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  1. Hi there. I'm trying to modify default planets to look a bit more realistic, so I've tried to install Kopernicus with Stock Visual Terrain or RSS mod. While EVE & SVE that including Kopernicus as dependence works fine, Kopernicus with SVT or RSS won't work and all I get is striped yellow planets without any texture. I've tried both 1.3 and 1.2.2 version. Like this: What do I know: texture packs are detected and used by game because with them game loads incredibly slow (+ ~10 mins). I have Windows 8.1 installed with latest Nvidia drivers. Tried to force either DX9 nor DX11, also ran in x64 and with admin privileges, still didn't got to work. I'm confused because with the same problems were encountered unix users only, I've tried to google the solution already. Seems like everyone got working Windows version except of me. You can see my logs here: https://pastebin.com/1M46c9ck Can somebody help me?
  2. IMPORTANT NOTICE: unhappiness Hello KSP players, here is an interesting mod that adds several star systems, some of which are binary pairs. Pictures : DoubleDouble Album Landing! Hum nice picture! Frono surface Hum very nice picture!! New adventure? SUN GLASS PLZ!! Videos : Project(s) : Star(s) Systems : Downloads : Github Spacedock Curse Dropbox Mega OneDrive GoogleDrive Source : Github Wiki : Github (In development) Depends mods : Kopernicus by @Thomas P., This mod is the core to manage stars, planets and moons. ModularFlightIntegrator by @sarbian, This mod allows multiples mods to override or insert code into various call of the stock FlightIntegrator. ModuleManager by @sarbian, This mod that allows you to write a patch file that modifies another part at the time of loading. Recommends mods : BetterTimeWarpContinued by @linuxgurugamer, This mod allows you to have a better time warp. AlcubierreWarpDrive by @RoverDude, This mod adds a real Warp Drive! KSP-AVC by @cybutek, This mod allows you to have updates without going on the internet browser. Suggestions mods : OptionalAtmospheresRevamped by @DeltaDizzy (@SamBelanger), This mod adds atmospheres to planets and moons which don't have any! (Continue of OptionalAtmospheres!) OuterSpace by @GenesisPlayz, @ModerndayLink and @SamBelanger, This mod adds planets and moons away from Eeloo. MoonReorganizer by @Mrcarrot, This mod moves the orbits planets/moons! Compatibles (API) mods : SigmaBinary by @Sigma88, This mod will let you turn custom and/or stock bodies into binary systems. Changelogs : .Special thanks : Teams : Chats : My server! DoubleDouble Donate : (Can I have a coffee?) Others : Official Web Site Mrcarrot Web Site StarMods! LICENSE : README : Download the latest version of Kopernicus which can be found here Put the mods files in the GameData folder Start the game (KSP) Have fun And if you have a suggestion or find bugs or errors, contact us ([email protected] or make a private message in the forum of KSP or otherwise) Thank you very much
  3. Hello KSP players, here is an interesting mod that adds several star systems, some of which are binary pairs. Pictures : Videos : Project(s) : Star(s) Systems : Downloads : Github Spacedock Curse Dropbox Mega OneDrive GoogleDrive Source : Github Wiki : Github (In development) Depends mods : Kopernicus by @Thomas P., This mod is the core to manage stars, planets and moons. ModularFlightIntegrator by @sarbian, This mod allows multiples mods to override or insert code into various call of the stock FlightIntegrator. ModuleManager by @sarbian, This mod that allows you to write a patch file that modifies another part at the time of loading. Recommends mods : BetterTimeWarpContinued by @linuxgurugamer, This mod allows you to have a better time warp. AlcubierreWarpDrive by @RoverDude, This mod adds a real Warp Drive! KSP-AVC by @cybutek, This mod allows you to have updates without going on the internet browser. Suggestions mods : OptionalAtmospheresRevamped by @DeltaDizzy (@SamBelanger), This mod adds atmospheres to planets and moons which don't have any! (Continue of OptionalAtmospheres!) OuterSpace by @GenesisPlayz, @ModerndayLink and @SamBelanger, This mod adds planets and moons away from Eeloo. MoonReorganizer by @Mrcarrot, This mod moves the orbits planets/moons! Compatibles (API) mods : SigmaBinary by @Sigma88, This mod will let you turn custom and/or stock bodies into binary systems. Changelogs : Special thanks : Teams : Chats : My server! DoubleDouble Donate : (Can I have a coffee?) Others : Official Web Site Mrcarrot Web Site StarMods! LICENSE : README : Download the latest version of Kopernicus which can be found here Put the mods files in the GameData folder Start the game (KSP) Have fun And if you have a suggestion or find bugs or errors, contact us ([email protected] or make a private message in the forum of KSP or otherwise) Thank you very much!
  4. I have a planet pack that I made, and I believe worked perfectly before 1.3. But now, whenever I launch the game, I get a popup saying something along the lines of "kopernicus was not able to load custom planetary systems due to an exception in the loading process" I have updated ModularFlightIntegrator, Kopernicus and ModuleManager, so I don't think the installation of those is the problem. How can I fix this?
  5. Realistic(ish) Stock Planet Overhaul THIS MOD IS DEAD! Version 0.2.0 So I kind of got bored of creating exoplanets for RSS so I've decided to create a completely different planet pack that does something I've never done before, replace the stock solar system! This is a very work-in-progress mod, so the planets and moons are very limited. This is simply a thread to discuss what types of planets and other features that will be in this mod. If you've created a handy patch for my Pretty Planets that does this, that, or the other, send it over to me or put it on GitHub and I'll implement into the mod and put you in the credits once I actually release this thing. Here are some screenshots to show how development is going so far: KAIA, THE NEW KERBAL HOMEOWORLD: REYN, AN EXOTIC HELIUM GAS GIANT: YUNNA, AN ARID DESERT WORLD: MORE SCREENSHOTS Get it on GitHub or SpaceDock
  6. The Kerbol system has always seemed a little small. There's so much room for more bodies, and so many minor bodies to put into Kerbal Space Program. In Outer Reaches, things will change. The outer Kerbol system will be a realm of mysterious, uncharted dwarf planets and Kuiper Belt Objects with unique characteristics and moons. Analogues will be made for the 4 outer dwarf planets, along with objects like Sedna and Orcus. There will even be an extra gas giant to keep Eeloo out of the fray and give it some use. Remember, this is an in-dev mod, so suggestions and comments are heavily recommended! The Outer Reaches NETOOL: A gas giant 30% the size of Jool and an analogue to both Saturn and Neptune. It has striking, neon-purple-blue cloud belts crisscrossing a rather dark atmosphere. EELOO: The once-dwarf planet Eeloo will be placed around Netool. However, it will be retextured as an analogue to Mimas. RHEV: A Rhea analogue with a two-faced globe orbiting Netool. One side is dominated by bright ices ejected from a medium-sized crater, while the other side is white-orange and heavily cratered. MAEMAE: An analogue to Makemake that's really...red. There will be a few special crater sites, but I don't have any other ideas. Feel free to suggest some! ERIOS: The Eris analogue. Some of the planet is covered with orange patches of methane ice, but most of the surface is white with hints of blue and creme. Eroos also has some significant craters and mountain ranges, along with patches of Tholins. DYNS: A Dysnomia analogue that has 37% the mass of Eroos. They form a small binary system. Dyns is mostly covered in Tholins, but has some patches of methane and nitrogen ices. IXON: The smallest dwarf planet in the pack and the analogue to Ixion. Ixon is somewhat deformed and is covered in tan-white patches of methane and nitrogen ices. SENNA: The reddest body in the Kerbol system and the Sedna analogue. It is moonless but has a dynamic surface coated orange-red. OCULUS: An Orcus analogue named after Oculus Rift because of its similar name and dark coloring. The surface of Oculus is going to be covered with fissures and extinct cryovolcanoes. VIFT: Oculus' only moon that contains 52% the dwarf planet's size and 44% its mass. Vift is the analogue to Vanth and has an extremely varied terrain. More bodies are coming soon. Suggestions are welcome! Screenshots Just images of Netool for now: Development: Netool, Erios, and Dyns are being developed right now (2/22/16) Rings are being tested on Netool. Textures are being developed for Erios and Dyns. Trying to get Sigma Binary to work on Erios and Dyns.
  7. This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin. Ever get bored with the stock system and wish someone would just move things around to make it (slightly) more interesting? That has become a reality with MoonReorganizer. A small Kopernicus config compatible with 1.3.x (at least) moves Minmus to Duna and renames it. It also puts Gilly in Jool orbit. Eve and Laythe swap, and Eeloo is moved to a binary relationship with Dres. Pol becomes a tiny moon to the Mun. All visual mods working with stock KSP should work with this- they are still the same planets, just moved. Please note that I am unsure whether this will work with saves where your ships are landed on Minmus. If you do not want to risk it, make a new save. One more thing- I have the bad habit of not testing mods before I release them. As such, this mod may have unknown bugs(of which, as far as I know, there aren't any), so be cautious and back up your saves. Seriously, a parts pack deleted my career save once. I was mad. And now, the moment you've all (or at least those of you who chose to stick around) been waiting for: Screenshots Album On Imgur (sorry, I tried to embed the entire album, it didn't work, and I'm too lazy to redo it now) Download@Curse: Download Link Dowload@GitHub: Download Link Download@SpaceDock: Download Link Also available on CKAN Recommended Mod: SigmaBinary SigmaBinary is made by @Sigma88 and will allow the binary relationship between Dres and Eeloo. Legal Information License: MIT This mod bundles Kopernicus, the mod required to modify the planetary system. Kopernicus is not licensed as MIT, and its license can be found here. Hope you like it! For Support: Either post in this thread or email me at [email protected]. Include the following: What version of MoonReorganizer you're running What other mods you're running and what versions Which version of Kopernicus you're running which version of KSP you're running
  8. So, i decided download the OPM. But first, i had to install the Kopernicus mod, to the OPM works. But i installed Kopernicus, and i decided play in my sandbox save to see if the installation worked. But i opened the save, and the save was loading, and loading, but nothing happened. So, theres a way to fix that problem?
  9. BROWN DWARF JOOL CHANGES JOOL INTO A BROWN DWARF AND REARRANGES ITS SYSTEM TO LOOK MORE LIKE A SYSTEM OF PLANETS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestial Bodies: JOOL: Jool is now a small T-type brown dwarf. TYLO: The first planet is Tylo, a hot, atmosphereless, and dead world orbiting closest to Jool. LAYTHE: The second planet is Laythe, a sanctuary for Kerbalkind around Jool. POL: Laythe's moon, Pol, is tidally stretched by both Laythe and Jool, creating a small yet volcanicly active moon. VALL: The third and final planet is Vall, a small, cold world with no atmosphere orbiting far from Jool. BOP: Vall's moon, Bop, is a relatively large asteroid orbiting closely to Vall, but since Vall is smaller than Laythe, it isn't pulled and stretched too much. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credit to: Nobody, I just had an idea and played around with it for a few days, and voila! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/1265/Brown Dwarf Jool -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dependencies: Kopernicus (Packaged with mod)
  10. This mod is currently an idea, a couple of WIP configs, and 1 WIP corona texture. It doesn't even have a name yet, but I'm asking @SamBelanger to make a texture for the home planet. I will likely have the rest of the textures procedurally generated, but right now, it's not much. Hopefully, this will have a giant red star for the sun, massive enough to become a supernova. Your homeworld will be mostly desert, with green only in the coldest places on it. The Homeworld's name: Kirothoum. @SamBelanger has come through, and has given me a texture that works.
  11. Feel free to Join the KSP Planet Mods official Discord! Features: Live support Screenshots Voice Chat Fun System(ic) Body Colection Now looking for volunteer to translate into Russian. If you would like it in another language that English, French or Russian, please tell me, or volunteer. No volunteering anyone other than yourself. A Small Planet Pack. It only contains Iontopia, a minmus like object orbiting Kerbin at 35 Mm. It is very rich in a strange new substance called Zenon, which can be relatively easily refined into Gaseous Xenon, provided your ISRU software is up-to-date. It is VERY flat, which combined with the Zenon Reserves, makes it a Great target for Ion-related activities.(Hence the name) You must download Kopernicus and it's dependencies for this to work. It can be found here: If you are using KSP 1.2.2, use Kopernicus 1.2.2-9, instead of 1.3.0-4. Special Thanks: @Gameslinx for texture help and biome map assistance. @Galileo for the final piece of the texture puzzle. @SamBelanger for French Translation. Download: If you want to contribute to development, just help with the checklist below: https://github.com/DeltaDizzy/DeltaDizzysPlanets_n_Moons/issues/
  12. Hey, Does anyone have some tips on how to create good looking textures for kerbin-like planets. I'm trying to create ones with GIMP but I can't get it good-looking. Thanks
  13. Hey people, I'm having a problem where when I orbit my own made planet, I explode immediately. When I zoom out I see I'm inside the planet. Does anybody know what could cause this? Or could anybody take a look at the config? Here is my config: @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { Body { name = Narai cacheFile = Systended/Cache/narai.bin Template { name = Gilly removePQSMods = PQSLandControl, VertexSimplexNoiseColor } Orbit { referenceBody = Sera inclination = -3 eccentricity = 0.1 semiMajorAxis = 17355380 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0 argumentOfPeriapsis = 213 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 epoch = 0 color = RGBA(190,190,24,255) } Properties { description = test radius = 21000 geeASL = 0.014 albedo = 0.10 timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 12000 12000 12000 24000 50000 100000 120000 ScienceValues { landedDataValue = 9 splashedDataValue = 0 inSpaceLowDataValue = 8 inSpaceHighDataValue = 7 recoveryValue = 7 spaceAltitudeThreshold = 10000 } } ScaledVersion { Material { texture = Systended/SeraSys/Narai/Textures/color normals = Systended/SeraSys/Narai/Textures/normal } } PQS { maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03 minLevel = 2 maxLevel = 6 minDetailDistance = 8 Mods { VertexHeightMap { map = Systended/SeraSys/Narai/PluginData/height.png offset = 0 deformity = 3000 scaleDeformityByRadius = false order = 19 enabled = true } VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute { name = Base seed = 324 deformity = 10000 octaves = 3 persistence = 0.75 frequency = 0.5 enabled = true order = 5 } VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute { name = Base1 seed = 213 deformity = 5000 octaves = 9 persistence = 0.5 frequency = 1 enabled = true order = 10 } VertexHeightNoise { noiseType = RiggedMultifractal deformity = 250 seed = 432 frequency = 1.5 lacunarity = 2.5 persistence = 0.5 octaves = 5 mode = Low enabled = true order = 2 } VertexSimplexNoiseColor { seed = 48 blend = 1.0 colorStart = 0.3608921,0.3146067,0.2806623,1 colorEnd = 0.2191011,0.1553269,0.1043975,1 octaves = 8 persistence = 0.5 frequency = 1 enabled = true order = 50 } } } } } Thank you.
  14. Hello KSP players, here is an interesting mod that adds atmospheres to those planets and moons which don't have atmospheres of the Kerbol system (and also in the future WITH YOUR PERMISSION that adds atmospheres to your planets and moons that have no atmosphere ) Advantages (+) Game Improvement More resources (With the mod CommunityResourcePack) More graphic More science! Disadvantages (-) Incompatible Mods It's harder Overheating (Only in non-existent atmospheres) No time warps Statue : Picture : Video : Projects : Download : Github Spacedock Curse Dropbox Source : Github Wiki : Github (In development) README : 1. Download the mods Kopernicus (1.3.0-6 IMPORTANT!!), ModularFlightIntegrator (It is already integrated in Kopernicus!) and the mods ModuleManager (2.8.1 IMPORTANT!!) 2. Put the mods files in the GameData folder 3. Start the game (KSP) 4. Have fun TO UPDATE: Delete the SamBelanger folder from Kerbal Space Program/GameData and Install the latest version. Depends mods : Kopernicus by @Thomas P., This mod is the core to manage stars, planets and moons. ModularFlightIntegrator by @sarbian This mod allows multiples mods to override or insert code into various call of the stock FlightIntegrator. ModuleManager by @sarbian, This mod that allows you to write a patch file that modifies another part at the time of loading. Recommends mods : BetterTimeWarpContinued by @linuxgurugamer (@MrHappyFace), This mod allows you to have a better time warp. KSP-AVC by @cybutek, This mod allows you to have updates without going on the internet browser. OuterSpace by @GenesisPlayz, @ModerndayLink, @SamBelanger, This mod adds planets and moons away from Eeloo. (Temporary for the moment) CommunityResourcePack by @RoverDude, This mod adds new resources (this mod is included in my mod). Suggestions mods : KerbalHistoricalInstitute by @blspblackdeath, This mod allow you to have the old parts. HypotheticalWorlds by @ModerndayLink64, This mod adds two hypothetical planets (Planet K and Kyche). DeltaDizzy's Planets n' Moons by @DeltaDizzy, This mod adds planets and moons for @DeltaDizzy! Compatibles (API) mods : ChallengePlanetPack by @Cabbink, This mod adds planets (moons) of Challenge! Other_Worlds by @Pkmniako, This mod adds a new star to KSP, with 5 exoplanets and 7 exomoons! Kolyphemus System by @Artyomka15, This mod adds the kerbalized version of Polyphemus and its moons from the movie Avatar! Kargantua System by @Artyomka15, This mod adds the kerbalized version of the Gargantua System from movie Interstellar to your game! Extrasolar by @AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures, This mod adds the red dwarf star "Valentine" to the Kerbol System! AlternisKerbolRekerjiggered by @GregroxMun, This mod modifies the Kerbol system. LICENSE : ChangeLogs : Next updates : Special thanks : Credits : @SamBelanger Owner Co-Owner (Temporary for the moment) @DeltaDizzy Co-Owner Owner (Temporary for the moment) @GenesisPlayz Co-Owner Chats : IRC Discord Web Site : OptionalAtmospheres Others : StarMods (Not up to date!) Spacedock.ru (RUSSIAN) Donate : SamBelanger DeltaDizzy FAQ : Q-1 : If in the menu, Mun does not display, is it a bug, error or normal? R : If it is Kerbin which displays in the menu, it is a bug or an error R : If it's a celestial body in another mod, it's normal (but if it's a celestial body that does not come up with another mod, it's a new bug!) Q-2 : If I don't want the mod CRP in my game, what do I do? R : To start, you remove the mod CRP, after, you remove the files the mod OA ''ResourceConfigs'' and ''Patches'' Q-3 : If I discover a bugs or an errors, what do I do? R : You create a report and if you want to create a good report, go to https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/163863-how-to-get-support/ R : Send report to @SamBelanger, @DeltaDizzy or to @GenesisPlayz (and my email Ex...) Q-4 : If I want to remove the non-existent atmospheres at all times, how do I do? R : Use the plugin (BUT IS NOT YET FINISHED!!) R : Remove the mod, xD Unofficial versions will not show in the topic! If you have a suggestion or find bugs or errors, use the GitHub issues page or contact us ([email protected], [email protected]) Thank you very much!
  15. This thread is a showcase of the ways that I go about exploring everywhere possible in Kerbal Space Program. I'll be sending regular missions first, followed by long-term research missions and then full-scale colonies, to every planet and all of their moons. Now, what do I mean by "extended Kerbol system"? Well, of course I mean extended by the addition of numerous celestial bodies. In different saves (to combat lag) I will be exploring: Xen's Planet Collection, a wonderfully designed planet pack which adds moons to Eve, Duna, and Eeloo, as well as two new planets with moons of their own Outer Planets, a planet pack that adds analogues for Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto-Charon, along with several moons around each gas giant Various other planet packs that I come across and like the idea of. The save is a career game, but all rewards are maximized and all penalties are minimized, because I basically wanted a sandbox save with contracts. I've recently restarted the save for version 1.1.3 of the game, due to mod updates and the fact that my design style has somewhat changed. I had spent a fair amount of time exploring Duna and its moons (that mission is now outdated but it is still a good example of what I'll be doing in this thread), which I have images of as an example of what I'll be doing in future. A lot of images. 85 images to be precise. That album will be shown at the bottom of this post. I'd recommend flicking through it because Duna has had some modifications thanks to Xenonclave, as well as having a new space potato moon. A list of all missions relating to this thread can be found here. A showcase of all vehicles used in this thread (from game version 1.1.3 onwards) can be found here. This thread will probably also contain some discussion about my design process and the way everything modular fits together. There's three things that are significant about me as a designer: I usually prioritise aesthetics over efficiency. If something doesn't look good, I'll rarely let it take off. I love to make things modular. My launchers are saved as sub-assemblies, my upper stages are saved as sub-assemblies, my interplanetary transfer stages are saved as sub-assemblies, you get the idea. I am the sort of person whose approach to building a spaceplane is not a highly precise design process involving such 'fun' maths as figuring out how much fuel and oxidizer are needed to 4 significant figures. It instead consists of me being like "well this looks approximately like a plane, hopefully it'll work". Results vary from "literally the best engineered, most efficient, and easiest to handle spaceplane that has ever been constructed" to "it looks good but flies like a moderately aerodynamic brick". Anyway though, that's about it for an introduction to this thread. Now for an example of what this thread will contain, a Duna mission from an earlier save:
  16. I know how to move the terrain up and down (thanks @OhioBob), but how do you move the KSC? I want to lower the KSC into the water, which is now above the ground. Just knowing how to move it up and down should be enough, but I need examples 'cuz I'm kinda dumb Also, I might not be able to respond or test things right away because I'm home sick and my dad doesn't let me use electronics when I'm sick
  17. I've been working on a new project for a while. The mod, which currently adds in 3 exoplanets, 4 moons, and another star, is currently in progress; I probably won't release it for another month. Currently, I have not made any biome maps and there is only one star system (Delta Cyclonus). The completion of the Delta Cyclonus system is expected sometime in early October, but again, the mod will only be released once I have completed the second star system. Another feature of this mod will be some new parts that will improve your robotic exploration of space: a camera, an ultraviolet spectrometer, and a magnetometer. For those of you who can't wait another month for the release of the planet pack, here are a few peeks at what is all ready completed. Note that eve support has been completed, and I have started working on the optional cloud mod for this planet pack. If you download the mod a month from now, you have to install eve and the optional cloud mod in order to get the clouds, auroras etc. seen in the pictures. Magmus (Venus analog) https://imgur.com/a/ru2G3 Qwerty (Ringed Terra) https://imgur.com/a9aub6X Segway (Moon of Qwerty) https://imgur.com/ujW22NF Arval (Moon of Qwerty) https://imgur.com/CEQzlql Yirga (Cold Exo-Jool) https://imgur.com/5Ji9DwA Weltron (Moon of Yirga) https://imgur.com/PSarvUD Oblon (Moon of Yirga) https://imgur.com/NbBS5bx
  18. Hello people, I'm having yet again a problem with a planet I'm creating. For this planet I wanted to make a new planet in a binary orbit with Eeloo, thanks to the wonderful mod Sigma Binary, made by @Sigma88. Here are some pictures of my problem. Below this link, you can see an explanation. https://imgur.com/a/KCHSE So please take a look at the pictures and the description below them. I hope those pictures explain a bit what the problem is. I'm just going through the planet and I can't land on it. I suppose it has something to do with sphere of influences since the SOI of Eeloo is pretty big but I have tried different values and I can't help but post my problem here to hope somebody else knows how to fix this. Here is the config for my planet: @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { Body { name = Icio Template { name = Laythe removeAllPQSMods = true } Orbit { referenceBody = Eeloo inclination = 0 eccentricity = 0 semiMajorAxis = 9500000 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 epoch = 0 color = RGBA(50,150,255,255) } Properties { description = test radius = 270000 mass = 1.433471657e+21 geeASL = 0.134 sphereOfInfluence = 10504645.31 } ScaledVersion { type = Atmospheric fadeStart = 95000 fadeEnd = 97000 Material { shininess = 0 specular = 0,0,0,0 rimPower = 2.06 rimBlend = 0.3 Gradient { 0.0 = RGBA(144,200,233,255) 0.5 = RGBA(110,183,225,255) 1.0 = RGBA(34,163,238,255) } } } Atmosphere { ambientColor = RGBA(179,225,252,255) lightColor = 0.42,0.74,0.92,0.5 enabled = true oxygen = false altitude = 55000 pressureCurve { key = 0 15.19875 -1.36881790909091E-03 -1.36881790909091E-03 key = 2750 11.4345 -1.24329545454545E-03 -1.24329545454545E-03 key = 5500 8.360625 -1.00418209090909E-03 -1.00418209090909E-03 key = 8250 5.9115 -7.90145454545455E-04 -7.90145454545455E-04 key = 11000 4.014825 -5.97231818181818E-04 -5.97231818181818E-04 key = 13750 2.626725 -4.36813636363636E-04 -4.36813636363636E-04 key = 16500 1.61235 -3.09463636363636E-04 -3.09463636363636E-04 key = 19250 0.924675 -1.94577272727273E-04 -1.94577272727273E-04 key = 22000 0.542175 -1.05831818181818E-04 -1.05831818181818E-04 key = 24750 0.3426 -6.06272727272727E-05 -6.06272727272727E-05 key = 27500 0.208725 -3.93272727272727E-05 -3.93272727272727E-05 key = 30250 0.1263 -2.32363636363636E-05 -2.32363636363636E-05 key = 33000 0.080925 -1.23272727272727E-05 -1.23272727272727E-05 key = 35750 0.0585 -6.62727272727273E-06 -6.62727272727273E-06 key = 38500 0.044475 -4.97727272727273E-06 -4.97727272727273E-06 key = 41250 0.031125 -4.43181818181818E-06 -4.43181818181818E-06 key = 44000 0.0201 -3.58636363636364E-06 -3.58636363636364E-06 key = 46750 0.0114 -2.72727272727273E-06 -2.72727272727273E-06 key = 49500 0.0051 -1.84090909090909E-06 -1.84090909090909E-06 key = 52250 0.001275 -9.27272727272727E-07 -9.27272727272727E-07 key = 55000 0 -4.63636363636364E-07 -4.63636363636364E-07 } temperatureCurve { key = 0 177 -0.01166666727 -0.01166666727 key = 6600 130.5084428 -0.001652470545 -0.001647376727 key = 11550 130.5084428 0.001647376727 0.001647376727 key = 17050 163.7166979 0.0009003898182 0.0009003898182 key = 30800 163.7166979 -0.001241687818 -0.001241687818 key = 44000 112.9986355 -0.001652470545 -0.001652470545 key = 49500 112.9986355 0.0008614081818 0.0008614081818 key = 55000 138.9614532 0.001262916545 0.001262916545 key = 82500 0 -0.0008174710909 -0.0008174710909 } temperatureMultiplier = 1.0 } PQS { maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03 minLevel = 2 maxLevel = 12 minDetailDistance = 8 materialType = AtmosphericOptimized Mods { VertexSimplexHeight { seed = 543743 deformity = 1500 octaves = 8 persisitence = 0.5 frequency = 4 enabled = true order = 2 } VertexHeightNoise { noiseType = RiggedMultifractal deformity = 1000 seed = 8547 frequency = 2 lacunarity = 2.5 persistance = 0.5 octaves = 4 mode = Low enabled = true order = 4 } VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute { name = Base1 seed = 4532 deformity = 400 octaves = 6 persistence = 0.5 frequency = 7 enabled = true order = 6 } VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute { name = Base2 seed = 4276 deformity = 700 octaves = 4 persistence = 0.5 frequency = 11 enabled = true order = 7 } VertexSimplexNoiseColor { seed = 43 blend = 1.0 colorStart = RGBA(179,196,206,255) colorEnd RGBA(0,0,0,255) octaves = 12 persistence = 0.5 frequency = 2 enabled = true order = 10 } HeightColorMap { blend = 0.7 order = 201 enabled = true LandClasses { Class { name = Lowlands altitudeStart = 0 altitudeEnd = 0.5 color = RGBA(0,0,0,255) lerpToNext = true } Class { name = Midlands altitudeStart = 0.5 altitudeEnd = 0.6 color = RGBA(164,180,189,255) lerpToNext = true } Class { name = Highlands altitudeStart = 0.6 altitudeEnd = 1.0 color = RGBA(121,146,161,255) lerpToNext = false } } } } } } } @Kopernicus:BEFORE[SigmaBinary] { @Body[Icio] { SigmaBinary {} } } If you need any more information, let me know. I'm really wanting some help. Thank you for taking a look!
  19. Like the Scatterer glitch. I want a couple of meters of water over the KSC to mess with. Maybe make some boats and sea planes and stuffness. I'm not proficient enough in Kopernicus to make this happen, but it should be easier than easy for people who actually know what they're doing. Thanks in advance! Images - Like this http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/293105300907077433/95BE864C73B67EF58ACF591F7BA0E8965DDAC721/ but with slightly more water. About a meter or two over the main roads and stuff. Maybe make multiple versions that have the water a couple centimeters under the roads so you can drive a boat up, some that completely flood the KSC, completely covering that flat bit of land but nothing more, and one that just completely Noah's-Arks the place, leaving only the tops of mountains exposed. Slightly more advanced - maybe make the space center float on the water of the Noah's-Arked world? I'd absolutely LOVE that. Thanks in advance!
  20. Hello, I'm having trouble with a planet I'm making. Everything seems to work fine but when I come within a certain distance of the planet, it starts showing weird glitches. Here is a picture: https://ibb.co/dMWQLm You can see the picture on the left. Some weird things are sticking out of the planet. I don't know how else to describe it. Thank you for taking a look and let me know what I'm doing wrong please!
  21. Happy Eclipse Day!!!!! I spent the last month working on a planet-pack mod, and I figured that today would be a good time to release it. This planet pack removes all planets and moons expect for Minmus, The Mun, and Kerbin. It replaces the stock system with 2 Gas-Giants and 4 terrestrial planets. This mod also spawns in asteroids to mimic the asteroid belt, NEO's, and debris orbiting within the ocean moon Uulmo. The various planets were named after characters from J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord Of The Rings and The Silmarillion. As a reminder, this mod requires Kopernicus. Use the version of Kopernicus for your version of KSP Download Eru Planet Pack here: https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/eru-planet-pack The planets in this mod are : Melkor and its moon Sauron Aule and its moon Durin Lorien and its moon Celeborn Uulmo and its moons Numenor and Imrahill Tulkas and its asteroid moon Theoden Manwe and its moons Thranduil, Fangorn, and Varda Valinor and its moons Elros, Feanor, and Maia. Here are some pictures of planets in the mod:
  22. Hey, My custom-made star is still receiving light from the Sun, even after adding intensity curves to both stars. Here is the config for my star: @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { Body { name = Immersi Template { name = Sun } Properties { description = test. geeASL = 0.8 radius = 411600000 } Orbit { referenceBody = Sun inclination = 0 eccentricity = 0 semiMajorAxis = 1164929338593 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 epoch = 0 color = 0,0,179,255 } ScaledVersion { Light { sunlightColor = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 255) IntensityCurve { key = 0 0.7 key = 100000 0.65 key = 200000 0.60 key = 400000 0.55 key = 800000 0.50 key = 1600000 0.45 key = 3200000 0.40 key = 6400000 0.35 key = 12800000 0.30 key = 25600000 0.25 key = 51200000 0.20 key = 102400000 0.15 key = 204800000 0.10 key = 350000000 0 } scaledSunlightColor = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 255) ScaledIntensityCurve { key = 0 0.7 key = 100000 0.65 key = 200000 0.60 key = 400000 0.55 key = 800000 0.50 key = 1600000 0.45 key = 3200000 0.40 key = 6400000 0.35 key = 12800000 0.30 key = 25600000 0.25 key = 51200000 0.20 key = 102400000 0.15 key = 204800000 0.10 key = 350000000 0 } IVASunColor = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 255) IVAIntensityCurve { key = 0 0.75 key = 100000 0.69 key = 200000 0.63 key = 400000 0.57 key = 800000 0.51 key = 1600000 0.45 key = 3200000 0.39 key = 6400000 0.33 key = 12800000 0.27 key = 25600000 0.21 key = 51200000 0.15 key = 102400000 0.09 key = 204800000 0.03 key = 350000000 0 } sunLensFlareColor = RGBA(150, 212, 247, 255) sunAU = 5231412200 } Material { emitColor0 = RGBA(203, 203, 228, 228) emitColor1 = RGBA(87, 143, 208, 255) sunspotColor = RGBA(41, 117, 203, 255) rimColor = RGBA(87, 143, 208, 255) rimPower = 0 rimBlend = 3 } Coronas { Corona { rotation = 3 speed = 9 updateInterval = 5 scaleLimitX = 5 scaleLimitY = 5 scaleSpeed = 0.8 Material { texture = Kopernicus/Config/System/Immersi/corona inverseFade = 2.553731 } } } } } } I hope you guys can help me with this. Thanksss
  23. Hello people, I would like to get some help on a star I'm creating. It clearly receives light from the stock the Sun/Kerbol. How can I fix this? Thank you very much for helping
  24. PROJECTJOOL Complete Revamp of the Joolian System. [WIP] Estimated Percentage Done: 8% Estimated Time of Release: TBD(Possibly In 3 months Time, Maybe More) Sorry for the Lack of Updates, Schooling and other issues with PQS have gotten in the way, but now that that's over I will be continuing working on the Project! Currently Working On: Problems with PQS and correcting problems with Hoffnu. Possibility of Scratching Hoffnu as it was intended as a Textures for Kaya and Perle. What Does This Mod Do Exactly? ProjectJool completely reorganizes and revamps the Joolian System which will Reposition the two moons of Pol and Bop to account for a realistic Joolian System, and is set to have atleast 20+ moons of Jool. It will also add N-Body Physics, which will stabilize the Joolian System. This feature will be added later on. (Of course, there may be more as time continues, after the final release.) Can I contribute? Of Course, I would always like help with Moon names and Variants! If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment below and I will give you credit if it is accepted. Current Moons/Ideas: Hoffnu(Textures and BiomeMap Done, Only need to fix a few bugs, calling vote to remove Hoffnu) Hoffnu was one of the first moons to be discovered due to its contrasting color to Jool. Being a Desert moon, it seems there was once a decently sized Atmosphere. Some say there might still be remnants of it, however very small. Kaya(In Selection Process) Kaya is an interesting Moon, mainly due to the small ring system that resides around it. Interestingly, there seems to be only one crater on the Moon, and it is of great size. Perle(InDev) Perle is covered with blue sand, which is peculiar. It is believed to have formed from Lazurite, and has eroded away by a once great atmosphere. Photos: Special thanks to: @The White Guardian, for his amazing PQS and Kopernicus Tutorials, and inspired me to become apart of the modding community. Scott Manley, to introducing me to KSP and giving me hours of entertainment.(And More) And To the great community here at the KSP forums with helping me with other issues.
  25. Here is my crash in 1.3.1!! Mod list : Output Log : https://www.dropbox.com/s/t15kxxlm9ook0gt/output_log.txt?dl=0 Error Log : https://www.dropbox.com/s/xfufv0i3gfxfuny/error.log?dl=0 -SamBelanger
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