Pol could have been visited in a single flight, if it wasn't for the challenge requirements. The Duna transfer was like that because I didn't wait for the transfer window, and the rendezvous after Duna-landing was just awkward :-S I don't know why I didn't visit Duna & Ike on a single flight :-p A more patient player might have covered all of the outer solar system with this ship.
  10. 48. Wear some pants for the next conference meeting. 49. Try to simultaneously lift the door handle, turn the key and grab hold of the radio antenna. Always does the trick.
  11. I was wondering about that too. Y'all sure that's the only solution? Because in 0.22/21 i clearly remember alt-tabbing KSP to surf the internet, and when I get back it's already finished loading. What could have changed? "simulate in background" doesn't seem to make a difference. :-S
  12. Get slightly upset about all my cargo planes becoming outdated and make a new one.
  13. Exiled for being cleverer than Google! (why the hell it told me it was Latin >:-[)
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