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Everything posted by Malah

  1. Hello, I've updated SRL to fix all the bug that I've found. Changelog v1.20 - 2014.10.16 - New: Added an option making that the amount of costs of a simulation is influenced by the vessel's price, - New: Added an option making that the amount of costs of a simulation is influenced by the celestial body, - Fix: Disabled the possibility to enable/disable a simulation after the vessel moved on the launch pad / runway, - Fix: Sometime a simulation could be disabled after the launch, - Fix: Sometime the simulation cost could be automatically set to 0, - Fix: Automatically detect the atmosphere altitude of a celestial body to avoid an error on the solar systems configurations files (which is planned for a next update), - Fix: Keep the last configuration after an update, - Fix: Some others minor fix. Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github
  2. Linux because my main OS is Linux since many years ... I have Windows too but i don't use it.
  3. Thanks, your tweak work fine. For the error, that's the first time I used Contracts Window (on a new savegame) and this error had happened after around 2 hours of game. If that can help you, what I have on my persistent.sfs SCENARIO { name = contractScenario scene = 7, 6, 8, 5, 9 version = Contracts_Window_Parameters { DefaultListID = 5eea5032-564d-4acf-8ede-93baf532d8ef|N|True,7c2aa452-4d5b-4533-9a3b-fd568a561306|N|True HiddenListID = ShowListMode = 0,0,0,0 WindowMode = 1,1,1,0 SortOrder = 0,0,0,0 SortMode = 4,4,2,4 WindowPosition = 45,292,300,413,518,180,300,614,22,72,-27,621,50,80,130,300 WindowVisible = False,True,True,False ToolTips = True FontSize = False WindowSize = 1 } }
  4. Hello, this mode is really useful, thanks ! I've found a little bug ... I don't know what I've done but I send it, if that can help you. If you need the Player.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xd1kkgtp5roo6vl/Player.log?dl=0 Mods that I've used: 000_Toolbar 1.7.7 Chatterer 0.7.1 Contracts Window + 2.0 DeadlyReentry 6.1 LandingHeight 1.1 DMagic Orbital Science 0.8.6 EditorExtensions 1.4 SafeChute 1.2.2 IFILS 1.11 KAS 0.4.9 KerbalEngineer KWRocketry 2.6c NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicator v4 NavHud 1.1.2 NEAR 1.2.1 PartCatalog 3.0 RC8 PreciseNode 1.1.1 ProceduralFairings 3.09 Protractor 2.4.13 RemoteTech 1.5.1 SCANsat 8.0 SelectRoot Jul18 ShowFPS 0.2 SRL 1.10 KerbalAlarmClock UniversalStorage If you need more information, I'm open to others questions
  5. If you want to level up the difficulty I can suggest you mods like: Communication: RemoteTech2 or AntennaRange. Life Support: TACLS, asmi's ECLSS Mod, Ioncross Crew Support, Snacks! or IFILS. Aerodynamics: FAR, NEAR or Stock Drag Fix. If you search new parts, you can see: Lots of parts: KSPX, AIES Aerospace, NovaPunch, KSOS ... Less parts but very interesting: SCANsat, RealChute, Procedural Fairings, Universal Storage ... And for the roleplay ... I can't play without Chatterer Some of these mods haven't been updated yet There are to many mods if you search more mods, you can go here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55401
  6. Hello, I've updated Simulate, Revert & Launch, now compatible with KSP 0.25
  7. Hello, I've updated SRL. Changelog v1.10 - 2014.10.09 - New: Added the simulation while in orbit on all celestial bodies (integrate HyperEdit), - New: Added the revert to editor after a quickload/switch vessel (integrate QuickRevert), - Fix: Disabled quicksave at prelaunch, - Fix: You can switch to far vessel, the revert will always be for the current simulation, - Updated to 0.25 Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github
  8. Hello, it's the time to an update Changelog v1.10 - New: Added a delay to keep the revert function while you are outside the vessel. - New: Added the revert function after a KSP crash, - Fix: Some minor bug, - Updated to 0.25 How does it work ? You will lose the revert function if: - you launch a new vessel, - you stand too long (15 mins) outside the vessel (space center, tracking station, another vessel ...), You will keep the revert function if: - you go to the space center or on another vessel, - you make a quickload, - KSP crash, - you stop your game, - you are on EVA. Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github
  9. Sorry, I think that I haven't understood your first post For the time being, with this plugin, you will lose the ability to revert if you go to the space center or at the editor. I've planned to add the possibility: - to revert after a KSP crash, - that the last vessel can be revert until you haven't gone to another vessel or you haven't passed a Kerbin day.
  10. That's true, but with that mod, you don't need to load and revert , now you can just revert, you lose less free time (and you don't need to always remember to quicksave before a launch ...).
  11. Mods on this thread wont be update, you need to go on forks Thanks to @linuxgurugamer & @DoctorDavinci to keep these mods up to date with KSP : Malah's Quick mods are very small plugins which add a small feature You can download all of my mods on SpaceDock, on GitHub or some on KerbalCurseForge. This modlet is compatible with KSP-AVC, Toolbar and the stock localisation (localize in English and French). All my mods can be installed with CKAN. Released: [1.3.0] QuickBrake [v1.23 - 2017.05.31]: Brake your vessel at launch [1.3.0] QuickSearch [v3.20 - 2017.05.31]: Enhanced the editor part search and add a part search on the tech tree [1.3.0] QuickStart [v2.14 - 2017.05.31]: Start your last savegame after the loading [1.3.0] QuickGoTo [v1.33 - 2017.05.31]: Go to an other scene from anywhere [1.3.0] QuickRevert [v3.13 - 2017.05.31]: Revert keeper [1.3.0] QuickContracts [v1.23 - 2017.05.31]: Keyboard's shortcuts for Mission Control [1.3.0] QuickSAS [v1.13 - 2017.05.31]: Moar keyboard shortcuts for the SAS [1.3.0] QuickHide [v3.23 - 2017.05.31]: Hide the stock toolbar and the stages [1.3.0] QuickExit [v2.13 - 2017.05.31]: Exit everywhere [1.3.0] QuickMute [v1.30 - 2017.05.31]: Mute all sounds [1.3.0] QuickIVA [v1.23 - 2017.05.31]: Go to IVA at the loading or the launch of a vessel [1.3.0] QuickFineControl [v1.06 - 2017.05.31]: Toggle the precision control at the load of a vessel [1.3.0] QuickCursorHider [v1.06 - 2017.05.31]: Hide the cursor when you push on F2 in flight [1.3.0] ZeroMiniAVC [v1.05 - 2017.05.26]: Delete/Prune/Disable all MiniAVC Dead mods: [1.0.5 & 1.1.0-pre] QuickScroll [v2.00 - 2016.04.01]: Scrolling for the parts lists [1.0.5] QuickEngineer [v0.10 - 2016.03.28]: stockalike calculation of Delta V & TWR Known bug If you like these tiny mods you can consider a little donation... QuickSAS What is it? QuickSAS is a small plugin which adds keyboard shortcuts for the SAS Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickSearch What is it? QuickSearch is a small plugin which adds an extension to the part search function on the editor, it also adds a part search on the tech tree. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickGoTo What is it? QuickGoTo is a small plugin which adds the possibility to go to an other scene from anywhere (VAB, SPH, Tracking Station ...). Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickRevert What is it? QuickRevert is a small plugin which adds the possibility to keep the revert function. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickExit What is it? QuickExit is a plugin which adds the possibility to exit KSP at any time. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickHide What is it? QuickHide is a plugin which adds the possibility to hide the stock toolbar, the mods of the stock toolbar and the stages. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickIVA What is it? QuickIVA is a small plugin which adds a switch to the IVA at the loading or the launch of a vessel. I suggest you to use the awesome mod RasterPropMonitor which makes the IVA usable. QuickIVA support the mod Probe Control Room. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickBrake What is it? QuickBrake is a small plugin which adds the possibility to brake your vessel at launch. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickStart What is it? QuickStart is a small plugin which adds the possibility go to the last game saved after the loading of KSP. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickContracts What is it? QuickContracts is a plugin which adds the possibility to have keyboard's shortcuts on the mission control. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickMute What is it? QuickMute is a plugin which adds the possibility to mute all the KSP sounds. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickCursorHider What is it? QuickCursorHider is a plugin which hide the cursor when you push on F2. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickFineControl What is it? QuickFineControl is a plugin which adds the possibility to toggle the precision control at the load of a vessel. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickScroll What is it? QuickScroll is a small plugin which adds the possibility to scroll the parts pages, the categories and the filters on the editor with the mouse wheel and with keyboard shortcuts. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations:
  12. The time I passed to choose which will be the best orbits, now it's integrated, THANKS !
  13. I like that sort of small plugin. I will try this thanks.
  14. I've put this option to give players a sense of fame when they succeed on a mission without testing it in simulation. You can disable this parameter on the Spacecenter.
  15. Salut, moi je joue avec trop de modes, des fois je me dis que je devrais en supprimer, mais comment imaginer jouer sans cette fonction ci ou cette fonction là^^. Difficulté : RemoteTech2, DeadlyReentry, DangIt, IFILS, SRL. Interface : EnhancedNavBall, NavHud, NavBallDockingAlignment, LandingHeight. Fonctionnalité : PartCatalog, EditorExtensions, SelectRoot, ShipManifest, PreciseNode, Targetron, ScienceAlert. Parts : KWRocketry, SCANsat, ProceduralFairings, Universal Storage, KAS. Calculs : Engineer, Protractor. Divers : Squad HD, Chatterer, SafeChute, ShowFPS. Sinon j'ai pas mal joué avec FAR/NEAR, mais je ne suis pas un grand fan du fait de réduire les DeltaV de la mise en orbite ... J'ai aussi beaucoup joué avec DebRefund mais je trouvais que ça rendait le coût des fusées trop faible (sans compter l'obligation de mettre des parachutes partout, ce que je trouve assez lassant ). Je redoute toujours les mises àjours de KSP ...
  16. Congrats, that's a awesome mod repository
  17. Hello, since I've began to play to KSP, I searched a tiny mod that could make an ironman/hardmode scenario (no revert, as in europa universalis ) with the possibility to try and simulate a rocket as stock as possible. What is it ? SRL is a plugin which adds the possibility to: - simulate a vessel from all celestial bodies while in orbit without save/return to spacecenter/recover, - launch a vessel from Kerbin without revert/quicksave/quickload. SRL integrates HyperEdit with the accord of his Dev team (thanks for that awesome mod) and it integrates QuickRevert with my accord . This mod will change your save game, I suggest you back up your save game before you install it. Download: [Moderator removed defunct website link] Kerbal CurseForge Github Licence information: GPL v3 Source code: github How to install it ? Unzip all files. Put the SRL folder in your KSP/GameData folder. If you updating the mod, you don't need to uninstall before to install the mod. You can just copie and remplace the existing files (in that way, you can keep your previous configurations). How to uninstall it ? On the space center, you need to open the SRL configuration panel and disable SRL, now you can shutdown your game and delete the SRL folder in your KSP/GameData folder. Troubleshooting ? This mod will not work well with: - all other mods that will lock/unlock the recovery button, such as multiplayer's mods, - mods which change planets, such as PlanetFactory. Changelog v1.33 - 2014.12.20 - Fix: Corrected the lost PluginData folder, - Fix: Corrected the panel so that it does not auto hide in flight, - Fix: Some other minor fixes. v1.32 - 2014.12.19 - Updated to 0.90 v1.31 - 2014.11.01 - Fix: Corrected the loading of the configurations files for others solar systems, - Fix: Corrected a parameter of RSS configurations files, the Moon will be properly unlocked for a simulation. v1.30 - 2014.10.31 - New: Added an option to unlock the celestial bodies for a simulation with the tech tree, - New: Added the configurations files for others solar systems (RealSolarSystem and Kerbol 6.4x), - New: Added an automatic unlock for the achievements on existing savegames, - New: Added an option making that the amount of costs of a simulation is influenced by the penalties game difficulty, - New: Added an option to change the skin of the windows, - Fix: The achievements to unlock simulation can be made when a vessel changed SOI, - Fix: Corrected the panel so that it does not auto hide in the editor, - Fix: The orbital simulation will always be in the sunlight, - Fix: Deleted messages when you unlock a landed simulation (that's not yet implemented on SRL), - Fix: The last update blocked the quickload on simulation, - Fix: Some other minor fixes. - Now, this mod is CKAN compatible. v1.20 - 2014.10.16 - New: Added an option making that the amount of costs of a simulation is influenced by the vessel's price, - New: Added an option making that the amount of costs of a simulation is influenced by the celestial body, - Fix: Disabled the possibility to enable/disable a simulation after the vessel moved on the launch pad / runway, - Fix: Sometime a simulation could be disabled after the launch, - Fix: Sometime the simulation cost could be automatically set to 0, - Fix: Automatically detect the atmosphere altitude of a celestial body to avoid an error on the solar systems configurations files (which is planned for a next update), - Fix: Keep the last configuration after an update, - Fix: Some others minor fix. v1.10 - 2014.10.09 - New: Added the simulation while in orbit on all celestial bodies (integrate HyperEdit), - New: Added the revert to editor (integrate QuickRevert), - Fix: Disabled quicksave at prelaunch, - Fix: You can switch to far vessel, the revert will always be for the current simulation, - Updated to 0.25 v1.00 - 2014.09.14 First release - New: Added a configuration panel. - New: Added a persistent file config per saved game. - New: Added the management of the credits, reputation and science. - Fix: EVA on the launchpad have been corrected. - Fix: allowed EVA and switch near vessel in simulation. Planned updates/new features - Add the landed simulation, - Automatic backup the simulation for when KSP crashes, - Integrate to the contracts, - Integrate others mods such as Blizzy78 toolbar. Thanks ! to regex for his HardMode, to magico13 for his KCT, to all others mods developers which render this game really huge, to my friend Neimad who corrects my bad english ... and to Squad for this awesome game. Links: Dev thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92973 HyperEdit: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37756 QuickRevert: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/95168 RealSolarSystem: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55145 6.4x Kerbol System: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90088 HardMode: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/78895 KCT: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/69310 CKAN: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97434 KSP-AVC: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79745 [Moderator removed defunct website link] http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/224071 https://github.com/malahx/SRL http://dna-gaming.com/showthread.php/4166 If you like this mod you can consider a little donation...
  18. Hello, that's time to an fix update Changelog: v0.20 - 2014.09.07 Second beta release Fix: Corrected the quickload: - now after a quickload, you can revert to the launch (meaning you can disable the simulation and go to the space center, revert to the editor doesn't work though), - you can't quickload from another simulation (with the GUI this is yet possible), - you can't disable a simulation after a quickload. The simulation's button is disabled when you are in EVA on the launchpad. Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github
  19. Juste histoire de vous motiver merci pour les traductions.
  20. In simulation, the quicksave / quickload is bugged, I forgot that after a quickload we couldn't revert I work to update this soon. Yes and i forgot to say thank you on my read me your mod have too many features for me this is why i haven't used it KCT and HardMode are my inspiration.
  21. I like the idea to integrating with the contrats and the tech tree system, i will planned this, thanks. This is already planned This is already planned and I reflect how would be the cost: - lose only money ? - lose only reputation ? - the cost will be function of the reputation ? - more a simulation is long, more it will cost ? - more you go far in a simulation, more you will earn some science ? I haven't really choose, perhaps i will make several solutions and we can changed the parameter on the configuration panel (which is planned too).
  22. Now it is released : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93722 What is it ? SRL is a small plugin which add the possibility to: - simulate a rocket from Kerbin without save/return to spacecenter/recover, - launch a rocket from Kerbin without revert/quicksave/quickload. This mod will change your save game, I suggest you back up your save game before you install it. Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github Licence information: GPL v3 Source code: github How to install it ? Unzip all files. Put the SRL folder in your KSP/GameData folder. How to uninstall it ? On the space center, you need to open the SRL configuration panel and disable SRL, now you can shutdown your game and delete the SRL folder in your KSP/GameData folder. How does it work ? Concretely this mod will change several variables of your save game as: - CanRestart - CanLeaveToEditor - CanQuickLoad - CanQuickSave - CanLeaveToTrackingStation - CanSwitchVesselsFar - CanAutoSave - CanLeaveToSpaceCenter Troubleshooting ? This mod will not work well with all other mods that will lock/unlock the recovery button, such as multiplayer's mods. Changelog v1.00 - 2014.09.14 First release - New: Added a configuration panel. - New: Added a persistent file config per saved game. - New: Added the management of the credits, reputation and science. - Fix: EVA on the launchpad have been corrected. - Fix: allowed EVA and switch near vessel in simulation. v0.20 - 2014.09.07 Second beta release Fix: Corrected the quickload: - now after a quickload, you can revert to the launch (meaning you can disable the simulation and go to the space center, revert to the editor doesn't work though), - you can't quickload from another simulation (with the GUI this is yet possible), - you can't disable a simulation after a quickload. The simulation's button is disabled when you are in EVA on the launchpad. v0.10 Initial beta release Planned updates/new features - Simulation could be tried on all other planets that you have already reached, - Automatic backup the simulation for when KSP crashes, - Integrate to the contracts, - Integrate to the tech tree, - Integrate achievements, - Integrate others mods such as Blizzy78 toolbar. Thanks ! to regex for his HardMode, to magico13 for his KCT, to all others mods developers which render this game really huge, to my friend Neimad who corrects my bad english ... and to Squad for this awesome game.
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