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Everything posted by Overfloater

  1. Deported for editing post. (damnit i'm running out of Google results here!)
  2. Playing KSP since .18.4??? No one could know about this game for that long!
  3. 9/10 LOL is this associated with the creepy image thread or something?
  4. 26) Try getting out of your car and get inside again.
  5. But what if it's daytime? === Anyway my favorite moon is probably Minmus :^3 It's the easiest place to get to, you got lot's of perfectly flat ground, and you can fool around with the low gravity.
  6. I posted this here for the link on my signature, So it doesn't lead to the entire youtube page, but only to load this video. This is my entry for the "Jool-5" challenge, which requires landing on all Jool's moons in one mission. Craft file of the rocket is available in my craft repository.
  7. Oh! hehe... sorry for jumping to conclusions like that. x-p Thank you very much!!! :-] i'm glad you didn't think my entry wasn't a complete piece of poo =) I should admit, that's the 1st time i visited easter eggs(as well as landing on more than 2 bodies xD). I carefully checked kerbalmaps.com to find them, just for the video. Vall's landscapes were easily recognizable, but Bop was hard. x-) P.S. Oh damnit WHY didn't I check for the face on Duna and some Mun easter eggs... x-D Thanks. your project seems pretty kickass too 8] wait... you meant the 1-nuke test lander, right? it's as awesome as landers get! lol
  8. He would get sentenced to be burned alive at the stake. What if the upcoming secret feature is women?
  9. Burned at the stake alive for editing your post. }:-[
  10. I got one: So unless i missed something and are disqualified, I should get: -It's a Bird! It's a Plane! No! It's...Well, it's a Plane -I'm on a Ship! -I'm Here, I Can Steer, Get Used to It! (my craft relies on torque only on a flame-out. But that's high atmosphere :-P) -I Can See My House From Here -Out of This World -Ion? Try I-OFF! -Fallout 4 Confirmed -Seeing the Sights -Jool of the Orient -Return to Sender ...this plane also flew to Eeloo and Dres (but only 1 at a time) :-p
  11. Has my entry from previous page been disqualified? > . > Or is my noobish attempt just so darn laughable compared to all your fancy pants' 5 ton grand-tours? 8-]
  12. Hi i'd like to submit my entry: 309 parts at launch, and 1055 tons. Different pilot for each of Jool's moons, and science was collected from the Jool system only. (At Duna I didn't do "EVA report", as it may seem! I just cancelled it ("reset experiment")) As a bonus I landed on Duna, Ike, Mun & Minmus, and also left no space junk :] A mod has been used for adjusting the brightness of objects(ships & planets) Plans: Hyper edit has been used for testing the ships. I came up with this lander, this was my key for entering this challenge. I was trying to make it more stable, but nothing good came out so eventually I made it 2 times bigger, and added science equipment while i'm at it. Then tested it with a transfer drive: And it worked fine. --- Craft file is available in my repository V V V
  13. Granted: They destroy the multiverse!!! 8-] I wish for a box.
  14. I'm pretty sure there was a thread like this o_o but anyway... For landing on many planets with a single launch: (I landed on 5 Jool's moons, Duna, Ike, Mun & Minmus with it just now xD) Craft file is in my repository V V V
  15. I.R.What? The user below me thinks he's human :-p
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