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Everything posted by Jiraiyah

  1. oh no more Stock visual enhancement with your planet mod pack?
  2. Ok, i got your pack, may i ask why did you redistribute many mods? are they tweaked or just to give option to people to use it? because if they are not changed, well, you could just link them in op and make the size of your mod smaller :/
  3. a minor issue, after installing SVT (same was happening in 1.1.3) i get this problem in main menu screen http://prntscr.com/cwr8m5 or can it be kopernicus?
  4. unfortunately i don't have that sort of knowledge but i will sure take a look at them both in one place and if i can, i will tweak it so that they would work side by side. one more question (last one i promiss) what would happen if two orbits interfere, i mean other than game playing problems, would game crash or what? thanks for info sir
  5. oh i see, woot with 27 buddies, who needs those extra mods but if the orbits of OPM and other mods won't hit your mod's ones, would they work? i mean, is there anything in them that would not work because of the tweaks you made to galaxy? <-- he is stupidly greedy for more buddies all around galaxy
  6. the extra solar one? (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/130656-11x-kopernicus-extrasolar-planets-beyond-kerbol-discontinued/)
  7. @Galileo Honestly, I don;t care if those stations are burning in hell right now finally i can give your awesome mod a test and have fun <-- that sort of fun Hmm now i wonder, how would your mod work side by side with kerbal galaxy and/or OPM one? would they interfere with each other or not?
  8. @Galileo sir, may you possibly have an answer for this? also i assume SVT works like charm?
  9. Let the god love my life as much as he wants now, GOD DAMN YES YES YES, thanks man umm ahem, now that i calmed down, a question, is the bug related to kerbin orbits (when kerbin is not parented to sun) still remains or did squad some how fixed their side of things now?
  10. I'm ok with different textures, add different resources to the equation too, but having a spawner that will spawn more astroids, well, i don't think it's necessary, only being able to see more than what is there already should be plenty. and about updating the mod ourselves, unfortunately it's not open source. although, hopping for a talented mod developer to make a mod like this and maintain it is nice dream
  11. umm considering that green house didn't get anyupdate, can i assume that is working ok in 1.2 or does it need a recompile or anything like that? oopse didn't pay attention to op page, ignore me
  12. alternatively, if you have photoshop, you can install nvidia's plugins for dds and save your image as dds directly
  13. @SuicidalInsanity Hi sir, considering that your mod has few cockpits, could you please add a patch for texture replacer to use this mod ? as you may find in the mod's config, it is really easy to add support for it but at the same time, it needs the part names (not the one in the config but the one in the modeling software) too. thanks sir
  14. hmm was looking at your config file to see how you do the addition of reflection, but then something picked my interest, any special reason you commented some of the parts? or is it just for performance boost? i mean if i uncomment those lines, would i get reflection on those parts?
  15. you guys think if we open a ticket on their support system they would listen and integrate it? or will they ignore it?
  16. it's not a problem when you just play ksp once a day, but when you are adding mod after mod and each time you load the game to make sure nothing bad is going on, or when you develop a mod and you have to load the game time after time, that nyan cat really gets on your nerves if i was the mod developer, the same way he gave an option to always have it, he could give another param to remove it from loading screen, but that is me, i still respect him. just answered another person's question to make him a bit more relaxed
  17. ok, tried it, take a look http://prntscr.com/cwiofx as you see, it's doing stock behavior like your mod is not even there.
  18. That will disappear in 12 days by itself, yah it's module manager and apparently, developer of the mod likes that nyan nyan cat, but he made it so that it will not load up in 1st November.
  19. sigh they didn't integrate it to 1.2, would the previous version work in 1.2? or should we wait for god knows how long?
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