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Everything posted by Yaeah

  1. Jupiter Looks gorgeous!
  2. I won't be adding any new systems anytime soon, but for the meantime, any suggestions on the current systems?
  3. More screenshots will soon be added, any questions on the planets so far?
  4. Well, I can sort of fix this...I could use Minmus or Gilly as a template and create a gas giant by super-sizing the planet to say, 5,000-6,000km radius range(or anything else I want) and use the Clouds mod to hide the surface, but give it the Gas Giant feel, It would look like any other Gas Giant, but I can change everything, including atmosphere.(I've had to do this with Neptune and Uranus in the Sol Project). This would take away the green shimmer from the Jool template.
  5. Sorry I've been inactive for a while here, I've been working with Porry on our Sol Project. So here's an update, I've once and hopefully for all fixed Indus's atmosphere:) Oh and clouds not appearing on Titan, that's fixed
  6. Sol has been added at 10AU and Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune have been added at 1/10 orbit heights.
  7. Neptune is fully complete.
  8. Neptune and Uranus now have working atmospheres. I'm planning on adding more detail into the Uranus texture.
  9. I Kind of did... here: we are making a star, Sol, out at 10AU from the sun, with our solar system planets around this star. We may change it, but this is what it is right now.
  10. Oh, and I was able to make Neptune 1/10 size, here is a Jool comparison
  11. Neptune is now aesthetically complete
  12. Take a look at Skelton, specifically it's crater/decal. I think this is what Your are looking for.
  13. Interesting... If you'd message me on these configurations and settings, I would be glad to incorporate them!
  14. So, with the Saturnine moons almost complete, I figured I would go and try to fix the green haze of the Jool template for Saturn. I used Kcreator's Plugin tool to alter some settings, and although I didn't exactly get it there, I got the ambiance changed:
  15. Uranus is practically complete Progress on Saturn's Moons are almost complete.
  16. I don't think you can, Jool is too heavily woven in as a template and the options to change the ambient color(atmospheric glow) aren't available yet.
  17. ? That's what we're doing.
  18. Since Uranus and Neptune are both relatively small compared to Jupiter and Saturn, I will use Minmus as a template. Minmus is the roundest object when used for large objects such as these, and I can change the radius and gravity and atmospheric characteristics with this setting.
  19. Yeah I've been gone a bit myself as well, but back to the planets, I have been having issues with the smaller moons of Saturn like Mimas and Enceladus. The .bin mesh is all skewed and un-even. So I'm going to skip them and try Dione, Tethys(?) and Rhea. Ill start work on Uranus, too.
  20. I have 8 gigs of RAM, and KSP says I use about 65% of it when I play using Hercules and Titan.
  21. Interesting, just to make sure, I've re-uploaded the files. Does your game crash often? and in response to your previous post, the atmosphere issue I have yet to fix when the sky gets dark as you fly under it, but there is a quick fix. See the past like, 10 posts discussing this.
  22. These are issues that are apparent with Planet factory: creator's edition that I cannot fix nor would I have any clue on how to "acclimate" to this sort of issue:P
  23. You have an older version, looks like pre v 1.7.9, We're in 1.8.4 Do you have clouds and cities mod? and I would also recommend the texture compressor mod.
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