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Everything posted by RedAV8R

  1. @Bothersome: Um, no. Sorry, I've experienced nothing of the sorts. Save game loading, reloading, etc. If you've seen nobody else having those issues either, what makes you think it's an interaction or TAC-LS itself and not just a problem unique to you due to something you've done? Start a brand new fresh copy of KSP. Install RO and it's dependencies. Downloading newest and fresh version of everything. Install and test.
  2. Don't mind those requests at all, that makes things easy:)
  3. Indeed. KAS and Kethane are small mods, relatively speaking. Looks like KospY released an official KAS version for .24.2 Sunday, YAY. Kethane shouldn't be hard. There needs to be a discussion about how to integrate Kethane into Realism Overhaul as it's simplistic ability to make anything out of one thing is not Realistic at all...
  4. Everybody does something like this at some point, glad it's working. Even more glad it was working all the time:)
  5. NEW UPDATE!!! Find it at the OP. v6.0 ALPHA 12 \/ *Update ModuleManager to current v2.3.4 *ModuleRCSFX Bug Fixes and Updates *Small FASA bug/consistency fixes *Engine Heat Fixes *TAC LS Updates and Fixes *Small LazTek bug/consistency fixes *Retitled some KW parts and some minor KW resizing *Repurposed KW SpaceShuttle SRB into SRMU to better fit whole RealEngine package *Minor resizing of a couple other various parts *Removed separate nose cone previously copied and added those sizes to existing nose cone *Various typos fixed *Consistency fixes between mods with identical parts *NovaPunch 2.06 Now FULL Support - Including RealEngines and SRBs
  6. Well...Seems you've done most things right...But, do it again. Copy a fresh KSP over to wherever you want. Now re-download everything required (MM does have a new update now 2.3.4 seems to be working better than 2.3.3 was and is certainly newer than the 2.2.2 you have installed.) and if you want supported/recommended. Following these directions will result in success when followed. Something is obviously screwed up in your install.
  7. Yes it does...and that hasn't been quite tested yet. In theory it has been made way harder than it used to be, perhaps too hard. Almost done with this NovaPunch and I'll take a look.
  8. FYI, this loading later is breaking things like RealFuels which modifies some resources like SolidFuel or XenonGas to a different density. I never tried 2.3.2, but 2.3.1 working fine, 2.3.3 has broke the way in which RealFuels does it's thing.
  9. Why yes. They should work, configs for them are already included with RO. They are just old versions that will be updated soon. Note that if something does break, make a note of it and pass it on to us so that we can be sure it's fixed later. Adding mods that aren't supported isn't going to break RO, or KSP (usually), BUT if those are present in your save, RO is updated to include those mods, then problems may occur. But that's why the warning exists first thing. New updates can and might be save breakers. Just the nature of things. Notice the "(WIP)" at the end of a lot on that list, generally the top half. They already have configs in RO for them, they just are complete or otherwise lacking features that will be present when they do become "supported".
  10. Good to know about the ETC... FWIW, with KW and NP2 and the plethora of SRBs that those have, there isn't much of a gap anymore. I've got about 5 more solids to do with NP and I'll push a new RO release.
  11. If you are using a full scale RSS, then there is no reason why NOT to get Realism Overhaul. Follow a few simple rules and return is easy, even with DRE. Realism Overhaul simply turns objects and performance into real world numbers, if you are using a real world, use real world numbers. Honestly, it's more simple and easy to just do full RO and learn the right way, then to try and ease out of stock gradually into real life, that is if real world is what the end goal is. It's easy to read up on real launchers that exist, build something similar and go. Otherwise you have more trial and error, and when you do go full RO, there is even more shock to the system. May be easier now, but it'll be harder later. Quite procrastinating and just get RO (and dependencies) and have fun.
  12. Not a limitation of the development process. The "problem" is the model is not modeled after the Merlin, it's a stock-alike engine that has been given 'approximate' size with Merlin performance. It is what it is.
  13. 1. Procedural Tanks has the option of creating a pressurized tank (service module type). I haven't talked with NK yet, but I'm thinking of doing something with say RCS tanks to add what fuels they carry and ensure they are pressurized. But baring that change, PP tanks are your friend. 2. Actually regardless of what it is, TEATEB or not, warping will use an ignition. Once again, since RO is simply a set of MM configuration files, and has nothing to do with the inner workings of EI or any other dependency, RO simply offers a configuration with engines to use it, that is an EI issue. Might try shutting down the engine before warping, warp, then before activating the engine again ensure your throttle is at 0. See what happens and report back.
  14. Personal opinion. I'd rather it not. It does make sense in a KSP gameplay sort of way...but not in a realistic way. I know not everybody thinks as I do. I would accept it though, if the exterior looked realistic and the only change is a set of 'hidden doors', which it kind of looks like from the one screen, but obviously haven't seen the whole thing.
  15. @Ivan Ivanovich: Nope, TAC stackables didn't get scaled at all. I suppose I can furnish them with TweakScale, but otherwise you can use Procedural Parts for tanks like that. The Mk1-2 pod is just fine the way it is, and has been for quite some time. The 2 circular flat control pods again, have been the same since the beginning of time, or nearly so (RO that is). Speaking of which you shouldn't need both the RC control pods and a capsule unless you want a command station, or whatever it's called. Basically, everything is as it should be. You just have to unlearn what you have learned with stock parts in a stock game. @Dragon01: I'll be taking a close look at that new recommended Japanesse pack. Lovad's World Space is old, and has integrated engines and tanks, etc. Everything you usually DON'T want. I can tell just from the screenshots the detail and texturing is superior.
  16. Not surprised at all with the FASA stuff. Again, I haven't gotten there. I responded to your last message as well. Solution. Wait. Time. Although, no the APS pack is ServiceModule type which pressurizes the tanks, and the engines are pressure fed. You've got a wonky installation if it's not working for you. Read my last message about the S-IC, and the S-II as well. - - - Updated - - - Guess what...the NovaPunch pack now has a LR-101 as part of it:)
  17. @mecki: Sorry bud, no idea, haven't tested anything on the moon in quite some time. @Bothersome: Not going to happen. That said, your rocket designs need some work. No reason to have TWR that high, get another stage in there, or increase your payload. Modern launchers are 4-5g max. If your rocket is bending, it's too tall, with too much weight up top. Again, more reason for staging, to spread the load. Best if you learn to just turn off the gimbal when the burn is getting close to being done. Or request your autopilot maker to do it for you, or have it not chase the target like it's doing. Now, if you'd like you can convert ModuleGimbal over to something like KM_Gimbal...I believe that will allow that option. I can not and will not offer support though.
  18. As part of RO there are specific parts with combined tank/thrust structure/aft skirt, whatever. When using these, no issues were experienced...back in 23.5...I haven't made it to FASA yet, and I'll keep an eye out when I do. I will make sure better notes are made that mention this. Make sure you have the latest version of RO. This was repaired in the latest version. Fixed the Castor IV/GEM 40 issue. Thank you. As for node issues. Make sure you follow install directions exactly. When doing so, this is not an issue.
  19. I haven't 'played' KSP for months now, it's all be testing, code, restart, test, code, etc. But in the interest of what I've got installed as my basic start pack that's NOT on the required or recommended list. CrewManifest, Firespitter (dll only), RPM (basically required for several mods), HyperEdit (testing purposes), InfernalRobotics (dll only), PartAngleDisplay, PWings and PFairings, RCSBuildAid, Romfarer (for robotic arms and docking window), SCANSat (will have some RO tweaks later), SmokeScreen (required by some), TACFuelBalancer. I keep a pretty trim basic install, keeps loading time to a minimum.
  20. Nope you are right. If you are building your own launch vehicle using a pressurized engine, you'll have to use Procedural Tanks. Real replica rockets using their associated real engines will be pressurized as required.
  21. Very few manned craft have reaction wheels. A lot of satellites, especially those who require a specific altitude maintained precisely have small gyros. Power/mass of them, not really, just nuked compared to stock, haven't gotten much good info on them besides that for Agena, and even then, pretty tough to duplicate with KSP modeling of it.
  22. @chickenblender: Ah yes, I know what you speak of. At least with MJ and burns. Turn RCS on and all sorts of problems, turn it off, rely on gimbaled engine and things work great... Obviously this isn't a fault of RO, but the way in which MJ handles itself. Unfortunate for sure. I do recommend you do not add reaction wheels for realism sake. Couple of notes. Ensure you don't have too much RCS. IRL, maneuvering with RCS is done with as few thrusters as possible, which is NOT the way RCS is handled in KSP. KSP will fire both + and - sets of engines, while in real life, just one or the other does. If 4 quads are present, IRL a roll maneuver would only use 2, KSP uses 4. So I recommend trying to keep thruster power at least half of what it would be otherwise, and remember the big Apollo CSM only had 4 quad pods of only 100lb per engine. A much smaller satellite usually only has 1-5lb engines. Or smaller.
  23. Well your crash was due to out of memory. Could I get a screenshot of what you are talking about with TAC_LS?
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