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Everything posted by Malah

  1. I've never seen a bug like this, you can try one thing, delete StockRT and see if you have again the bug (if yes, I think it doesn't come from StockRT). Your RemoteTech installation is up to date ? And can you send your logs and the list of all mods that you use (to find them you can read this: How To Get Support).
  2. Hello, again thanks for this repport, I've corrected it: QuickSearch
  3. Hello, after a bug found on QuickSearch, I've changed my planning to release it now QuickSearch Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github Changelog v1.00 - 2015.02.17 * New: Added logical parameters (and &, or |) example mk1&mk2|mk3 is (mk1 and mk2) or mk3, space will no more be a or * New: Added a search with regex (/patern/) example /mk[1-3]/, * New: Added a back button to return to the previous category, * New: Added a bookmark button to save your search, * New: Added an automatic clear of the text field if you change the filter/category, * Fix: Corrected how QuickSeach adds the filters and subcategories to be better integrated, * Fix: Corrected an error which can block the text field with some mods (thanks SWAGATRON), * Fix: Some other minor fixes.
  4. Hello, I've a little error (and it's the fault of my computer ). Sometime I can only play on an old computer and with it I need to reduce the resolution of my screen to have a decent FPS, but I can't see your configuration window (I'm in 1280x800). Thanks for this awesome mod
  5. Hello, I think with your modlist and your log we could find something To find your logs, you can read this : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92229
  6. Hello, I've updated QuickHide, QuickExit, QuickIVA and QuickMute. The next update will be for QuickRevert, QuickContract and a fix for QuickScroll (the tweak for the PartListTooltips doesn't works as I want). I've lots of work to do on QuickSearch and I haven't planned to do it before the release of KSP QuickHide Changelog v2.00 - 2015.02.13 - New: Added an auto hide for the stock toolbar, - Fix: Moved the config file to "GameData/QuickHide/Config.txt" - Fix: Toolbar mod is anymore required, - Fix: Some minor fixes. Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github QuickExit Changelog v1.20 - 2015.02.13 - New: Added of the possibility to quit the QuickExit window with the modifier key, - New: Added of the possibility to exit the game with the keyboard shortcut modifier key + f7, - Fix: Move the config file to GameData/QuickExit/Config.txt. Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github QuickIVA Changelog v1.01 - 2015.02.13 - Fix: Change the default EVA shortcut to "Home", (backspace is the default shortcut for abort). Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github QuickMute Changelog v1.01 - 2015.02.13 - Fix: Mute the sound after a switching scene, - Fix: Some FX sound could be heard. Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github
  7. This is why I really dislike KSP-AVC Yes, I've forgot to release the update, which deletes the "Load" spam a month ago I have many updates planned on my other mods, but I will try to find some time to push an update of this one
  8. You can hide them with QuickHide, but this mod will hide all mods icon from the stock toolbar, you can't choose which one you want to keep.
  9. Ha yes for the Abort action group, I haven't seen that thanks. I think I will put it to "Home".
  10. Not really different ... that's an other simulation mod without all the other features that KCT has. Just that SRL is intended for the hardmode.
  11. Hello, I've released QuickIVA , I think that all the features you have requested are there
  12. Hello, after a request form Alshain and monstah, I add QuickIVA QuickIVA What is it? QuickIVA is a small plugin which adds a switch to the IVA at the loading or the launch of a vessel. I suggest you to use the awesome mod RasterPropMonitor which makes the IVA usable. Download: [Moderator removed defunct website link] Kerbal CurseForge Github This is a request from Alshain and monstah. How does it work? It will put you on IVA at launch or at load. It will select preferably the first Pilot on a pod or the first Kerbal on a pod. It will not put you on IVA, if there are: - no Kerbals alive on the vessel, - no IVA model. The HUD can be automaticaly hide and the others camera / MapView can be disabled. Keyboard shortcuts: - "end" to recovery, - "backspace" to EVA. Screenshots Licence information: GPL v3 Source code: github How to install it? Unzip all files. Put the QuickIVA folder in your KSP/GameData folder. How to uninstall it? Delete the QuickIVA folder in your KSP/GameData folder. Changelog v1.00 - 2015.02.07 - First release. Thanks! to Alshain and monstah to have requested this mod, to Mihara and MOARdv for the awesome mod RasterPropMonitor, to all mods developers which make this game really huge, to my friend Neimad who corrects my bad english ... to Squad for this awesome game. Links: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/95168 [Moderator removed defunct website link] https://github.com/malahx/QuickIVA RasterPropMonitor: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57603
  13. After many try, I've found that some FX sounds aren't muted ... I will look how I can mute them.
  14. I haven't seen an other mod which does that but I think this is a nice request for a Quick mod tomorow, I will release something
  15. Thanks for the report. I've found the mistake for the switching scenes. Hum, I've never seen (hear) this bug ... Are you sure that's not the same bug (after a switching scene)?
  16. Thanks for the report I will correct it for the next update
  17. It's done QuickContracts What is it? QuickContracts is a plugin which adds the possibility to have keyboard's shortcuts on the mission control. Keyboard's shortcuts: Accept selected contract: push A, Decline selected contract: push X, Decline all contracts: push C, Decline all test contracts: push V. You can change the shortcuts on the file "GameData/QuickContracts/Config.txt" This is a request from 5thHorseman and tal2410 Download: [Moderator removed defunct website link] Kerbal CurseForge Github Licence information: GPL v3 Source code: github How to install it? Unzip all files. Put the QuickContracts folder in your KSP/GameData folder. How to uninstall it? Delete the QuickContracts folder in your KSP/GameData folder. Changelog v0.10 - 2015.01.27 - Pre-release 1 Thanks! to 5thHorseman and tal2410 to have requested this mod, to malkuth for his Mission Controller 2 mod, to all other mod developers which make this game really huge, to my friend Neimad who corrects my bad english ... and to Squad for this awesome game. Links: - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/95168 [Moderator removed defunct website link] - http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/227337-quickcontracts - https://github.com/malahx/QuickContracts - Mission Controller 2: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43645
  18. I'm working on it since yesterday It has been requested by 5thHorseman If I've the time, tomorrow it will be released.
  19. You can now install it with CKAN
  20. Le plus fort c'est qu'il y a en même temps un plugin en développement permettant d’accéder àce hangar directement àpartir de KSP : Kerbal Space Hangar
  21. Hello, I think this will be really huge if through your interface, we can have the possibility to decline or accept new contracts
  22. Hello, Nice work, I'm working on the same feature lol but not released yet
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