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Everything posted by RedAV8R

  1. PLEASE. Follow the troubleshooting steps in the OP. There is NO NEED to look in the configs, they are correct. This is an install problem or something on YOUR end. If the proper steps are followed. NO PROBLEMS.
  2. @mecki: I don't really see a reason to touch the struts. We already know that the 'strength' between parts is a weak point in the whole design of things, and usually doesn't do real world justice. I still use KJR just in case, if anything for the physics easing between scenes. I only use struts on big boosters (that I can remember), simply because the one radial decoupler isn't enough to keep things straight, and that's fine with me. A pair on top and a pair below, works well for almost any case.
  3. RCS has been fixed...RLA now complete, featuring RealEngines for entire stockalike lineup (still possible bugs of course)...now looking at RealChutes...
  4. Well to try and offset all the jerks and morons who can't seem to find the ability to read previous posts if not at least one page back... Sarbian, you are doing a GREAT JOB. Keep it up. MM is absolutely invaluable with my work in RO. And the new features make things even easier! So what there is a little box in a screen or too, I know it'll be fixed in good time, and it's not bad in even the lowest resolutions.
  5. @MegaUZI: Never used it, I can try it later. At this point you are on your own. @mecki: RealChutes, Yep, I see that this morning. Guess I'll be taking a look to see what'll happen. What I'm likely going to do, now that things are integrated with RealChutes is make it work around what it adds, shouldn't take much. Less 'special red instructions' and makes RO a bit more dummy proof. I'll take a look at RCS too!
  6. @Kolago: Alright KW tanks have been fixed in Git. I'll get a release out tonight hopefully. @xrayfishx: Point blank...EI is not generating lag for you. I'm going to ask you reinstall and follow the directions EXACTLY (not kinda sorta). Please ONLY install the REQUIRED mods and report back. Thank you.
  7. @Kolago: Thank you, RealFuels update likely added tanks in the last release. I can remove them in the RO config now! @Mecki: It's totally RO. I'll do some testing! Thank you.
  8. That's a question for RealFuels and not RO...but IIRC RealFuels has Kethane support built in.
  9. I don't see a need for it, and in almost more scenarios than not, this actually ISN'T realistic. I don't see any issues with compatibility though, so if you want it, knock yourself out.
  10. http://www.thespacereview.com/article/2410/1, that's just one...doing a simple google search of "Pyrios Booster"
  11. Chaka Monkey was on MY list. Now you can see it on THE list. OP Updated. Well AK/Taurus has been updated since I last got to it, I haven't gotten back to it to repair. So bad results are not unexpected. Solution... Wait. Again SDHI is the same way, it needs some attention after all these updates. Haven't made it that far yet. Same solution as before. Wait. What about that TechTree? Sorry, can't read your mind there. IRL almost every pod, if not every pod has had some form of RCS built in. Here *soon* I will be adding built in RCS to crew pods. DRE Multiplier...see answer below... NO!!! Do not change the multiplier of DRE with RSS/RO. Follow the directions on the OP of threads (DO NOTHING), OPs are constantly updated and you can tell by the 'edit date' on the bottom of the post' Use the most current information. Not the 6th post down that was made nearly a year ago. Lots of things change.
  12. Main menu - settings - radio button kinda top left hand
  13. Yep, I caught that (the RS-25) today as well and has been fixed. Need to make a new release soon. Yep, I caught that (pods tweakable) today too. Fixed that as well. Well...it has resources for 336hours...you need to set in KSP settings for a 24hour day and not a 6 hour day...otherwise you'll see 56d instead of the proper 14d.
  14. I know you didn't claim I forgot:) And it's true you haven't asked for a while. The irritating thing isn't you, it's being reminded that I haven't gotten it done, and hitting myself for not being faster. However, thank you for heeding my request:)
  15. It's done, it's over, it's working. Let's leave it alone. I erred in pointing out that I had previously mentioned it. Salt on a wound that shouldn't have been poured... BUT let this be a tale of caution to everybody, and I need to update the OP...when reinstalling, download fresh copies of the latest versions of everything, lest your original copy be incomplete or otherwise broken.
  16. @Woopert: No I don't. I still have not forgotten, it is on the list...but I can't make craft files for things until I ensure things are updated. I am going to ask you stop asking. It's getting beyond just a passing question at this point.
  17. @Traches:I'm glad you got it worked out...Seems I remember telling you this. Not once. But twice. Next time, please, when I mention something, it's best to look into it, and not ignore it.
  18. Yeah, the LV-T5 (alt) isn't on that list because it's already been taken, has been for some time, set up as a AJ-10-190.
  19. NK brings up some very valid points I had not considered, and he's right. Being that part of the project was the absolute lowest of priority for me, and my job is far from being done (will it ever be???) the easiest/best thing I can do is wash my hands of that aspect of the project entirely. I am here to provide realistic stats and performance to parts. I do ask that whoever IS going to take on that job, that any changes to parts (cost/entry cost/tech-level/etc) be made in a separate file...perhaps named something like "ROCareer_****.cfg" where the "*****" is the part mod being modified. Not only does that keep things separate, but I'm thinking, maybe, it will make editing easier, as one doesn't have to stare at performance numbers and all that other 'stuff'. Just an idea.
  20. @Traches: You failed to install Realism Overhaul properly, or it's not loading properly, hence my request to install KSP OUTSIDE the program files folder, it can be straight x:\KSP if you want, just get it out of the program files. The reason I can tell you that is right at the beginning of the log. Your log shows this: Your log SHOULD show this: Note what section that is in. So either you don't have the latest version of RO, or you removed something that shouldn't have been removed. I'm going to ask you one more time. Please move the KSP folder. THEN Delete all but NASAmission and Squad from the GameData folder. Now launch. Parts? Now add ONE of the requirements. Launch. Parts? Now add ONE more of the requirements. Launch. Parts? Etc, etc, etc. THEN install the latest RO. Launch. Parts? Your latest attempt skipped everything I asked you to do. Don't make that mistake again. The simple matter is. None of those files you pointed out is the problem. Why, because there are plenty of others that DON'T have problems, myself and NK included. There IS something wrong with your install and/or location that is causing issues.
  21. You are welcome to start something. Don't worry about time, if you are working on it, it is going to be faster than if I were to. As I've pointed out..using the existing KSP engine is going to be a challenge, if not impossible...the 'tech tree' shall be time based starting with 1950 (as this is when RSS has set it Epoch to). Parts shall appear based up time. I have started to add the tag 'yearIntroduced' as part of the configs. This date can be used when present, or research for an appropriate year. It shall be first successful flight for most parts, engines can be first flight unless that was the reason for a failure. Use your best judgement, things can always be moved. There shall be no research or monetary funds required to advance to the next year. If it's 1951, then all engines introduced/flown from 1951 or before shall be present, with no interaction required by the user. I've got a working spreadsheet with a table of engines, there are no stats on it as of yet. You only need to be concerned with the year Introduced/flown, as that determines when it becomes available. All 'generic' fuel tanks shall be available from the the start, with mass/cost/strength changing as time goes on. Fuel capacity shall remain the same. Fuel tanks from specific rockets, and generally all structural type parts shall appear when that specific launcher achieved IOC. NK would have better info about actual C# code as it pertains to KSP and the compiling of such. Now, please don't let this discourage you. These are requirements that I feel are necessary to be included with RO. If you do not feel the same way, please be assured you have my full support to create your own separate mod completely under your own name or team that you feel enhances the RO experience and allows others to use RO in a career type environment.
  22. It's not RO, it's KSP in general. Sometimes being in windows program files directory gives some weird permission issues. Not saying that is the problem, but you never know. Regardless he does not have things installed correctly. So.
  23. Actually KSP is fine on some other drive, doesn't require the C: drive...I asked you to remove it the program files directory...It can stay on X: as X:\KSP just fine. Your previous log showed this: Assembly-CSharp v1.0.0.0 ModuleManager v2.2.0.0 AJE v1.0.0.0 CustomAsteroids v1.0.0.0 CustomBiomes v1.0.0.0 DeadlyReentry v5.1.5319.31493 EngineIgnitor v1.0.0.0 FerramAerospaceResearch v0.14.1.1 ferramGraph v1.3.0.0 JsonFx v2.0.1209.2800 ModStatistics v1.0.5311.28247 ModuleRCSFX v2.1.5227.30904 KSPAPIExtensions v1.7.0.0 ProceduralParts v0.9.17.0 RealChute v1.2.5321.29610 RealismOverhaul v0.6.0.0 RealSolarSystem v0.7.1.0 Non-DLL mods added: Mods by directory (subdirs of GameData): NASAmission RealFuels Robert Source Squad ThunderAerospace Tells me RealFuels was not installed properly. Do this. Delete, absolutely everything from KSP, the whole folder. Remove it from Steam. Redownload it. Now run it...parts there. Good! Now work down the required list and install it them one at a time. Running KSP in between those installs and see what happens.
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