Hi i'd like to submit my entry:
309 parts at launch, and 1055 tons. Different pilot for each of Jool's moons, and science was collected from the Jool system only. (At Duna I didn't do "EVA report", as it may seem! I just cancelled it ("reset experiment")) As a bonus I landed on Duna, Ike, Mun & Minmus, and also left no space junk :] A mod has been used for adjusting the brightness of objects(ships & planets) Plans: Hyper edit has been used for testing the ships. I came up with this lander, this was my key for entering this challenge. I was trying to make it more stable, but nothing good came out so eventually I made it 2 times bigger, and added science equipment while i'm at it. Then tested it with a transfer drive: And it worked fine. --- Craft file is available in my repository V V V