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Hammer Tech

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Everything posted by Hammer Tech

  1. I've wanted Steampunk to come to KSP for sooo long! Please please please continue with this
  2. This is looking fantastic so far! Will it be pure parts or will there be functionality added? I ask because there are certain glaring omissions in the original version (incredible though it is), such as the ability to set preset angles, the ability to change rotation/extension in the SPH/VAB, and the toolbar window re-appearing when it's hidden, etc. that it would be nice to see fixed (what an ugly sentence, sorry grammar heads). Anyway, good work is what I'm trying to say
  3. I have a slight bug with this: I made a plane with a procedural tank on the front and a regular tank on the back, made the Ptank liquid fuel only, and when I launch it the Ptank contains oxidiser too... I'm not sure what's going on with it.
  4. If I had a pound lol.... Just delete the City Lights folder and you're good to go
  5. It won't need to move or anything, cause we have IR for that I guess than rotor animation and stuff would be the most difficult thing to model, but I don't have any modelling knowledge so I wouldn't know really Well anyway don't feel pressured to do it; it's your mod; it's just a suggestion for an engine type that seems to be lacking in KSP at the minute
  6. Cheers! Naten, I'm trying to recreate , but I can't find any engines that fit properly aesthetically. Is there any chance the next release of your mod could include something similar? Cheeky I know but they're really sexy engines anyway, regardless of my needs for them
  7. Oh my. Oh my oh my. If the finished mod looks anything at all like the concept art, it will be fantastic! Seriously, I can't wait for this.
  8. Which mods are used in that image? I love the flame effect.
  9. Along with Pwing, this will streamline my game so much. Looking awesome- can't wait to try it out.
  10. Oh, while I'm here, is there any way to get the IR window to stay hidden when I hide it in the VAB? Every time I undo an action or reload the VAB/SPH it pops up, and it's kind of in the way. Only a minor annoyance, so I'm not complaining, but it'd be nice if it could be dealt with at some point. Cheers
  11. I love this. The wireframe effect makes even the ungainliest of crafts look like Sci-Fi masterpieces. Super useful in RPM, too.
  12. Frankly I'm inclined to agree; such a small addition for a lot of extra work
  13. I've just realised this isn't what I mean. What I'm after is a part which is attached between two points like a strut or a fuel line, and contracts to exert a force then relaxes when the input is halted. Cheers anyway; the thing you linked is still pretty useful.
  14. I maybe have an idea as to how cloud tendrils following your craft might be implemented. What if it weren't part of the clouds at all but part of the craft- like the condensation/shock heating effects but specific to the altitude of the cloud layer? I don't know anything about modding so I might be talking out of my bottom here, but it struck me as a possibility.
  15. Awesome cheers dude. Thanks for the prompt response too. Downloading now UPDATE: Works perfectly!
  16. I have another question. Would this work for lift as well as thrust? I have a mid sized cargo plane which is quite long and narrow, and to compensate for a widely fluctuating CoM I have movable wings: Could I use this mod for adjusting CoL? Cheers.
  17. Love the aurora. Installed it, admired its beauty, balked at my frame rate, removed it. Absolutely gorgeous though.
  18. There sure are a lot of jaws lying around here... And I can see why! I will delete ALL of my mods for this. Except B9, VE, and texture replacer but my game will be SO PRETTY!
  19. Looks beautiful! Will the auroras (auraorae?) be animated at some point? Unfortunately I'm fairly sure this would cause my laptop to sublimate, but I can look on with awe nonetheless!
  20. DO WANT! Is there perchance an ETA on the next official release for VE? I'm not pestering; I'm just interested.
  21. Did you create the paint layer for that yourself? How much of B9 do you have supported?
  22. Just checked that clip- Gobsmacked! It looks fantastic!
  23. Just want to say how much I love this mod. I got it kind of on a whim, to fit a specific ship I was building and I was just blown away by its quality. I love the detail on the latest version, too.
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