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Everything posted by G'th

  1. May also be due to OpenGL, as I pretty much never not use it. But now that ive got everything about where I want it, I think I'm going to turn them back on and see if the fighting comes back. I'll also try without OpenGL on as well. Also with the cloud textures, I can confirm that there are seams. I managed to scavenge the HR textures (which to you also means whatever issue there is with the HR file is in the configs not the textures themselves) and they do have at least a couple seams.
  2. Ninja'd Some more tidbits now that its working. I've found that it is still necessary to do the whole "alt-e and apply" bit from a while ago. Otherwise, bad things seem to be happening. (Namely, z-fighting and general nastiness) While doing the above fixes a lot of the visual errors I was experiencing, I had to turn off shadows completely to get rid of the z-fighting completely. Which isn't bad, the planets still look gorgeous. This I think has more to do with EVE itself rather than this mod, so we'll just have to wait to see how its improved in the future I think. Another thing I noticed before I turned the shadows off was that the cloud textures didn't match up perfectly. This may have been due to me downsizing (as I didn't downsize EVERY texture, just the biggest ones), so we'll leave that as a possible me error.
  3. Figured out the issue. Apparently the HR version of the Release is broken somewhere. Downloaded the ultra and loaded up and clouds were working. I can easily downsize the textures without affecting quality, so no issues there but it would be a good idea to fix that
  4. Hmm, appears I've hit a roadblock. My game seems to be working fine (aside with a Tracking Center bug that I used to get with un-undapted versions of Kopernicus, which I'm not worried about) with the exception that the clouds simply do not load. The other effects SVE provides seem to be working, but the clouds do not load. And just to clarify, this is with just stock KSP + CST-100, which I can't imagine is causing clouds to not appear being a simple part mod.
  5. Given the work you've done and the work thats been held up by your lack of a computer, I'm surprised there hasn't been a Fundme or Kickstarter campaign to get you back up and running
  6. Whats funny is that after a day the vast majority of mods have already updated. Only a few holdouts, and some of those still work even if they're buggy. Only found very few that don't work anymore period with 1.05.
  7. Awesome! I can tell that unless someone else like Astronomer comes out with another one this is likely going to be the go-to pack for visuals
  8. ^ I just wanted to say this is amazing and now I can play KSP again because CLOUDS YAY. But question, should I be downloading the new EVE as well (obviously just the release and not the basic configs) or does it come included with this?
  9. Sounds like you are running out of memory. What other mods are you trying to load?
  10. The question is, why? Do you need this much lift? Are you lifting such massive stages or sending them so far out into the cosmos that you really need to cluster them like that? Doesn't really matter in this game how powerful something is unless it its infinite. Sandbox it doesn't matter period, career you'd cripple yourself putting so many of these in an expendable rocket.
  11. I also find it funny that he thinks this is a problem when he essentially isn't even launching anything. He has this super large first stage thats all fuel with a payload that doesn't even register as a percentage of the total mass. Lets see some more stages, more engines, and an actual payload and then talk about this engine being an issue. This isn't really an issue, because even from the point of it being "OP" even in an actual rocket, its still right in line with everything else in the game. You may as well be complaining that you can put 30 SRBs into one stage.
  12. ^ I'll have to reinstall manually for RPM and see if it helps. So many mods bundle it and its hard to tell if all of them updated it, even if the rest of the mod is updated to 1.04. Also, just to clarify with what I was doing, I was following that yellow triangle thingy that's on the navball. Should I be looking at the separate bars top, right, and bottom? If so, could have sworn those were supposed to just be my rates and not my alignment indicators. And personally I don't like MechJeb. For one because I like piloting myself, and two because its overloaded with stuff. I like RemoteTech for autopilot purposes better because its cleaner and still requires a bit of effort on my part.
  13. So I've been playing with this today, and unless I'm missing something about how the FDAI works (or somehow have a bugged install), it seems like the needles aren't actually pointing where they should be. My first test was just to see how it works by playing with a maneuver node active and working to align myself to it. However, if I follow the needles until moving in one direction moves the needle to the opposite side of the navball that I moved in (IE, I move left, the needle goes to the right side), and do that for every direction, I end up in a spot where I seem to be aligned. But then I go out of IVA to see if I did it right, and I'm nowhere near the node, and instead I'm aligned to +radial. I've got an imgur album displaying what I'm seeing. You can see how I do have man. node set for the FDAI and what it looks like when I am actually aligned with the node versus when I allow the needles to tell me where to point. And just to clarify, while I am past the node at the point I took the pictures, how it was aligning me didn't change regardless of whether I was ahead of or behind the node. So thats not the issue. There first two are what it looks when aligned properly, and the last two when aligned according to the needles.
  14. ^ I think it would be wise to separate the two, if only to mesh well with how KSP would treat such a device. The docking port would be its own thing and the rest of the device would be a structural part. And that airlock is looking awesome!
  15. I do find it funny that Apollo 13 had all of this stigma attached to it because of the 13 and then it actually does end up being a failed mission.
  16. All I know is I'm stealing that flight suit.
  17. If Scott has his out then release is more than likely upon us.
  18. I wonder how deep you guys are going to go with it. Like, will the mission be done at splashdown or will you take it further and do a real time recovery? Also, what to do during the rather massive downtime that will be present on the way to and back from the Moon? How are you going to fill out time on the surface? And so on. It may be a good idea to set up (or have a specific person do it) a plan for these times. Obviously there will be stretches where you won't need to be doing anything, if we're going to integrate sleep periods into the actual mission, but when you're just flying through space or knocking around on the surface, there should probably be a plan in place for what to do to fill out the time. And this could actually be a good thing PR wise, as you could take these opportunities to may be have people come onto the "stream" (I imagine we'll be having this available for people to watch at some point, if not in real time) to talk about space, what they're doing, KSP, etc etc. Stuff like this would be excellent for the trips to and from the Moon. And then for surface work, it really depends on which mission you want to emulate. Apollo 11 would be relatively simple (as it was in life), but wouldn't be that terribly interesting. Apollo 12 would be a bit more complicated with its pinpoint landing near an already landed Surveyor, but even so still not that interesting and including the launch and landing of an extra spacecraft as well as a requirement for launch windows (not necessarily a bad thing). Apollo 13 would be a given if something on the mission goes wrong, so no sense emulating that one on purpose. Apollo 14, again, would not be that terribly interesting. All thats left then is the last 3 Apollo missions, and thats where things get interesting, with the inclusion of the LRV as well as a wider focus on science and what not. For our mission, it may be wisest to combine bits and bobs from 15-17 to fill out the surface stay, which I imagine we'll stick to being 1 day.
  19. Get KIS and build one in-situ, or, latch it to the side of your lander with a counterweight on the opposite side. May be bring 2 of the same rovers attached radially. Another option, attach your engines radially and carry the rover under the lander.
  20. People always say how bad Voyager was, but honestly I think that was just the beginning season(s) and the finale that were really really bad. Everything in between was pretty good from what I remember. Year in Hell being a notable example. Granted they seemed to just selectively decide whether or not the crew was in a dire situation trying to get home or just on a typical 5 Year, and then that Episode-That-Should-Not-Be-Mentioned happened, but even so.
  21. Argh, the more I think about this the more I really want to be commander
  22. Welp, you can put me down for backup INCO. When this goes down I'll ensure I have everything ready to go at a moments notice so if I'm needed and available I can be there. Still, internet connection isn't guaranteed so we'll have to play it by ear as we get close to to the mission. Also, once we have a specific date in mind, I may or may not be available for a more expanded role. If I had a decent connection and could guarantee a solid several days free I'd say put me up for the Commander's position as I'd be more than adequate in that role. But alas, life does not allow me this awesome awesome chance.
  23. This. I also like to build some extra dV into my landers to bring the starting orbit down in altitude. Makes it a lot easier to land because its easier to hit a specific target and you have a bit less speed to kill off.
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