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Posts posted by Malah

  1. Hello,

    A small update introducing QuickBrake along with several new minor enhancements for QuickPause, QuickPrecisionControl, QuickVabVesselNames, and QuickWarp.




    • Added QuickBrake to brake at load.
    • Refactor & stop use of private methods/fields.


    • Added the ability to pause in the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) and Editor.
    • Added a feature to disable pause when decreasing warp.
    • Added Pause key.


    • Implemented functionality to retain the last value of PrecisionControl.
    • Added a notification message when toggling PrecisionControl.
    • Fixed the toggle behavior of PrecisionControl when switching between Flight and Map modes.


    • Added a feature to order vessel names based on the lines of the file, vessel names change after each launch.
    • Updated the file vessel names loading process.
    • Renamed the file vessel names to "default_*".
    • Renamed QuickVesselNames to QuickVabVesselNames


    • Fixed the issue with changes in the landed situation.
    • Renamed QuickStopWarp to QuickWarp
  2. On 3/7/2024 at 6:26 PM, Fizzlebop Smith said:

    Any news on whether the dev teams are considering the Arrow keys and a possible open remapping option for this?

    I know it has been a topic of discussion in the past, i was just curious if anything official was ever heard about maybe one day getting to remap the arrows with rover controls.

    I have been contemplating a 3rd party custom keypad for my laptop. Anyone have experience using 3rd party systems like a macro pad?

    I know flight controls require the modlets but was hoping something like this would work bc its using software to emulate the keyboard.

    Sorry, but I don't think I will work on this.

  3. 17 hours ago, Superfluous J said:

    AWESOME. Does it (or can it) also turn off pausing the game when you hit "<" one too many times?

    YES, it will be for the next update ;) this feature always bothered me as well.

    I planned the next release for next week, with:

    • new: Added QuickBrake (similar to KSP1's QuickMods) (done, in testing),
    • new: Added the option to disable pausing when decreasing warp (done),
    • fix: PrecisionControl is enabled each time you return to flight from the map (todo),
    • fix: StopWarp when landed it displays message and do a force stop warp (todo).

    Also, I will reflect on whether I can add the 'go to last vessel' feature from QuickGoTo (and I won't do it if I can't integrate it into the escape menu).

  4. 1 hour ago, modus said:

    Could (should?) this be a part of the community fixes mod? Or is it totally seperate in what it wants to do?

    Hello, I've been considering this, which is why I opted for the Unlicense. If someone wishes to incorporate part of this mod into another mod, they are welcome to (and I'd be pleased not to have to maintain code that is being integrated into other mods). A small credit to me in the other mod is sufficient, along with a brief PM regarding your integration. If the implementation is sound, I may consider removing this portion from QuickMods.

    Personally, I won't be doing this for several reasons:

    • Many features in QuickMods are not fixes but rather reflect my ideas for QoL or UX improvements.
    • I aim to release things quickly (parts of this mod were developed and released only yesterday), though it's worth noting that if I were developing within a community mod, I might not have this same agility.
    • This mod serves as a POC for ideas that could be easily integrated into KSP (similar to how the ideas of QuickScroll/QuickSearch were integrated into KSP 1).
    • I lack the time to maintain and learn the code of another project.
  5. 11 minutes ago, cheese3660 said:

    Quite interesting actually seeing a KSP1 mod being rewritten  for KSP2, I really like how you implemented it for KSP2 though looking through the code.

    Only part of QuickRevert and QuickPrecisionControl was in the KSP 1 version. I have developed QuickVesselNames for KSP 1 but never released it (I have developed some other QuickMods for KSP 1 but never took the time to release them). I rewrote everything from scratch because I wanted to change the license from GPL to Unlicense.

    Many things are similar in KSP 2, but easier (perhaps, thanks to BepInEx & SpaceWarp, and also because now I really know how to develop in C#).

  6. Hello, I'm back to release a version 2 of my old KSP 1 mod, but this time for KSP 2 (with a complete rewrite).

    What is it?

    QuickMods is a tiny plugin that adds a few small features.


    Source: https://github.com/malahx/QuickMods
    License: https://unlicense.org/


    • Brake: automatic brake vessel at load/control lost and toggle brake with key.
    • Pause: pause the game when you open the escape menu, in the editor, add a pause key, and disable pause when decrease warp.
    • PrecisionControl: force precision control at flight loading, it also adds notification when you toggle precision control mode.
    • Revert: lost revert when you pass the atmosphere.
    • Scroll: scroll the R&D view when click mouse.
    • Warp: stop warp when vessel situation change.
    • VabVesselNames: add a new vessel name when you create a new vessel in the VAB.

    All the features are disabled by default. To enable them, go to Settings -> Mods -> QuickMods -> Choose what you want. And this time there will be ONLY ONE PLUGIN ;)


    All the vessel names are located in the folder \Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\QuickMods\VesselNames


    Will all QuickMods 1 be developed?

    Sorry, but I don't think so. QuickMods 1 has some large plugins that took me a lot of time to maintain. I'll stick to the KISS principle for QuickMods 2  (Keep it simple, stupid!).

    How to install/update it?

    • Install BepInEx + SpaceWarp
    • Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file into your KSP2 installation folder


    How to uninstall it?

    • Delete the folder \Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\QuickMods



    • to Linuxgurugamer for his incredible work,
    • to all mod developers who made these games really huge,
    • and to Squad & Intercept Games for creating these awesome games.


    And a little history on me ;)

    Years ago, I started coding to create mods for KSP 1, investing a lot of time. This made me realize I could switch to the software industry from my previous job as a design drafter in building thermodynamics. Along the way, I also pursued several educational programs, culminating in a Master's degree. Now, thanks to KSP, I work as a software engineer. I am incredibly grateful to the KSP universe for transforming my life.

  7. On 7/5/2018 at 4:57 PM, Kerbolitto said:

    La communauté Fr est faible sur ce jeu ? Ou tout le monde parle anglais et ne descend pas jusqu'aux forums internationaux :p

    Il y a aussi que les communautés fr sont dispatchées sur plusieurs autres forum genre : canardpc / kspfr / kerbalspacechallenge ... après certaines ont l'air moins actives depuis quelques temps.

  8. 20 hours ago, Avera9eJoe said:

    Sure, here's the full log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xtuzprpn6g3a061/output_log.txt?dl=0

    Do you think you know what's wrong? I'm retesting with it as the only thing installed to make sure it's not one of my other QoL mods.

    EDIT: Yes - it still occurs when it's the only mod installed

    Hello, I haven't found how to reproduce your error, it seems it has something with actiongroups (I use action groups to activate brake function), if you have an other idea/information?

  9. On 15/07/2017 at 8:50 PM, Avera9eJoe said:

    Hey, I seem to be getting a Nullref on leaving the SPH sometimes and it's tied to QuickBrake:

    Exception handling event OnFlightGlobalsReady in class QBrake:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
      at ModuleWheelBase.ActionUIUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
      at ModuleWheelBase.ActAutoFrictionToggle (.KSPActionParam act) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
      at BaseAction.Invoke (.KSPActionParam param) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
      at ActionGroupList.ToggleGroup (KSPActionGroup group) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
      at ActionGroupList.SetGroup (KSPActionGroup group, Boolean active) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
      at QuickBrake.QBrake.OnFlightGlobalsReady (Boolean ready) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
      at EventData`1[System.Boolean].Fire (Boolean data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

    I was getting this exception thrown once when I launched a craft. From the text I'm assuming its QuickBrake, also considering the other funky things I'll mention below. The Nullref vanished when I removed QuickBrake from my install.

    Image in game:


    Also when this happens, QuickBrake also doesn't seem to effect the craft at launch. In that picture the brake light is on, but the craft still rolls freely. The nullref only happens some of the times and I can't predict when it happens and when it doesn't. The only thing it seems to mess with is that the craft isn't braked on launch despite the brake light being active.

    Hello, thanks for this report, can you send the full log please ?

  10. Just now, Gordon Dry said:

    I just recognized something else:

    I changed the setting "enableEnterToSearch" to "True", went back to SPC and then into VAB again.

    The settings was not re-readed - I hoped this would happen on scene change at least.

    Yes, QuickMods settings are only loaded at start of the game but if you use the QuickSearch window settings you can enable/disable this feature without reload.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Gordon Dry said:

    I suggest that QuickSearch should read the PartDatabase.cfg or convert it to its own version on game launch.

    The more parts, the longer each search is. Like each search is from scratch, searching again through all parts like it never happened before.

    And the QuickSearch History window often does not close, so I have to click into the search field - wait - press ESC - wait - to get it closed.

    The setting "enableEnterToSearch = True" inside GameData\QuickMods\QuickSearch\Config.txt is helpful but not very prominent ...

    Thanks for this return.

    I will planned to work on the search speed but I won't have many time soon ...

    For the QuickSearch History, if you found at which moment the window is kept opened it will be really helpful.

  12. 19 minutes ago, Gordon Dry said:

    I had an issue with QuickToGo on my fresh 1.3 install - as soon as the menu popped up, all stock buttons greyed out. I had to kill the process to get out.

    I didn't see any exception thrown in the log at runtime. So I can't provide a log.

    Because I wanted to have a fresh install to play with only compatible mods I just removed the mod to do me a favour: playability.

    no log no help ...

  13. 2 minutes ago, FasterThanFlourite said:

    Your Quick modlets are absolutely essential for KSP, Malah!

    While using QuickGoTo on 1.2.2 I've had a bug occor: When changing from the SPH to the VAB, it does load into the VAB. However, the mission flag is not mine, the previously edited vehicle is not there and worst of all: I can't click any buttons at all. Thus I have to forcefully quit KSP and restart it again, where everything is working fine again.

    Considering KSP takes 5 to load, this bug feels rather severe.

    Hello, can you send me your log of the bug?

  14. Hello, I want to develop a CKAN plugin, I haven't followed the work on CKAN's plugin or API, I only read the wiki and some plugin code example.

    One of my mod can deleted or pruned all the MiniAVC plugins at KSP's start. When I want to update one of the mods which uses MiniAVC, CKAN is blocked by an error "MiniAVC not found". The easy idea I have, is to un-prune/un-delete MiniAVC before a mod update/deletion. And if possible delete MiniAVC directly after a mod install.

    I found that CKAN.Main.modChangedCallback can be used for the after mod install/update/deletion. I wanted to know if there had an event on CKAN which are triggered before a mod install/update/deletion? Thanks :wink:

  15. Hello, I updated the QuickMods :wink:

    As explained before, I dropped support of LanguagePatches and added support of the stock localisation on all my mods (only in English at this time).
    Nothing new for QuickGoTo, QuickContracts, QuickExit, QuickRevert, QuickIVA, QuickHide, QuickCursorHider, QuickFineControl, QuickSAS .





    Changelog - v3.20 - 2017.05.31

    • New: Added an history of the last search (requested by RealKolago),
    • New: Added a search button on the RnD,
    • New: Added an option to search only when you type Enter or click outside the text field (requested by RealKolago),
    • New: Added support of the stock localisation,
    • New: Deleted support of the LanguagePatches,
    • Compiled against KSP





    Changelog - v1.30 - 2017.05.31

    • New: Added an option to show/hide mute icon,
    • New: Added easy volume control,
    • New: Added mouse scroll hover for volume control,
    • New: Added support of the stock localisation,
    • New: Deleted support of the LanguagePatches,
    • Fix: Rewrite mute to only use master volume,
    • Fix: Corrected icon path,
    • Fix: Corrected new key to set,
    • Fix: Refactor,
    • Compiled against KSP





    Changelog - v2.14 - 2017.05.31

    • New: Added an option to disable black screen,
    • New: Added a keyboard shortcut to stop QuickStart (Escape by default),
    • New: Added support of the stock localisation,
    • New: Deleted support of the LanguagePatches,
    • Fix: Refactorize,
    • Compiled against KSP
  16. 11 hours ago, Red Iron Crown said:

    Each of those countries has >50% more population that Germany, so I'd say that is pretty unlikely.

    And French has >50% more speaker than Japanese ... Why Squad haven't translated to Hindi or to Arabic ? It would cover more people than Japanese :wink:
    It's only marketplace, not population, not speaker, French/German players who want to play KSP have already bought KSP = lesser marketplace than other.

    There's huge French / German communities on KSP which can be angry with lack of communication on language planned/confirmation/roadmap.

    It's sad.

    And these sort of responses are bad responses, we don't know what language have been planned at the first time, we don't know if the probable language pack will be for this year or in 10 years ...

    We only know there was planned 9 languages in November, we saw the work on French/German Kerbal name generator and after this nothing, we wait, we wait and always nothing. And on twitter we can see always the same bad copy-past answer ...

    In French, it's call "langue de bois" ^^ (I don't know how to translate this).

    Squad you don't like our local communities? Which will work on a project on KSP with CNES to make challenges ... Which had worked on KSP localisation since many years?
    We really want to help our children to play to KSP, to help them in the learning of how works space.

    @SQUAD@Badie@nestor@UomoCapra a nice, constructive response can make us happy :wink:, don't forget us.

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