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Hammer Tech

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Everything posted by Hammer Tech

  1. Can I ask something; how do I create an exception for this? I want to see my new skybox in all its glory, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to not compress it. Cheers.
  2. Just when I think this can't get any prettier... it does! Just a suggestion: Any chance of talking to RuBisCo about incorporating his Dunan dust storms? I can do it myself, but a version with it included would certainly make life easier for those of us who get confused by these things
  3. Minmus. Looks. Gorgeous! That fog is so creepy and beautiful. Not sure how realistic it is, but who cares Yes, definitely keep going with this; it's easily as good as anything Proot has done. Also, is there any way I can minimise this effect?: It's not a big deal, since it only happens in quite a small altitude band, but it'd be nice if I could reduce it somewhat, if possible. All in all, this has become one of my must-haves
  4. Beautiful Really enhances the inherent weirdness that Minmus already has.
  5. Jaw=dropped. That looks beautiful. Perhaps a little more blueish, as SirusKing said, but that looks just fantastic
  6. Quite probably. Ah well, I can wait for a fix I guess
  7. I'd like to see a bit of an eerie green glow around Minmus? That would look cool.
  8. It's looking gorgeous in this latest version! The bug I was experiencing is gorn, too. Also, I have a lovely shot of Kerbin, Kerbol, and three other planets (not sure which atm) from the surface of Mun: [EDIT] Just checked- from left to right the planets are Duna, Eve, and Jool.
  9. Sorry to double post! To get it working with the Duna storms mod I had to copy/paste the Duna layers from that .cfg into the BA .cfg. Before I did that, it seemed to be trying to load them both and it was causing weird graphical bugs.
  10. Not sure if this issue has been reported- probably has looking back at some of the posts on here... But yeah this is weird All in all I LOVE the look of this mod- it's gorgeous. I can remove the weirdness by changing the height of the outer layers on Eve and Mun, but saving it removes the beautiful colour from Kerbin... So I dunno what is up, but it's weird. The massive majority is absolutely immense though, well done.
  11. I came here to report an issue, but it seems it's not just me For me, all is well up until I try to dock, whereupon the whole thing just disintegrates... It's as if the act of docking removes the physics from the truss: At first I assumed I'd docked too quickly and broken it, but that screenshot was taken after I added struts to the joints and docked at .3m/s... As you can see it's not like it's broken, rather the joints have just been erased, allowing everything to just float away. If anyone has a fix or workaround for this it'd be much apreesh.
  12. Brilliant, thank you! Apreesh. There is a spelling mistake in your sig...
  13. True that. The anticipation makes it all the sweeter when it comes out Like a fine cigar- one does not just buy it and smoke it straight away; the longer one waits the better it is. Within reason.
  14. Hi, I've admired this mod from afar for a long time, and I am finally now getting round to using it. I have a question- from where did you get the large structural trusses shown in the big station in the OP? I apologise if I'm being stupid, but they don't look stock? I would like to use similar trusses in my station design. Cheers
  15. These are seriously cool. Very Cthulhian. I have visions of massive ancient interplanetary tentacle monsters! If alien races are ever implemented in KSP they will invade in these XD
  16. Sup bro, I really want PMK in my life again; it got deleted in the switchover to .23.5, and the download isn't working for me- is there an alternate link for Pimp My Kerbals around anywhere? Cheers.
  17. That would be sweet- The stock RCS effects are horrible IMO.
  18. Sweet; the glider looks cool. Any news on the ducted fan I requested?
  19. Holy mother of God that is attractive. When can I play with this??
  20. Awesome! Welcome back I've been looking forward to moar Naten.
  21. Oooh does this mean Pimp My Kerbals will be getting reflective visors and stuff?
  22. Definitely attach nodes; as you say there are many awesome shuttle motors out there. For the issue of including fuel, why not have a tweakable that sets the fuel type in the style of Procedural Parts?
  23. This looks awesome.I just love the retro look; they really had the aesthetics down in the 50's. Hope your IRL troubles get sorted soon
  24. My goodness. Cannot wait for this... I take it this will conflict with HotRockets?
  25. Until this point I was only interested in this mod as a cool idea (I don't see much point in weapons for KSP)- Now I understand that there'll be proper damage it's worth getting just for that! Don't get me wrong I'm not badmouthing your mod; regardless of whether or not I would use it it's still a genius idea that looks to be extremely well implemented. Anyway, as I say, I might well get this when it's out just for the sweet sweet damage...
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