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Hammer Tech

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Everything posted by Hammer Tech

  1. [quote=FlyingRaptorJesus;874115it just kinda falls apart because you can't have struts connected to the wing and then move it or else it just spazzes out and explodes
  2. Nah I meant the pictured plane; but yeah it would be sick if Procedural wings did that. What you said.
  3. If I'm not mistaken, those kind of wings actually rotate mid-flight to adjust the Sweeping for supersonic speeds; so I would use Infernal Robotics to achieve that with the hinges or whatever.
  4. Sweet! If you get round to it I will definitely give this a whirl.
  5. I love this mod. I like that it deadens the music too, it just feels so much more spacey.
  6. Very nice. Any possibility of less powerful telescopes for earlier in the game?
  7. What he said. I don't use it, but I have in the past. It's your game, do what you want
  8. Fantastic. Saw this in Scott Manley's video and said "I have to have that."
  9. Fair do's; good work. I would like to see endcaps for the airship envelopes; cause the main reason I stopped using HL airships was the aesthetics were ruined for me by having the weird shaped envelopes. The only one I really used was the "Ray", cause it looks most like how I imagine an airship to look.
  10. In that case it may just be that I've made a mistake; but I can't find any of the parts for it... The mechanics are working okay, but the parts are missing, even from Sandbox.
  11. I've had a slight issue with Firespitter- nothing serious or game breaking, but with the updated version (which is awesome btw), the lift display in the SPH don't seem to be working... Could be a clash with FAR, possibly?
  12. Dude... These are awesome! When I have my mod setup back up and running in .23 I will definitely be giving some of these a whirl.
  13. (Not sure if this is in the right place, but here goes) I've just upgraded to .23, wondered if there was any word about forthcoming mod updates, and already there are mods which have been updated! I just want to say how much I appreciate the effort you guys put in to this game.
  14. Oh I stopped years ago... From then on it became Hammer time, all the time... I am totally going to do that.
  15. I have FAR because I like the way it handles aerodynamics; and I don't really think it's so ridiculous to want degrees of realism is it? Can I not want more realistic physics but not build 100% realistic rockets? No i don't use MechJeb any more- I began to feel I was using it as a crutch so I got rid, and yeah the pod is fine . Anyway I motorised the arms, which clip nicely into the body of the rocket , tried raising the CoM, but the only way I could get it significantly higher was to attach modified Xenon tanks that weigh 40t each :s needless to say, this happened: After fiddling about I managed to get it relatively stable, so now the only challenge is balancing thrust with heat generation. The main thruster overheats and explodes VERY fast, resulting in this situation:
  16. I don't care how late it is released! GMT here so it's probably going to be this evening some time...
  17. I never used the towers myself- I have on occasion set up an abort sequence which shuts down the engines, locks the brakes, decouples the pod and fires solid retro-thrusters mounted on the body; and while this is probably over-complicated, but now I just use Vanguard EVA Parachutes.
  18. That's a good plan. I actually have procedural fairings but I hadn't considered using it- however; I also have Infernal Robotics and it didn't even occur to me to have folding arms! Will definitely do that. Good plan- I have several SAS modules already, but I guess more is better? Definitely not ashamed; after all, insane rockets is the Kerbal Way! I will raise the CoM and see if that helps. Slightly counter-intuitive to think that it wants to be higher but I'll give it a shot. The SRB's were an attempt to lower the CoM and rebalance the ship, but it didn't work.
  19. The way I do it is to have the wings as high as I can get them, and not too far behind the CoM, angle them straight out, and always have canards for keeping the nose up. Other than that just try to keep it as light as possible and have long straight wings.
  20. I am planning on launching a modular space station into Kerbin orbit, and I have the first module ready to launch, but I can't get it to fly straight. It's just too top-heavy. I tested it with just the orange tank and corresponding booster and it flipped out almost immediately so I figured maybe it had too much drag (I use FAR), so I added the fairings on the scaffolds and a large third stage to boost it up to where the atmosphere thins a bit- but it burns straight as an arrow 'til I ditch the stage, then flips out again. I added the SRB's to try to lower the CoM, to no avail, and I tried adding fins to stabilise but they actually made it worse... Any ideas guys? Cheers.
  21. It, sir, is always Hammer time
  22. I've been playing KSP for a few weeks now, and I thought it's probably time to get on board with the forum. So hi! I'm Hammer.
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