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  1. Long time, no see!

    Things have been... interesting these two weeks. Some bad news, my wife's grandfather died, then her uncle had a heart attack (he's better, now).

    Not all is bad, tho. We've met with our architects, and if our financial situation improves (i.e., she has a job again) we'll start building our house this year. They're also probably going to do a reform on the house we live at currently (which belongs my mother-in-law).

    Also, I'm on vacation from work, which means apart from household issues I had some time to work on my KSP cockpit, using @stibbons's Kerbal SimPit plugin. There's no cockpit to speak of yet, and I don't even have any materials for the actual structure yet, just the electronic parts (and even those, not all of them), but I've got the LCDs to display game numbers and the buttons to stage/abort, so eventually I'll fly a ship :D

    I admit I haven't been on the forum for quite a while; even lurk mode has been reduced to just checking out if there has been update to the SimPit plugin (and amusingly, more than once I'd check his git to find out he'd been pushing commits mere moments before!).

    On the other hand, I've played a lot more KSP than I had in the previous months; began a new career using Strategia and a monthly budget mod (whose name I forgot), it gives the game a very different feel from stock (I wish KCT was ready, tho... OR IS IT?)


    I'll try to appear more often, but if I don't, worry not: I'm taking a time off from most things until late next week, when I'll be back to work, but things are OK. I'm just enjoying a different rhythm this month, taking things slowly, but you guys haven't been forgotten :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. adsii1970


      Sorry to hear of your family's loss.

    3. monstah


      Alright, catch y'all later then. Possibly tomorrow, at most in two weeks.


    4. stibbons


      Sorry to hear you've been through a rough patch, but glad it's looking up.


      There's no cockpit to speak of yet, and I don't even have any materials for the actual structure yet, just the electronic parts (and even those, not all of them), but I've got the LCDs to display game numbers and the buttons to stage/abort, so eventually I'll fly a ship :D

      Pics when you return please! :D


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