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Everything posted by Malah

  1. Hello, after an idea of inigma and armagheddonsgw, I've added some new keyboard shortcuts to navigate on the part lists. QuickScroll Changelog v1.10 - 2015.01.22 - New: Added enable/disable the mouse wheel scrolling, - New: Added enable/disable the shortcuts mouse wheel scrolling, - New: Added keyboard shortcuts, - New: Added a tweak for the PartListTooltips, with it, the tooltips can't popup until you right click on a part (this feature is disabled by default), - Fix: Move the config file to GameData/QuickScroll/Config.txt Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github Shortcuts: When the mouse is on the part list: Left CTRL + mouse wheel = scroll categories, Left Shift + mouse wheel = scroll filters. [*]When the mouse is on the categories: Left Shift or Left CTRL + mouse wheel = scroll filters. Switch the default categories with Enter + KeyPad 1, KeyPad 2, KeyPad 3 ... Previous/next page with Enter + left/right. Previous/next category Enter + up/down. Previous/next filter Enter + page up/page down.
  2. If you have MM dll on your GameData (an updated version), you need to delete the extra dll from IFILS
  3. You can do this with Mission Controller 2 and to simulate, you can do this with SRL or with KCT. Edit: I will look if I can easly add a revert cost to my QuickRevert mod.
  4. Hummm, 2 days ago I've thought at something like that I just need some little work and this will be good, thanks for this request
  5. Sorry, I hadn't taken the time to test it It works fine for me, I don't know if that's really important but I think that: - the Life Support Module - Medium needs a little more Life Support than the IFI Life Support Tank, because the IFI Life Support Tank can store a Kerbal in it (50 LS would be good or a little less ), - the Life Support Container - Small has quite the same volume as an Universal Storage tank but the Universal Storage tank can store 21 LS (if we look at KAS, the small container has 40 slots and the Universal Storage tank also has 40 slots ).
  6. That's done QuickMute What is it ? QuickMute is a plugin which adds the possibility to mute all the KSP sounds. Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github How does it work? You have three solutions to use QuickMute: - push on f10, - with the stock toolbar, - with the Blizzy Toolbar (an optional mod). You can change the shortcut and enable/disable toolbar's icons on the file "GameData/QuickMute/Config.txt" Screenshots Licence information: GPL v3 Source code: github How to install it ? Unzip all files. Put the QuickMute folder in your KSP/GameData folder. How to uninstall it ? Delete the QuickMute folder in your KSP/GameData folder. Changelog v1.00 - 2015.01.18 - First release. Thanks ! to BinaryBad to have requested this mod, to blizzy for his Toolbar mod, to Matthieu James for the Faenza icon theme, to all other mod developers which make this game really huge, to my friend Neimad who corrects my bad english ... and to Squad for this awesome game. Links: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/95168 https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/509/QuickMute http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/227124-quickmute https://github.com/malahx/QuickMute Toolbar: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60863 Faenza icon theme: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Faenza?content=128143
  7. +1 It needs to be stock. And in the time that Squad adds it, I have made 2 small mods which do that: QuickSearch and QuickScroll Hum, nice idea, I will add it to the next release of QuickScroll thanks.
  8. Hello, there's mods that could interest you: - PartCatalog (not updated yet for 0.90) - Filter Extensions - PartManager plugin - PartArranger (not updated yet for 0.90) - and one other which can delete parts from a savegame (but I've lost his name/links).
  9. Thanks for this request, I will think on it, and if I've the time... I've planned something like this for a next release, when you will switch a filter or a category, it will cleared the search box, I think this is what you looking for? Edit: for the function to go back, I haven't think of it yet, but this will be a nice addition, thanks.
  10. Thanks! I will try it now Edit: Ho, I haven't seen that there is a release topic KerbalStuff's link redirects here
  11. It works fine with it, can you try to start MemoryUsage in command line, to be able to see the error or something like this? If you dont know how: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/command-prompt-faq go on the link "How do I get to a command prompt?" after, you will write on the command prompt: cd put_your_ksp_install_directory and: MemoryUsage.exe And with luck, you will see an error
  12. Hello, 1 unit of LifeSupport integrates all things of the real life support (food, water, waste, recycling ...), all in only 1 ressource this is why it is interesting. If you search something with waste/recycling, you can try one of the others LS mod (there is 3 other mods which do what you look for ).
  13. Have you tried [WIP] Loading textures only as required? But it hasn't been updated for KSP 0.90 and it is in experimental
  14. Hello, no this is not normal, when I've tried it on windows I've never seen this, I think you can try to check your antivirus or something like this ... As LastStarDust has explain, can you try to run MemoryUsage.exe as administrator? If this doesn't work, have you .NET installed? I will try to add a feature which doesn't need to write data on a file but I really can't know if this will can help you.
  15. I see no FPS lost on my try ... I haven't the time to do more, sorry. Your mod list is complete? On the log I can see much more mods (and mods which I think incompatible ... AntennaRange and RemoteTech). Have you test it on a new savegame?
  16. Hello, I will make some test to watch if this is caused by SRL. I doesn't use RealismOverhall and the first time I've tested it with SRL, I exprienced some bug with the hyperedit function ... Can you send me your logs? How To Get Support
  17. Hello, I don't know if this is what you look for, but you can try Contract Configurator.
  18. I don't know if QuickHide v1.01 will work for KSP 0.25, but the version 1.00 work fine on it. If you look at the others quickmods: QuickScroll and QuickSearch can't work on KSP 0.25, the others had been released for that version (you just need to downgrade to an older version of the mod that you want).
  19. If need you can try my QuickHide mod which hides all mod buttons from the stock toolbar, I know this is not the best solution, but this is a quick solution
  20. Hello, I found the time to do it QuickSearch What is it ? QuickSearch is a small plugin which adds the possibility to search parts on the editor. (Yet another parts search plugin ) Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github This is a request from Borisbee. Licence information: GPL v3 Source code: github How to install it ? Unzip all files. Put the QuickSearch folder in your KSP/GameData folder. How to uninstall it ? Delete the QuickSearch folder in your KSP/GameData folder. Changelog v0.10 - 2015.01.02 Initial release Planned updates/new features Save your search for a next time, Add a subassembly search, Add logical parameter (and &, or |), Add a regex search (/patern/). Thanks! to Borisbee to have requested this mod, to BlackNecro for his awesome PartCatalog, to Crzyrndm for his Filter Extensions, to Banbury for his Part Search, to MrHappyFace for his PartSearch, to Konraden for his Part Search Plugin, to all mods developers which make this game really huge, to my friend Neimad who corrects my bad english ... to Squad for this awesome game. Links: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/472/QuickSearch https://github.com/malahx/QuickSearch http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/226668-quicksearch PartCatalog: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35018 Filter Extensions: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104231 Part Search: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/95352 PartSearch: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/102375 Part Search Plugin: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/32983
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