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Hammer Tech

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Everything posted by Hammer Tech

  1. That is awesome! It looks predatory. That's a really cool way of doing this.
  2. Hi; love the idea, but does this work with RasterProp Monitor? Like the cam added by ALCOR, the feed from which appears on your in-pod screens. It would be fantastic if that were the case.
  3. I have a slight issue with this mod- I only use it for the sexy Kerbals, cause my craptop can't handle anything more fancy than that, but I get odd clipping issues around their mouths when they smile: Is this something I just have to deal with as a result of my poor spec, or is there something I can do? Cheers chaps.
  4. I don't know if it's just me, but the longer I have to wait for this update the more excited I get... Having seen the sneak peeks of the upcoming parts I can say I am more than willing to wait a very long time for this.
  5. NEW PLANE! Super easy to fly lifting-body JATO SCRAMjet. Just throttle up, point it at 30°. Fire up the SCRAMjet around 1200m/s, then drop the booster stage when it runs out of fuel. This thing gets so fast and high you could put it in orbit with a Sepratron. The Hammer Technologies X-60 Thunder! Mod requirements are Retro Future and BT Engine Pack. Enjoy! *WARNING: Use at your own risk. Craft has no landing/survivability capabilities. Neither Hammer Technologies nor its subsidiaries bear any responsibility for injury, dismemberment, loss of property, life, or sanity incurred while using this vehicle. Not a plane, but this is my skybox for Texture Replacer. Nicely rendered from Space Engine in 4k resolution DOWNLOAD HERE "Broomstick" Ultralight! Weighs around 1.6 Tonnes, will get you over 500M/s and has a range of around 11,000 Km. Uses Procedural Wing, Realchute, and Taverio's Pizza and Aerospace. Enjoy!
  6. Cheers for the help guys. It occurred to me, too, that the wings were way too big. On reentry it would just flip to face vertically and I'd lose all control, so: The MkII version was born! As you can see, this retains full control upon reentry. (Possibly has slightly too little drag, as during its first test one of the wings actually burned up in the atmosphere...) I'll fit the smaller air brakes, and maybe a couple of drogue chutes to bleed off some velocity early on, and hopefully it'll be good to go
  7. -or do I need to redesign? Hey chaps, does anyone fancy giving my shuttle a test-run? It's pretty mod-heavy so I don't expect many people to be able to use it... but if you can I would really appreciate finding out if my inability to land it safely is just my incompetence or an actual design flaw . Mods are B9, ALCOR (and the IVA mod on which it relies), KW, Klockheed Martian Shuttle Engines, Procedural Wings, Realchutes, VNG EVA Chutes, Infernal Robotics, KAS, and FusTek station parts (the original not the expansion). It was designed with FAR, so if by some miracle you have all the aforementioned mods but not FAR don't be surprised if you can't get it off the runway. I can get it into orbit (it does need to be mothered a bit; hence the auto-staging), but try as I might I cannot land the damn thing. Check the action groups and so-on before you launch. Cheers. https://mega.co.nz/#!oMhxRY4B!gsCy-fLS8UyeXKZIJnt59nd7D95oYEE8tV7HjuaglLo
  8. I have an issue... This: is all I can see. Even in ther ALCOR lander and the B9 pods, while the internals are present, still has the mangled screens... It's installed correctly, so is there any way of me finding out what's up? Cheers
  9. Ooooh, this is exciting stuff! I can't wait. One other thing, how badly would rings made of tiny objects decimate my memory?
  10. Yeah I did the same; attaching directly to the winch with nothing else, and it seemed to act as though the Kerbal and the ship were one object, with the CoM halfway down the cable :s maybe it's just because I forgot to engage the SAS?
  11. This. If, some time down the line, you get a message from Lego then you can worry about permissions, but for now I reckon it'll be okay.
  12. Only if we approach it in Human terms... We should consider the hypothetical naming conventions of Kerbals; maybe "Kerman" is a gender or tribal designation, and the strange compound names they have are actually name+surname, eg. "Shep-Vey". I like the idea of "Kermin" for the Kerbaladies. Presumably the females aren't hired by the KSP on account of Kerbal gender roles, or maybe they are physiologically unsuitable for space travel; we can only speculate until we see some ingame. Also (and the reason I came on to this thread before I got sidetracked) I LOVE this mod. My Kerbals look so much swankier in their sexy new spacesuits.
  13. This is absolutely the coolest KSP mod I have ever seen. I won't be getting it myself, as it doesn't fit my aesthetic and I don't have the RAM to spare, but I just wanted to express how absolutely awesome I think this is.
  14. I just tried using the winch from this pack as an EVA tether... did not go well. Well, it worked, but every movement Jeb made was amplified up the cable and spun the pod out. By the time I'd figured out to unhook the cable, switch over to the pod, engage SAS, then try again, we were re-entering at 3kps, and everybody died XD. Just thought I'd share my fun story
  15. I have a question about the config files... Sorry if this is a doop but I didn't fancy trawling through 80+ pages, and the search bar doesn't seem to work for me. If I merge the whole lot with GameData like normal will the config files take effect or do I have to do something separate to get the configs up and running? Cheers.
  16. This is almost definitely a RAM issue. Texture compression packs ahoy! If this works I will marry you.
  17. Agreed- rings would be awesome. I don't use the city lights part of this mod, cause lights with no cities is too dissonant for my delicate sensibilities, but the clouds add do much to my experience that it's nigh-indispensable.
  18. IKR. It seems way over the top. Yeah it's weird how little force they can withstand.Maybe it's more to do with placement? Also, wow Scott Manley is here... I feel starstruck
  19. I have always had this issue with B9 wheels. it's to do with the amount of weight on each wheel. I believe Bac9 himself has commented on this issue and said that he will not "fix" it, since it's intentional. I may be misremembering so don't quote me on that. Try either adding more gears, or strutting the living hell out of the existing ones.
  20. There's a lot of negativity in this thread. So what if this mod will add things that are added by other mods? The same goes for plenty of others. So what if it's a lot for a beginner? That's how you learn. I for one will be following the progress of this with interest.
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