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  1. I am interested in creating a mod. I want to to create a part/ parts pack mod and a contract mod. i have heard that it is best to start with contract configurator when starting with modding. I would like to know the best tips and tricks on starting with modding.
  2. I've been seeing conflicting things in regard to kerbal engineer redux and kerbal alarm clock. On spacedock, it says that kerbal alarm clock does not work in 1.4, but i have seen many people use it in 1.4, and the same goes for KER. do they work or not?
  3. I use Kerbal Joint Reinforcement... or I did. It's stopped working, I assume because of the new version. I prefer to fly rockets rather than slinkies. Can anyone suggest an alternative mod that works with 1.4?
  4. As the title says. I'm certain it's a mod problem, and at first I thought it was planet shine but I deleted it and the problem persisted. The other visual mods I have are scatterer, EVE, and Stock Visual Enhancement.
  5. Hello! I'm having a problem that's maing the game pretty much unplayable (unless you're crazy enough to play only with SRBs and the twin boar that for some reason does work). All stock fuel tanks (be it liquid fuel+oxidizer, only LF, monopropelant or xeon gas) apear as purely structural/ornamental parts. Idon't know if it's a mod that causing it (didn't open the game before installing mods) or what. This is a fresh instalation (new PC stopped working, had to go back to old one that didn't had KSP installed). Images of whats happening: https://imgur.com/gallery/rUELK The mods list, add kopernicus (it didn't fit): https://imgur.com/gallery/oKV4K The game is pretty damn hard without liquid fuel Oh, also Strategia is showing me the Kerbal system strategies and I have installed the Galileo´s Planet Pack.
  6. Are there any working telescope mods that anyone knows of? I know Tarsier used to have one that was OK but I'm pretty sure it doesn't work, or at least the forums post about it seems dated. I'd like to build a Kubble, or James Kebb telescope that actually functions (for asteroids, planets, moons). Even having a ground based one would be cool. Thanks for any help!
  7. hallo und sorry, ich bin seit Tagen am brechen, möchte gern die besten Grafik mit Wolken, Lichtern, entfenten Objekten usw. und bekomme es einfach nicht mehr hin. Habe Version 1.3.1 und es funktionierte alles bis mein alter PC streikte. Sitze jetzt ne Woche dran und kriege nichts zum laufen. Wer ist von euch so nett mir zu helfen???? nehme auch Teamviewer13 lg der Verzweifler
  8. As I understand it, the new Mission Builder in Making History allows for making missions that require mods. I suggest making a sub-forum to the Making History Missions forum dedicated to missions that require mods. This way it would be easier to find missions suited for a vanilla game or a modded game to suit your install. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/98-making-history-missions/
  9. Does anybody know of a mod that brings back ksp's old launch tower. I have grown nostalgic of its ugliness and the surprisingly difficult challenge of landing on it. All of the mods that I have seen re-introducing launch towers have to do with SpaceX or FASA mods.
  10. Just to clarify the title, I want to know if there is a way to get 1.3.1 working on 1.4 since there are basically no mods for 1.4. I have tried just downloading them like any other mod but that does not work.
  11. Ok. So I updated KSP and cleared my mods out to work out what was compatible and what was not ( add them one at a time ) My important ones were: Kerbal Engineer Redux X Science Docking Port Alignment Indicator Precise Node I thought I would add the mods one by one to see what works and what doesn't Loaded my sandbox game with no mods at all and instead of refusing to load because mods were missing it loaded the game and removed any ship with a missing part! So Now I have 3 missions that I was doing in Sandbox completely gone. I didn't have any quick saves .. just the main persistent one. And now my ships are gone! Is there a backup save directory?
  12. So is anyone out there annoyed about mods not being compatible with latest updates? I know 1.4 just released and all, but deep down we all are mad about it. It could also be really old mods too. I know a mod that adds in escape pod parts that just hasn't been able to keep up for some reason.
  13. I originally posted this on Reddit, but I was suggested to post it here instead. As you may have guessed, I want to make some mods for KSP. I plan to use Blender for my modeling purposes, and GIMP 2 for texturing purposes. However, I am still a noob at the whole mod making thing, so I've got some questions about the whole thing. 1.) According to the KSP wiki tutorial on making assets (click here for the link to the tutorial), it says I need to install Unity 4.2.2. I installed Unity 2017.3.1 instead. Will it still work, or do I need to install 4.2.2? 2a.) How do I import the adapter models? I'd like the parts in my mod to be able to smoothly attach to the stock parts. 2b.) Once I import said adapter models, how do I ensure it's centered properly? (It's more of a question about Blender, really.) 3.) If someone makes better textures or models for the mod, could I use those textures with their permission? I'm not the best at texturing, in fact I'm kinda bad at drawing. 4.) When creating an engine's configuration files, is the ISP calculated, or do you have to input it manually? Thanks for the help, the next mod I'm making is gonna be weird, nonsensical, stupid, and yet surprisingly good for space travel.
  14. Hello Fellow Pilots, I have a little maybe known problem. I have annoying microlags every 10 seconds. a little freeze frame for maybe quarter a second. the length of the freeze extends with the progress in the game (more spacecrafts, satellites.. etc) I heard this is a RAM issue. But do you guys have other solutions for me? Its really anoying. Thanks alot H0FF1
  15. I got enhanced edition the day it came out and I've been loving it, but I've been wondering is it possible to maybe get mod support for KSP on Xbox/PS4? Thanks!
  16. Hey Guys, I just installed a ton of mods today (i will make a list with the mods if anyone want). But im wondering how the tech tree will be filled with the inofficial modded parts. i know mods like Community Tech Tree and others but is it guaranteed that EVERY modded part is Correct implemented in the tech tree? sometimes i think the parts that are not implemented in the tech tree are just not available in the career mode. Can anyone give me an answer about that? And sorry for possible english mistakes. its not my main language
  17. I was looking for some cool miscellaneous mods with no actual pourpouse (no offense to the modmakers), any recommendations? The only ones I've found are Alternate Recsourse Panel, Chatterer, and DiverseKerbalHeads. Beautification mods are cool too! Thanks!
  18. I build an aircraft based on a EE lightning using procedural wings and parts. My CoL is behind my CoM and my trim is reset to 0, at least I pressed alt-x many times. This is strange since it always yaws to the left and it should be symmetrical.
  19. I accepted a contract recently, it requires to do some experiments, but I can't find the corresponding parts and operations. What mod does the contract belong to???? It says:"Research Materials Exposure Space Study at Kerbin: Transport experiment to Kerbin, Satisfy all experiment conditions (check experiment for detail), Complete experiment, land or splash completed experiment in Kerbin
  20. Hi everyone, I'm using the mods KIS, KAS, and Planetary Base systems to build a base on the Mun. I was wondering if anyone has any idea how to work out fuel ducts with these mods? What I want to do is very simple actually, have a Kerbin connect a tube between a vessel that's landed on the base, and a tank that is on the base, and transfer resources between them, without the hassle of docking and what not. Is this possible or am I just wishful thinking here? Thanks
  21. Can anybody please help me? For some reason, Kerbin is purple in the start screen. Here is my mod list. (All installed from CKAN) KSP: 1.3.1 (Win32) - Unity: 5.4.0p4 - OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit 000_AT_Utils - 1.5 Filter Extensions - Toolbar - USI Tools - 0.10.1 CollisionFX - 4.0 Community Category Kit - 2.0.2 Community Resource Pack - 0.8 CommunityTechTree - 3.2.1 DistantObjectEnhancement - 1.9.1 Extraplanetary Launchpads - 5.9 Firespitter - 7.6 GroundConstruction - 1.2.1 HeatControl - 0.4.4 HideEmptyTechTreeNodes - 1.0.1 Kerbal Attachment System - 0.6.3 Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.1.3 Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.3.3 Kerbal Inventory System - 1.9.6571.274 KSP-AVC Plugin - Infernal Robots - 2.0.14 ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.2.4 Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.7 PatchManager - 0.0.13 Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - 1.5.9 Precise Maneuver - 2.3.2 RealChute - 1.4.5 TAC Fuel Balancer - 2.14 TextureReplacerReplaced - 0.5.4 Trajectories - 2.0 TweakScale - 2.3.7 USI Core - 0.5 Konstruction - 0.3 Universal Storage -
  22. Hello everyone! This day I will be teaching some people a really useful trick to load mods without having to restart Kerbal Space Program (LONG)! So let's get straight to the point! First of all, go to either the KSC view or the main menu. KSC is usually preferred if you are playing in a save file. Then, press Alt+F12 (Not Alt + F4) Go to "Database" Press "Reload Database" and wait. It may take a bit, but it's certainly faster than closing KSP, opening it up again, waiting for it to load, getting in your save file, and then doing whatever you wanted to do. Done! You have officially loaded a mod the quick way! How to (possibly) reload Module Manager: Try Alt+F11 Click on "Quick Reload" Done! Notes: Warranty void if you end up destroying your KSP in the progress. It may take multiple times for it to work properly, but at least your computer doesn't have to work as hard in comparison to loading and blah blah blah. I might illustrate this later.
  23. My game seems to be crashing only if I have certain mods installed. All mods I installed were through CKAN, and I checked to make sure they were up to date for 1.3.1 Mods included: KW Rocketry Re-balanced SpaceY and SpaceY Expanded Kerbal Engineer Near Future Propulsion E.V.E. I suspect the issues comes from the dependencies each mod installs, but I'm not sure. Here's the crash folder, with logs and the .dmp file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZWvQz07o0U_m6U6upkaM38_kT34aSaWw
  24. I have recently taken an interest in making part mods for KSP, and I have made a couple of duplicate stock files with slightly different code. Only today have I downloaded the mu. blender importer to start making custom models. For some reason however, when I change the model in blender and export it in .mu back into my file, it shows up as invisible in-game. Is there an extra step? I am unsure about this, and is would be hugely appreciated if someone could help. Thanks. PS: Sorry If I put this in the wrong sub forum, I wasn't sure where to put it.
  25. So, after some tedious searching, I’ve narrowed down the cause to my game’s crashing issue to it’s overuse of RAM. I’ve noticed that as soon as my KSP starts using more than 3.4 GB of RAM it crashes. How do people run so many mods without the profuse crashing issue? (I understand that KSP has a ram usage limit)
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