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Everything posted by ctbram

  1. I agree the ability to toggle exceptionDetector on and off would be very nice.
  2. Why is KSPI-E 1.1.3 showing up in CKAN for my 1.1.2 KSP installation but does not show up at all for my 1.1.3 KSP install? I mean NOT AT aLL as in it does not even show up with the ALL filter or COMPATIBLE or any other filter enabled. There is no KSPI-E available at all??? But if I go back to my 1.1.2 KSP install and pop open CKAN there is a KSPI-E and it also says it is for version 1.1.3 of KSP??? So I do not understand why CKAN is not seeing it for my 1.1.3 KSP install?? Can someone explain what is going on because I do not want to have to go back to manually maintaining this mod.
  3. ah ty for clarification. It is good to know that I have not installed something incorrectly. I was watching a stream and saw the engine with the articulated engine bell for vacuum operations and had to check the mod out.
  4. This has probably already been asked so I apologize in advance for duplication. There is a ships and sub-assemblies folder install file but they are empty. I tried going to the craft repository and downloaded every ship in there but not a single one loads! They say they are missing parts??? What is it that I am missing? I loaded the sstu, and sstu-textures packages from github and all the craft files from the craft file repository link. Are those just for the 1.0.5 version of sstu? Are there any craft files for the latest 1.1.3 version? With other mods installed it's really hard to sort out the sstu stuff from other stuff and build anything useful. A couple pre-built examples would really be helpful. Thanks, RM
  5. okay now I have lost the gui in the vab. I click on the amp year icon and no gui appears. It's like I dragged it off the screen or something and now I cannot get the thing back??? Where is it's position stored so I can get it back on my screen? I found and and fixed it. In the plugin folder I looked in the config.cfg file and for whatever reason ewindowposx and ewindowposy were set to large negative values like -100343. I closed the game and chnged them to 300, 50 respectively and restarted the game and now I have the gui again in the vab. As I said not sure what caused it. I believe I was going to move the window and dragged ia all the way over to the right side of the screen and when I let go it simply disappeared and I was not able to get it back until I edited the file positions. FwindowPosX = 2213 FwindowPosY = 676 EwindowPosX = 300 <--- this was -103323 EwindowPosY = 50 <--- this was -103324 SCwindowPosX = 1680 SCwindowPosY = 348 EPLwindowPosX = 420 EPLwindowPosY = 284
  6. I can't seem to get the navball texture to work. Is it broken in TR?
  7. Why is Kerbal Engineering Redux the very first mod I load, or do not play ksp until it has been ported? The answer is simple. I don't like to guess! It's the same reason I don't get in my airplane before planning my trip - including determining that I will have enough fuel to get to my location and my plane is not to heavy to get off the ground. To some people just sticking something on the launch pad and strapping on as many boosters as they can and then "just seeing what happens next" is undeniably fun. But once you have exploded enough Kerbals you just might want to start understanding what you did on the few occasions you did not watch poor Jeb turn into a puff of green smoke. For that you need some basic information like - What is the mass of my ship? What is the isp and max thrust of my engines? What is my total dv and dv per stage in both atmosphere and vacuum? How much dv do I need to get where I want to go? The stock game only gives us couple of those. Sure I can get out a calculator and figure it all out. After all most of us can add and multiply but why should we really need to? It is a crucial piece of information! Everything in orbital mechanics is measured in DV - How much DV do I need to get to orbit, to get to the mun, to escape my current sphere of influence, to get to jool, to make that Hohmann transfer? (Sorry about that last one). Okay When going places in space rarely do we think about units of distance, it's always DV. So yes I vote that DV be part of the stock game, along with instantaneous TWR,
  8. Am I missing something because nothing fits on the bottom of the K1500? It is to big for 1.25m parts and to small for 2.5m parts? Are there some other bits that are designed to specifically attach to the bottom of this capsule so that it aligns with stock heat shieds, decouplers, and tanks? Looks kind of stinky with half a foot razor sharp edge hanging over the end of the heatshield, fairing, decoupler and tank (
  9. Can someone do a video of how to use this? I used to use fusebox and it was great. Using this has me totally baffled. I have nearly died on my last three missions. I get back to kerbin and resource manager says I have 100% EC, ampyear is red, I keep clicking on xfer reserve to main, and main ec turns white and goes to 99.9999 and yet I have no control over my ship and ampyear icon stay red. I don't know what the heck it is doing??? I have 100% ec, the ampyear screen says I have 99+ % but everything is actiing like I am out of power. Please someone record a video and link it. Otherwise I am yanking this mod before I get dead because my ship acts like I am out of power while resource display says I have 100% and my solar panels are in full sunlight and I am racing toward the atmosphere with no control of my ship!
  10. Does anyone other then me think it would be nice if the small 0.625m parts actually fit nicely on the top of the mkI capsule. They look really ugly as they are now because they are just to big and hang over the sides
  11. It might say that in the wiki. To bad I chose to read the quote I posted from the OP at the top of this forum! Orange suited Kerbals (Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Val) are immune to the ill effects of life support. They will still consume supplies if given, but do not leave the job, because they are just that awesome. This always gives a player (especially a new one) an 'out' to test out a manned mission before actually committing your other kerbals, etc. to a horrible fate of snack deprivation. You can't put one thing in the forum and another in the wiki then blame the player for choosing to believe the wrong one!!!!
  12. not sure I will have to check. I have since removed usi LS. I have a save of the mission just as it returned to kerbin but jeb is showing as tourist and now I cannot even switch to the ship. It just burns up on re-entry and I cannot get control. I'd edit the persistent.sfs file if I knew how to change him back to pilot. Kind of peeved I blew a couple hours going to minmus and back all for nothing and killed jeb. I have been playing ksp since 0.21 and I have NEVER killed jeb until now. I nearly pounded the keys off my keyboard I was so mad! No warning, no beeps, no popups. just come out of warp and I have no control. I had no clue what the heck was going on. All I knew was the orange suits are not supposed to do that.
  13. Roverdude. True but I was not using TAC LS was I? I read your intro saying orange suits did not turn into tourists and it cost me about 2 hours and jeb. I just re-read the intro and it clearly says the orange suits are immune to the ill effects of starving ans will stay on the job? So my question is why did I just lose Jebediah and my entire minmus mission because he got turned into a tourist just as the ship hit 68km into the kerbin atmosphere returning from minmus? I could not decouple the capsule or even arm the parachutes so he died and I lost my entire mission! I read this before the mission: Orange suited Kerbals (Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Val) are immune to the ill effects of life support. They will still consume supplies if given, but do not leave the job, because they are just that awesome. This always gives a player (especially a new one) an 'out' to test out a manned mission before actually committing your other kerbals, etc. to a horrible fate of snack deprivation. I did not have the DV for supplies and this cost me a couple hours to minmus, collecting data, and returning only to lose complete control of the ship when according to the above I should not have! You might want to amend that and maybe save others the some grief.
  14. Thx Nhawks for clearing things up about the install.
  15. I am not going to argue. I wil ask where the current install instructions are then? This mod used to add on to EVE and not have EVE included so something changed. I'd just like to know where the instructions are? here is the readme file from the last version I installed. I have seen no changes so any where in the posts so I assumedd they did not change. might want to put instructions int eh OP and sticky it. ============================================================================================================ #SVE Stock Visual Enhancements. A port of pingopete's RVE for RSS Installation Instructions: 1. Download the latest version of Scatterer http://spacedock.info/mod/141/scatterer 2. Download one of the releases from the SVE GitHub. Either UR,HR,MR,or LR depending on your system. 3. Extract the contents of the zip file to your GameData. Override any necessary files. 4. Download Kopernicus https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases 5. Extract the contents of the Kopernicus zip file to your GameData. When I installed I had EVE already installed and it overrode the stuff in there (step 3) and was working. I never realized the complete EVE was bundled.
  16. So I do not have to install eve first anymore? The instructions for 0.6.4 were to 1. install eve 2. eve configs, 3. sve overwrite eve folder stuff.,.. So now its just remove eve, bouldco, and just in the stuff in the ur_sve.zip file?
  17. yeah some kind of warning would have been nice rather then finding it out when I hit 68km above kerbin coming in from minmus and my pilot turns into a GD tourist!!!! pulled usi life support. going back to Tac LS
  18. Did you change the install procedure for this? I downloaded the 0.6.5 ur version I deleted eve, and bolderco I reinstalled eve and boulderco I then installed sve and overworte the eve folder stuff and installed the sve folder. Now when I run I get no clouds??????
  19. I am seeing a problem in 1.1.2. ALA appears to just increase the gamma of my ship and not the planet/background. that is I can crank it up until my ship is totally blown out and the background stays pitch black??? I'll try and grab screen shot next time I am in game. I am running EVE, scatterer, planet shine. I know planet shine and ALA can conflict so I am going to pull planet shine and see if it changes things and visa versa to try and isolate the problem to one or the other.
  20. Please link the actual fix you are referring to. Went back to previous page and I see no solution.
  21. I have a couple of questions forgive me if they have been asked in another form. I went through the last 5 pages of posts and I see something like my question but no definitive answer. QUESTIONS: Mods installed and available in ckan for version 1.1.0 are not showing up as compatible in ckan for 1.1.1. Okay I understand why so please don't bother explaining this to me. (1) What I do not understand is the mechanism by which mod releases are updated within ckan? Do the mod authors have to push them? Is there a request system where users can request mods be added? Is there some magic genie that mystically makes compatible mods get updated in the repository? I ask because things like eve for 1.1.0 version 1-1-1 (which in it self is crazy confusing to users) Is apparently compatible with ksp 1.1.1 because streamers and friends that simply run from their steam folder and already had the 1.1.0 version installed from ckan are running it as well as all the other mods they had previously installed from their install within the steam folder. (2) But because I chose to run from a clean install they are all now incompatible for me and I have to go through and manually add them if I want to play my 1.1.1 install and have the mods that I have become accustom to using? What I do is create individual folders when there is a steam update to ksp for instance with the 1.1.1 version 1250 release I create the folders - (with the clean install) then make folders I add mods to like,,, etc. (3) Then the next problem that arises is when whatever "magic genie" does update the 1.1.0 mods that are still compatible with 1.1.1 I cannot uninstall the versions I manually installed without getting the infamous - "ERROR - incompatible kracken! ckan is now bricked! Thank you for playing ....." and ckan crashes and my entire install is bricked. Then I have to spend hours trying to unravel the dependency issues that are bricking the install or just start all over from scratch again, which becomes really annoying, really fast. UPDATE: OMG! Look at the very next post to mine! This sums up my confusion on this topic perfectly and demonstrates a good reason why this entire topic of - "How to handle CKAN compatibility issues when a new version of KSP is released" might be something worth adding to a FAQs section up in the OP or at the top of the posts with a sticky tag?
  22. I am sorry if this has already been asked but are the reworked parts for this version someplace or are they included in the legacy parts above?
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