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Everything posted by Overfloater

  1. Banned for making me mistake this site for a Mudkip community.
  2. Granted. World War III occurs, wipes everyone out, and then world peace occurs. I wish i could sometimes stop time to think ._.
  3. The weather at my country would improve. What if spacecraft would be manufactured by women?
  4. Because it's very hard, and useless for a kraken to flip. Why some people claim that the Earth is round, when you can just look at it and clearly see that it's flat?
  5. my definition for air-hogging is to circularize on jets alone. You can do it with about 1 intake per 1.3-1.5 tons. a 6-ton craft with 4 intakes is air-hogging, for example. (i'm talking about "ram intakes") Let me correct myself... Air-hogging is to use your jets to their maximum potential: ascend slowly until you no longer gain horizontal speed. then there's the simpler (non air-hogging) method: just get out of thick atmosphere, keep aiming at 35-45 degrees and switch to rockets.
  6. Only cheaters understand that stuff, that's the only explanation.
  7. You mean the Xenomorph? Don't worry it's just gonna lay an egg in you. WAITER!!! There's an attractive woman in my soup! >:-[
  8. NoPanShabuShabu does that, only with pictures. (somewhere on "what you did in KSP today"...) I bet no one circumnavigated Dres yet!
  9. Then we would have had to send men to Mars (& back) instead. Also no funny behavior of water on Earth. What if all automobile manufacturers were ran by women?
  10. Nopes! The user below me is... from Africa.
  11. Then i wouldn't bother googling it because you wouldn't ask that. What if women were the 1st to fly to the Moon?
  12. True. The user below me isn't a dinosaur.
  13. False. i question many things, but not saying i like to... The below me is black ._.
  14. You will be executed for terrorism! I like Sega games.
  15. So sorry! Let me get you a new, dry meth crystal. Waiter!!! there's a shoe in my soup! And it's not the right size!!! >:-[
  16. Granted. More people morph into bronies. Including all of your relatives & best friends! I wish I could play KSP in my head.
  17. Banned for not informing us earlier.
  18. Thank you very much :-] I don't mean to question your authority, but is my 2nd entry supposed to be separate from my 1st one? (on the guest list)
  19. You need no more than 10 intakes for every 13 tons. That's just enough to circularize on jets. === Now then... I'd like to submit my new entry, Astro-Cruiser, to Dres: Slightly modified, now i has less jet fuel (enough for orbit, and fly around a bit when back) and more rocket mix. Craft file There's even a newer variant, which has only the jet fuel needed for orbit, and even more rocket fuel! If i manage to fly it to other places, that would rock :-I BUT in any case, i'm not removing the pilot's cockpit & living quarters.
  20. I have a custom shuttle :^] ...because I find the standard rocket setup uselessly difficult. Also CRAFT FILE
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