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Everything posted by ctbram

  1. Is this working with 1.0.4? I have a brand new fresh 1.0.4 install and all I have loaded is ATM (normal), TextureReplacer (default), and EVE 7-4 (hi-res) and when the game starts first thing I notice is I see NO ATM messages where I would expect it to be optimizing textures. Then when I select new game I get no flags (it's just blank). Finally, when I start the game there are NO clouds or visual enhancements at all??? WWWWW TTTT FFFF?
  2. default hotkeys only shows winch and cable hotkeys. It would really be useful to know what grab and attach is! lol
  3. Thanks Smegg. I knew they went into the TR folder and suits made sense but I was afraind to just dump all the folders in there. I'll give it a try. I'll pop in next time I see you streaming.
  4. Seriously can you give any installation instructions???? This is based on another mod but I do not know where to dump these files? I know they go someplace in the texture replacer folder (I am guessing) but you give no instructions on how or where install them???
  5. I am having trouble figuring out how to use this. Is there any chance someone can toss together a camtasia or bandicam video tutorial and put it up on youtube? I sure would appreciate it. I have really avoided planes in ksp because they are tedious to build, and very twitchy to fly. I'd like to make a small, medium, and heavy SSTO that I can reliably get to space. So far I have not been very successful with anything in 1.0.x. I was getting close to something stable with FAR pre 1.0.x but now with 1.0.x I am not even coming close to attaining orbit. It's pretty frustrating.
  6. Installation instructions please? I missed the class on omnipotence.
  7. Why does the thread title indicate this is a 1.0.2 compatible version but the links goe to only a 0.90 compatible version of the mod? This is very confusing and maybe the first post title should get changed to [0.90] ... ? The previous three posts are an indication of the confusion the title is causing.
  8. I am sure the second one is simply a floating point precision issue. You are never going to get exactly 0.0 and pm/s is effectively zero.
  9. And just how was I rushing you? I simply said I liked the inflatable floats from the special parts mod. That does not sound whiny to me! You need to put a check on your ego buddy or get laid because you can be quite rude! A simple - You can still use the old parts and It's on my list to be updated and I'll get to it eventually - would have sufficed. You know if you are going to whine about being over loaded maybe you should not take over so many peoples mods then let them languish and then get all pissy when folks ask for an update on your progress.
  10. Toadicus, there still seems to be a conflict with proc fairings. With 1.11 and 1.11.1 I do not get a context menu when I right click the interstage fairing base. ksp version TE version: 1.11.1 PF version 3.14 Symptom: right click interstage fairing base and get no menu To reproduce: 1. create new stock instance of ksp folder 2. install PF 3.14 and TE 1.11.1 in game folder 2a. I launch game with -force-opengl -popupwindow 3. create a new sandbox game 4. go to vab and just grab a proc interstage fairing base and right click it and no menu opens 4a. you can also grab a mk1 pod and a insterstage base and attach them and when you right click the fairing base no menu opens log file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5501128/ksp_stuff/TE%20Bug/KSP.log bugged craft file ex: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5501128/ksp_stuff/TE%20Bug/TE%20PF%20Bug%20Ship.craft Thanks for you work on this useful mod Toadicus, I hope I have provided all the information you need. If not just let me know. Thx, RM
  11. Thx for the quick update. I was going to post on the TE forum but it was late and by the time I got back on today you had already seen my post in here. I wil grab the new version tonight. I must say I am really impressed by how well you guys are able to figure out the squad API and the unity stuff and hook your code in. I would not not know where to start to figure out how to add mods into KSP. I should really start looking at source examples and try to figure it all out. I do program in c# and model in maya and I have some parts mod ideas I'd like to explore. Cheers, RM
  12. It appears to be a conflict with the tweakableeverythihng mod. I can reproduce the problem consistently. I discovered it in the most serendipitous way. I got a notice that there was an update from 1.09 to 1.11 of TE so I updated. Then I started a fresh game to see if I could reproduce the problem before I satarted puslling out mods to check for a conflict. But as soon as I picked part and then a fairing base I could not get to the fairing base context menu. I thought gee the only thing I just changed was ... tweakableeverything. So on that I decided to pull TE and see if the problem went away and it did. I put the old 1.09 back in and it was lagging like mad again. I put TE 1.11 in and it I could not get to the context menu for the PF fairings anymore. So I pulled TE and the associated dependancies that were not needed by other mods (toadacustools) and I left EVAManager that was installed with tweakableeverything in case it was needed byb something else. Then I went to the original saved game I had the lag problem and it was gone. If you like I can try to pull a simple example game with just PF and TE to create something easy and reproducible. Then I can send you the craft file and the log file? just let me know. Thanks, RM
  13. I am using the 462 dev build and experiencing the issue where mj will not time accelerate and flies past the maneuver node without engaging. I was in a mun orbit and was trying to make a deceleration burn and went around 4 times just to be sure it was malfunctioning. I had to manually make the burn. The behavior is odd - It turns to the maneuver node as the first step as always, but then does not acc, or make the burn. I find that when this happens and I manually complete the maneuver the next time I use the maneuver planner it works. I even deleted the node and recreated it and it seems once mj refuses to engage nothing will change its mind. I finally had to do the burn manually. After that the next time I used MJ for a maneuver it worked. If I switch ships the first time I go to execute a maneuver it malfunctions again. It's like the first time you engage the manuever planner from a new vessel it malfunctions then on the next attempt it works??? It's very puzzling.
  14. A variant of this mod would be something I have been seekinf for a VERY long ti Have you ever built a ship with multiple command pods like an Apollo style ship? But ksp decides to auto crew the one man lander and not the three mand command ship and you realize your command vessel is empty after you have spent 10 minutes getting to orbit and then have to revert and put crew in the ship. Or the other case where you build a probe core control rescue ship and you realize you forgot to take crew out before launching and spend 20 minutes rendezvousing only to realize you have no place to put the stranded kerbal? Would it be possible to make a version of this mode where you can select which command pod is the default pod that ksp loads crew into? Or select all the pods you want crewed and which pods you DO NOT want crewed? If something like this is possilbe I am sure you would make a lot of players very happy, especially me.
  15. The reason I asked is because there was a mod klockheed martian that had an inflatable heatshield and flotation parts. The flotation parts were very close to yours. Both auto-inflated when landing in the water. That mod is no longer maintained and I cannot find the source. Do you think there would be any chance you might add a more compact flotation / heatshield combo and maybe add the ability to turn on / off auto-inflate on water contact? I really liked the visual effect from the KM Special Parts Pack.
  16. There have been a couple posts about this and I am sorry if it was answered someplace in the thread. I did my best to search. I am getting incredible lag trying to edit an interstage fairing. As soon as I click the base to adjust the parameters I go into what can only be described as slide show mode. I mean I am getting like 1 frame every 5 seconds. It's maddening! I click a adjustment arrow and then have to count to 10 before it takes effect. It's almost unusable! On top of that memory just goes up everytime I click the fairing base to make an adjustment until the game crashes and if I don't save after every click I end up losing all my work. Please let me know what I can provide to help diagnose this. As it currently the interstage fairing is unusable. I can provide a link to a video showing the lag and memory leak. I just do not know what to do beyond that. The only parts mod I have is KAS, KIS, KW, PROC FAIRINGS 3.14. edit: Oh I am also using -force-opengl not sure if maybe ogl mode might be an issue.
  17. yep I am seeing the same thing. I have a rocket using the 3.5m titan engine and by the time I get to orbit the temp gauges on the engine and all the parts connected to it are half way in the red - the engine, fins, fuel tank, lights, ulage motors, ... , all glowing red by the time I get to orbit.
  18. Those are nice but kind of bulky and the foats do not auto inflate on landing in water like the klockheed martian ones did. So is RN updating this mod? That is what is in the OP first thread. I really liked the compact inflatable heatshield. The USI ones are I hate to use sucha harsh would but ridiculously thick. They are like 1/3 the height of the space capsule. I did post a msg on RD's forum suggesting the maybe he could make them thinner and maybe even combine a heatshield. For the floats once one has gotten used to the auto inflation on water contact it seems kind of silly to have to press a action button just to see the floats for the tenth of a second before you recover the vehicle. Even when the auto inflated you don't tend to see them for long but it was a nice visual effect that made it worth the extra weight to me. Somehow having to press an action group is not as spiffy. Is it possible to get a copy of the last working source code to the klockheed martian special parts?
  19. RD are the floats supposed to inflate when you hit the water? I can swear I had a similar mod in a previous rev of ksp but for the life of me I could not remember the name. I see there is a splash fx on/off but it does not seem to do anything. Also I posted about the 1.25 and 2.5m inline floats. They are really quite a bit to thick. When you add the height of a heaty shield, the heat shield adapter, a decoupler, maybe a storage bay, the capsule height just starts to look ridiculous. Would be nice if you could redesign the thickness on those and maybe even possible combine the float with a heatshield. I model in Maya and would love to work on a project like this but I do not really have time to figure out the API for firespitter and the the other components involved. But I would love to work on the models and textures themselves perhaps we could collaborate?
  20. Hey Roverdude I installed the survivability pack for some fun floatation stuff and I would like to make a suggestion/request --- I really like most of the bits except the 1.25 and 2.50m floatation parts. They are way to thick. I just can't use them they are so thick. They are literally 1/3 the height of the capsule. when you add a heatshield, the heatshield adapter, and decoupler you nearly double the height of the capsule and it just look ridiculous. Is there a technical reason they have to be so thick? Would you consider redesigning them to be thinner (something like the KW decoupler thickness or maybe even half that) and maybe even incorporate and heatshield and decoupler all in one unit? It would be nice to have a 1.25, 2.5, 3.75, and maybe even a 5m combo heatshield/decoupler/float maybe? I model in Maya and would love to take on a project like this myself but I just don't have the cycles to learn the API. If you'd care to give me some help though I would love to do the modeling for something like this.
  21. Thanks. I just posted in the FASA launch clamp thread about this very issue. The umbilical and launch tower randomly kept spawning as my ship was climbing until eventually they would hit the ship and cause a catastrophic failure. Not sure I want to add decouplers all over the place so I guys I will just hope for a squad fix to this issue and stick with stock clamps until then.
  22. Okay it's definately FASA launch clamps. I pulled Hot Rockets, and Smoke Screen and it happened again. I replaced all the FASA clamps with stock and it wokrs fine. I have had this issue with every rocket using FASA clamps. It was not a problem for the clamps that attach at the base of the engine as they just appear randomly in flich and fall away. But the tower and umbilical hit the ship when they appear and destroy the ship. - - - Updated - - - - - - Updated - - - Doh I honestly did not see the post above mine and I did look through the thread first. Oh well guess I cannot use FASA clamps. Too bad I liked the look.
  23. Has anyone had an issue where as the rocket is climbing it seems like the fasa clamp are intermittently emitted??? I will try to grab a screen shot if nobody has seen it. It's making me crazy. I do not know if it's hotrockets, smokescreen, or FASA causing it. What's worse is they have mass and as they are emitted they knocked off the bottom half of my ship!!! It was just an annoyance for the clamps that attach at the base of the rocket but towers and umbilical's hit the ship as they are emitted and destroy the rocket! Damnit! I cannot press the screen cap button fast enough to see the actual launch tower being emitted and destroying my ship. I can press f3 and you see the message xxx destroyed by fasa launch tower... What would be causing this? Caught an image as proof.... That was at over 10,000m. They just appear magically and then fall away and destroy my ship.
  24. I am using 1.0.2 version of procedural fairings. I am also using the 1.0.2 version of FAR. Do I need to install the OldFARFairings folder? I very much dislike the new stock proc fairings. They are in a word BUGLY = BUTT UGLY. Can I get the fairing bases that support the 1.0.2 version of proc fairings? Can I get the old petal fairing in 1.0.2 or is there an interstage fairing for Apollo style payloads?
  25. Two questions... 1. This is more of a request. Can you please add the version number into the download filesname.exe? I end up with ckan,exe, ckan(1).exe, ckan(2).exe, ckan(3).exe... in my download folder and then can't figure out what the heck I have downloaded. 2. Why can't CKAN manage any mods that are supported that I have already installed manually? Why make me uninstall nearly 30 mods just so I can reinstall them with CKAN? It seems to me it would not be that hard to do. I mean CKAN detects mods I have installed why not give an option to replace any detected mod that is already installed?
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