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Everything posted by Overfloater

  1. So... I flew to Jool's 5 moons, had lots of spare fuel after that. On the way back I landed on Duna & Ike, still had spare fuel! Just before returning I decided to land on Mun & Minmus, and now i'm worried xD Transfer-drive fuel has finally been depleted, after all my wasteful maneuvers, so now I need to carefully conserve enough fuel for a powered landing =) (lander has no parachutes (but the lab does)) - - - Update!!! - - - I made it. Landed on Jool's 5 moons, on Duna, Ike, Mun, Minmus, and returned safe & happy =) NOTE! science has only been done in the Jool system.
  2. Not the Moon. o_o http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29533-What-did-you-do-in-KSP-today?p=1415461&viewfull=1#post1415461 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29533-What-did-you-do-in-KSP-today?p=1415168&viewfull=1#post1415168 Did you see his videos?
  3. Landed on Jool's 5 moons, and got stunned when I checked the fuel gauge. O_O Gonna have to extend my Jool-5 trip and make a little stop at Duna before returning to Kerbin ;-D what's a "heat shield"?
  4. This imbecile who keeps posting everywhere on youtube his interesting theory, by which rocket engines can't work in space ... Must have never heard about how to every action there's an opposite reaction.
  5. m814 B-] Hydraulic steering, more payload (5t), and also never breaks. I worked on these once! but today i'm very fond of having air conditioning.
  6. Banned for head-covering related avatar.
  7. Took me forever to get all two of these in one picture but here they are: (Sorry, gave up after loaded the 3rd one x-]) Astroliner VII, and VIII. VII is just a uselessly big pile of poo: Has too many engines, and way too many control surfaces causing an "infiniglide" glitch, and consists of too many parts (850) VIII (smaller one) has no problems! flies smoothly, looks better, weights less, lifts more, and consists of 700 parts. My best plane. B-]
  8. True. Been there done that! The user below me hates it when Hitler steals their Nuttella.
  9. Banned for mentioning mentioning eMarica.
  10. By having a better internet connection than mine :] Why can't i make a long HQ video weight less than 1 megabyte?
  11. Nay! I'm good with regular tea. The user below me isn't wearing a raincoat, slippers & sunglasses right now.
  12. 4/10 - a bit untrustworthy. But then again, it may be only me - I question everything.
  13. Schwalse. The user below me thinks my post is odd.
  14. E.A. needs to buy KSP & Minecraft! This would do wonders! Not bad.
  15. No that's no good. Send him back there again. Seriously though, i can't wait to see that mission :]
  16. What's you're problem with grammatical annoyances?
  17. Hey Bones... Any thoughts on making 2.5 meter wide jets/intakes/RAPIERs? ;-D Not here to demand anything, just throwing in ideas! :]
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