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Everything posted by MDZhB

  1. Granted, but you're going to have to receive it going 200m/s. I wish that life was simple and easy.
  2. Granted, but now you're blind. I wish to have this wish.
  3. When you shamelessly sell your things for anime
  4. "For convenience, we are moving all major space program facilities right next to the launch pad, including our tracking station, aircraft hanger, and R&D complex."
  5. I'd like to submit my upgraded aerofighter: the F-4L Super Key. This one's better because more maneuverability, better AI, and more firepower. Plus it just looks better.
  6. Here is my submission, after much testing, design, redesign, and redesign again: the F-4 Key. It's ugly as kraken, but I think it might work. I tried to make it small, fast, agile, and heavily armed.
  7. Do not fall for the magic boulder, then realize that she's too young already taken.
  8. How about this: Separate the game into different "musical situations" (like Title Screen, Mun Orbit, Duna Landing, VAB Design, etc.) Allow the player to choose exactly what song or songs are played in certain situations. Make it so that multiple songs could be assigned to a situation, and the game treats it like a playlist on shuffle. This way, Squad can include whatever music they want by default, and all of us could change it to what we please, and save it that way. Joe Blow Kerman over there could use the default track, Kräzy Lärry Kermän could change it all to death metal, and Hanako Kerman-chan could listen to her favorite anime sound track. Heck, if you wanted to, you could just replace all the music with the title screen song. And, it would all be easy to do in a simple and concise menu in the settings, with a file dialogue to pick MP3s from anywhere.
  9. 0/10 never seen you. I've been gone for a while though.
  10. Any word on price? If there is a price above zero, I probably won't be able to buy.
  11. I like to imagine that in my world, the nations of Kerbin have been united under an imperialist worldwide military regime, so, naturally, multiple countries contribute technology to the space program. So far, I have Russian-named boosters, Japanese-named space capsules, and English-named stations. I'm planning on adding some French and Chinese names too. All my spacecraft are fictional, so you won't find a Soyuz or any Redstones. I usually name things after random stuff, like concepts, fictional characters, songs, etc.. I have a "Shining Future" series of space capsules, and I'm planning on naming something "Alice," "Blue Skies," or "Remiflan."
  12. This is going to be so awesome, not just for those native speakers, but for all who have interests in languages in general!
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