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Everything posted by Malah

  1. Hello, I've updated QuickScroll. QuickScroll Changelog v1.01 - 2015.01.02 - Fix: Hide the part tool tip on scroll. Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github
  2. But I've found how to correct it I will push the update tomorrow
  3. Thanks for the report, I will work on it
  4. Sorry, I haven't planned to work on this, but who knows, if I've the time The unofficial update of PartCatalog has not this feature? And It's possible that Part Search will have an update, I think you need to wait a little
  5. Hello, on this topic, you can see that Fred4106 has made a comptability update to PartCatalog for KSP 0.90 And if you prefer to wait the official release of PartCatalog, you can try the small mod which only has the scrolling functionality (look at my signature ).
  6. Hello, I've updated QuickScroll to support scrolling on categories and filters. QuickScroll Changelog v1.00 - 2014.12.25 - New: Added a scroll on the categories buttons, - New: Added a scroll on the filters buttons, - New: Added a config file for the Key modifier. Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github
  7. Hello, out of memory error, you have to many mod to play in KSP 32bits (limited to 3.5 go of ram), KSP 64bits doesn't work well on windows, if you want to play with many mods, you need to play on linux (b9 is a very big mod, it takes lots of ram). And have you updates your mods ? because I see that the video that you have posted is quite old. And I've seen an old ModuleManager on your log and many other errors ...
  8. By default, SRL is in hardmode. On the editor click on SIM and your next launch will be in a simulation: no recover and with revert/quickload/save enabled, when you are not on a simulation, you will be in hardmode (no revert, no quicksave/quickload). If you want you can disable hardmode on the SRL panel on the spacecenter (but use a simulation without hardmode, this is useless). Thanks to correct my bad english To revert your savegame, this is easy, on the SRL panel on the spacecenter, you can disabled Simulate, Revert & Launch. When you disable it, your save game will be in normal mode (revert, quicksave and quickload enabled), as it is explained on the uninstall section. If you have already uninstalled SRL, you can change this on the Settings of your game (push escape on the spacecenter and click on Settings -> Difficulty Options and enable what you want).
  9. I like the idea and I've added it to the update I've updated QuickHide and QuickExit. QuickHide Changelog v1.01 - 2014.12.23 - Fix: Some minor fixes. - Update Toolbar to 1.7.8 - Update to 0.90 Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github QuickExit Changelog v1.10 - 2014.12.22 - New: Added the possibility to put the QuickExit button with the Stock KSP button, - Update ToolbarWrapper to 1.7.8 - Update to 0.90 Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github
  10. Hello, StockRT and StockPlugins have been updated. StockRT Changelog v1.20 - 2014.12.22 - New: Added support of Sounding Rockets, - Update to 0.90 Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github StockPlugins Changelog v1.01 - 2014.12.21 - New: Added support of kOS, - Fix: Blocked the KerbalEngineer parts from the editor, - Update ModuleManager to 2.5.4, - Update to 0.90 Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github
  11. Hello, I've released QuickScroll. QuickScroll What is it ? QuickScroll is a small plugin which adds the possibility to scroll the parts pages on the editor with the mouse wheel. I suggest you to look at the awesome mod PartCatalog which also has this feature (with many others nice features). Download: [removed link to defunct website] Kerbal CurseForge Github Licence information: GPL v3 Source code: github How to install it ? Unzip all files. Put the QuickScroll folder in your KSP/GameData folder. How to uninstall it ? Delete the QuickScroll folder in your KSP/GameData folder. Changelog v0.10 - 2014.12.21 Initial release Troubleshooting? This mod will not work well with PartCatalog, with it, you need to uninstall QuickScroll (which will be useless). Planned updates/new features - Add a scroll on the categories buttons, - Add a scroll on the filters buttons. Thanks! to BlackNecro for his awesome PartCatalog mod, to all mods developers which make this game really huge, to my friend Neimad who corrects my bad english ... to Squad for this awesome game. Links: [removed link to defunct website] https://github.com/malahx/QuickScroll PartCatalog: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35018
  12. Thanks for the report, have you keep the logs of the bug? (If you don't know where to find the logs, read this: How To Get Support) I will keep your suggestion, but I don't think that I will add this soon.
  13. Hello, the little fix of the reported errors. Changelog v1.33 - 2014.12.20 - Fix: Corrected the lost PluginData folder, - Fix: Corrected the panel so that it does not auto hide in flight, - Fix: Some other minor fixes. Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github
  14. Sorry for this error, I'll corrected it, thanks for the report.
  15. Hello, thank you to have done this, I make a small improvement on what you have done. // RTSoundingRockets // This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. // All the code from RemoteTech is in GPLv2 @PART[SR_NoseCone]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleSPU],!MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive]]:NEEDS[RemoteTech,UmbraSpaceIndustries]:AFTER[UmbraSpaceIndustries]:FINAL { %MODULE[ModuleSPU] { } %MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] { %TechRequired = start %OmniRange = 100000 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.3 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } } @PART[RTPassiveAntennaTech]:NEEDS[RemoteTech,UmbraSpaceIndustries]:AFTER[RemoteTech]:FINAL { @TechRequired = start } With this the Sounding Rockets can: - be used without the need to unlock the unmannedTech node because Sounding Rockets is useful at the start of a career. - communicate to 100 km (we doesn't need the Reflectron DP-10 to go in the high atmosphere which is unlocked at the flightControl node).
  16. Hello, I've updated SRL for the compatibility with KSP 0.90 Changelog v1.32 - 2014.12.19 - Updated to 0.90 Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github
  17. Hello, it's the time to an update Changelog v1.11 - 2014.12.19 - Fix: Corrected the revert to editor on the launchpad, - Fix: Old flight state will be remove to avoid errors, - Fix: Flight state will be saved on the QuickRevert folder, - Fix: Some minor bug, - Updated to 0.90 Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github
  18. Bien pour la ram la solution c'est linux en 64 bits ca tourne parfaitement (bon par contre on perds certains effets de DirectX). Ce qui est surprenant c'est que sous linux (donc opengl) je n'ai vu aucun soucis d'affichage ... et pour l'antialiasing ... sur linux elle n'a jamais fonctionné (sauf peut être pour deux ou trois chanceux).
  19. Tu créés un raccourci de KSP.exe et dans la ligne de texte "cible" tu peux ajouter le paramètre -force-opengl Je sais pas si ca correspond àtes attentes : http://grenier.self-access.com/access/administration/raccourci-windows/ Sinon il y a un mode qui le fait, mais bon franchement, utilise l'outil raccourci, plus simple, mieux foutu et surtout plus sûr Le mode en question : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98358 (mais je vais le répéter un raccourci, c'est mieux ) Edit : si tu utilises steam, c'est encore plus simple, tu fais cliques droit sur le jeu dans ta liste de jeu, puis propriété et tu cliques sur "définir les options de lancement" et làtu ajoutes "%command% -force-opengl" sans les "
  20. Hello, QuickRevert, QuickExit and QuickHide work fine on KSP 0.90. I've planned to update QuickRevert soon with some minors fix, QuickExit and QuickHide will be updated when Toolbar mod will be updated.
  21. Hello, QuickExit & QuickHide are now on CKAN ckan install QuickExit ckan install QuickHide
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