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  1. Are there any war servers out there that have active players on for us to dogfight battle or destroy with hyperedit kax airplanes plus and bd armoury or procedural dynamics
  2. Thema: KSP im Multiplayer mit Mods! Hi, mein Name ist Norman ich bin 29 Jahre alt und habe über 2000 Stunden KSP. Ich bin sehr Aktiv und Täglich mehrere Stunden online und erreichbar. Da der Dark Multiplayer derzeit ziemlich gut läuft suche ich mitspieler für meinen KSP server mit Mods! Aktuell habe ich 3 bis 4 Aktive Mitspieler und ein paar Gelgenheitsspieler. Der Server ist seit dem 25.10.2016 online und ist 24/7 erreichbar. Teamspeak3 steht zur verfügung. Nun zu dem Server. Wie bereits geschrieben ist er 24/7 online, Server einstellungen sehen wie folgt aus Jeder spieler startet mit 250.000 Funds Reptutation verschlechterung ist wegen Bugs ausgeschaltet Jeder verdient sein eigenes Geld und Science. Mit absprache könnt ihr solche auch Tauschen / Handeln what ever. Das KSC teilen wir uns, wenn einer ein upgrade macht. Bekommen das alle. Kerbals werden ebenfalls geteilt. Wer tot ist, ist tot. Durch bugs gestorbene Kerbals resette ich jederzeit. Verbindung besteht nur zum KSC, keine zusätzlichen Boden-Funk-Stationen. Entry Pruchase ist an. Man muss teile nach dem Freischalten von Science also auch finanziell einmalig freischalten. Ansonsten ist alles auf Standard. Zuletzt habe ich mal eine Aktuelle Modliste angelegt und werde sie des öfteren bearbeiten. Wer Interesse hat mitzumachen kann hier gerne drunter schreiben oder sich bei mir Privat melden. Steam name ist der gleiche wie hier im Forum oder schaut mal im Deutschsprachigem KSP forum vorbei für Aktuellere Informationen: https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.de/index.php?thread/3806-zusammen-im-dark-multiplayer-mit-mods/&pageNo=1 mfg Schtiebuu MODLISTE: (kann auch von Dropbox heruntergeladen werden)
  3. One thing I would love to see is a collaboration version. Something were multiple people can participate on the setup sharing the same model. Each part you add carries your name on it as it was your addition. It would be great if others could join as an observer so people can watch but not limited to watch only because streaming would do that easily but also for people to have read only rights where they can inspect and visualize but not modify. It would be also great if the people playing together could see when someone added something new... for example, when you log in everything that was added new shows up in a list and you can clean the list after you see. I think this would leave to fantastic ships been built and could even be an additional module/expansion. I would definitely pay for that.
  4. Hi there Kerbalister I'm looking to test how many people can simultaneously connect to my DMP server - I currently set the limit to 2000 and I wish to test if I can reach that high with a great server stability you can connect with the following IP : Its a Sandbox so feel free to let beautiful creation around
  5. So I've been thinking about making a Multiplayer Career for a long time, so much that I've tried to do it with some friends I have IRL, but failed, as they aren't Kerbal players. I've asked this on reddit, but got few responses (1), so I'm asking here, on the forum, if anyone would want to play a Space Race Career with people. This Multiplayer career would consist from 2 to 4~5 people playing Kerbal in a Multiplayer mod (DMP or KLF if the first is too unstable) using the following mods: (They can be discussed) Dark MultiPlayer (DMP) or Kerbal Life Feed (KLF) Kerbal Konstruct Kerbin Side Ven's Tantares and LV TweakScale Procedural Parts ALCOR landing pod DMagicOrbitalSciences KIS KAS Near Future Tech Mk3MiniExpansion HabTech ScanSAT 2K System (Every body is make 2 times bigger) Any that you would want but RemoteTech ---------------PROPOSED--------------- FASA FTP SpaceY KWRocketry x1 Size Kerbol system (Stock) Each person would get 1 or 2 launch sites in a specific part of Kerbin. No one would be using the KSC. Cooperation is allowed, but not at the start (As if we were in a Kold war) If you want to play in this career you have to put this on the comments: Amount of free time: Ability to open a server if needed: Any mods you recommend/dislike: Where you live (So it's know when each one can play): Also, you can use a custom flag. The thing will take a little bit to set up, as I'm in finals exams and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Also, sorry if I'm very plain, If you want to contact me, my Skype is "pkmniako" Candidates: Vulkasitos - Afternoons - Can host server - (GTM+1) nosirrbro - Free teag2 - Free - Could Host a Server if needed Kuansenhama - Can vary if free or not - Could Host a Server if needed -(GMT-7) - Would like FTP and SpaceY amarius1 - ??? ZooNamedGames - Has Left. ...
  6. Hola comunidad! Simplemente me dieron ganas de jugar con alguien "multijugador" compartiendo el archivo de la partida cada vez que se juega. Comenten si están interesados, pero preferiblemente busco a gente que sepa por lo menos aterrizar en Mun. Tengo interés por saber si resultará muy distinto a jugar solo, ya que ningún conocido mío juega habitualmente. La idea es que cada vez que alguien haga un avance, le pase la carpeta con el save a los demás, los detalles siempre los podemos acordar más adelante.
  7. Have been reading the multiplayer thread and whilst i think it would be a mistake (personally) it got me thinking of what seems to be the underlying gameplay constrains of the game. Multiplayer adds randomness and narrative (mainly)... but comes with the issues of warping and aggressive players Currently the game is driven entirely by the single players imagination with little narrative apart from the repetitive contracts (especially once you're past the science tree). The game could address some of these issues add interest further down the line. i.e at some point make the game a bit harder with new skills to learn? I'm not massively interested in new parts etc as it doesn't IMHO add that much (although expanding the ISRU stuff would be great), it's game mechanics that will make this game last even longer. Solutions aren't easy but i'm sure it must begin with K
  8. Alright I am looking for two to three players to go to war with in ksp. Essentially with the mod kerbal side we would divide up the bases and territory of Kerbol, then Using BDArmory we will build defensive or attacking units. There are rules of course. Rules: Your reinforcements are based on the amount of bases you have, divided by five rounded up to the nearest 1. (no more than 10 reinforcements) 1-5=1 reinforcement, 6-10=2 reinforcements, 11-15=3 reinforcements, 16-20=4 reinforcements, 21-25=5 reinforcements, 26-30=6 reinforcements, 31-35=7 reinforcements, 36-40= 8 reinforcements, 41-45=9 reinforcements. You may not attack the first round, the first round everyone places down one unit at each base, there are about 45 bases, so if 4 people join everyone will have 11 bases and 1 person will have 12, so everyone gets 3 reinforcements on there turn unless they loss more territories and fall into another category above. First round you can put down only one defensive unit at a base, and you may launch one of two things into space, a com sat, to communicate with others, or a spy sat, which allows you to look at enemy troops, that it passes over. (note: you can combine both into one unit and launch it.) A com sat will have either a Communotron 88-88 or a coms DTS-MT, a spy sat will have a M700 Survey Scanner and a coms device, a communotron 16 is a spy sat com only, if other comms are used the spy sat is also a com sat. You can shoot day a spy sat, but not a coms sat, if a sat is both it cannot be shot down, a spy sat will be able to be shot down after and on the agreed turn, a coms sat will be able to be shot on the same turn we decide to use nuclear devices. War councils are convened to decide on new rules of war. The first one will take place on after turn five, and can be brought up in case of emergencies, other wise will take place after every other turn. Ex after turn 5, then after turn 7, then after turn 9 and so on. On round two you can attack for the first time, to take a base you must destroy the defensive units, or disable them, you may not take a base if the defensive unit still works. Then you take down the flag and out down your own. Defensive unit cannot be made out of indestructible parts, since I cannot remember them all, any indestructible parts found being used will be deleted, the person who owns it notified, and they will get a chance to put a new one down, and replace any others using that part. This is only replace old ones with new ones, after they do this the attacker will resume at the start of his/her turn, after he/she got his/her reinforcements, so he/she will not get more reinforcements. You can take two bases, one enemy and one base you had at the beginning of the war. You fire upon a total of 4 bases. If you get shot down you cannot retry your attack by reverting the flight, that is used for going back from glitches, or in other special cases to be decide by war council. You can retry with another vehicle. War council will decide the turn when this number can increase. Quick saving and loading is allowed, to get around glitches, any other uses are forbidden, special cases can be taken to the war council. Note you may only take part in the war council if you have a coms sat, you can only make treaties or contact people who have coms sats as well. Spy sat can only see unit that they pass over, so a non polar orbit will not see everything. This is one example where you can quick save, fast forward to see what unit your spy sat passes over, then quick load back. The units your spy sat passes, over are the only ones you can look at besides your own. There is no part limit or cost limit, however nothing to big or extravagant, it must be able to be destroyed, it can be really hard to be destroyed, as long as it can be. Note you may create another world save separate from the war save to test your vehicles and defensives. You have up to one week to make your turn. Additional time may be granted by the war council in special cases. Note that reinforcements are addition units you can launch on your turn, if you still have units out after your previous turn you may restock them with ammo and missiles without using up reinforcements, you may also reuse vehicles you have left by refueling them, without using up your reinforcements, and you can attack with them and keep using your reinforcements for defensive purposes. You can carry up to four probes or turrets with you at one time. The turrents make only have two PAC-3 Intercept missiles, and two Vulcan Turret guns attached to it. All these rules can be subjected to change by the war council, additional rules can be added by the war council. There are only two ways to win, one is to take all the bases and control Kerbin, or all the governments left in the war must have a diplomatic treaty of non-aggression. That last for 10 or more turns. Example being there are four governments blue, red, green and yellow. Yellow is taken out, blue and green sign a non-aggression pact till red is gone, red is defeated. This is not winning cause blue and green's non-aggression no longer stands as valid, they must make a new one. The war council can also change the turn limit on this as well. You can record this series on your channel, as long as your willing to list others that do this as well. One person can be decided on by the war council that can make a playlist of all videos in order of turn order. Turn order and bases and territory will be decided by a pre-war council before the first turn, everyone must have the same mods with some exceptions made by the pre-war council, and the same version of KSP. If anyone want to join and willing to play fair and by the rules can reply, please respond with what your government name is and if you get selected you will asked to provide a unique flag or pick a stock flag from the game to use.
  9. Okay I thought I posted about this before but I guess the kraken got it, so here it goes, apologies to KAC for stealing the screenshots from it's manual. What I propose is a new UI element called the timeline, a multi function tracking center and map view utility that combines functions of KAC, warp control, mission updates, and yes even multiplayer warp control. Now i'm not an expert UI guru, so i'm sure this whole idea could be made much cleaner with context sensitive displays and such, but essentially it should be handled like a video/audio editor track that you can 'scrub' and change the scale of on the fly to suit your needs. Okay the First image shows a fairly low time scale, You have time markers, you have the zero line (but you can scrub left or right to view different sections if you want) A mouseover (see Kerbal X) an icon will show it's time or more details. The actual timeline should have pretty basic icons to keep it from getting too cluttered. You can compare the icons on the timeline to the ones in the KAC window. On the far right you see an arrow, this could signify user created maneuver nodes or alarms that are off screen in the future. In this case the SOI and transfer window alarms. Maybe in the real UI you'd just mouse over the arrow and it would show the details in a text popup. One of my ideas for multiplayer timewarp would be to integrate it into the timeline, in addition to hotkeys (which could be treated like the game 'defcon' where the game runs at the fastest speed of the slowest player), you'd be able to que up warps (similar to KAC or mechjeb warp helper). In this example, the player (blue bar) qued up a warp 20 minutes from now to some point in the future, but the 2nd player (purple bar) wants to warp sooner (looks like around 12m30s) but the green bar represents the agreed upon overlap, so thats when it will warp. So maybe the purple player can go get a sandwich. ;P This Shows a longer timescale, Since the alarm clock is so close to zero at this time scale, there should be some advanced info on it, maybe it blinks red with a timer indicator under it, since at a 3 hour gradation you'd never be able to tell when a 3 minute timer would pop just by looking. Again mouseover shows more time detail. In this example our Transfer window is still way out, so it's got the right hand arrow indicating it's off the scale. In this example you qued up a warp 8 days from now till around 18 days, and since player 2 wants to warp to the foreseeable future (Boy are they mad at you!) You're entire warp is approved since it overlaps, note we won't necessarily track warp in the T minus part of the scale since it's pretty pointless, but I guess you could. Final picture shows the last idea. And this is we could have context buttons (see transfer window icon lower left) That would show non user-created info on the timeline. In this example we're dealing with year scale timelines, so our SOI transfer and alarm clock are Red flashing since they're happening sooner than the lowest gradient, and since the alarm is happening sooner, it's time is displayed, and once it pops, the SOI transfer time will show instead, possibly the alarm would blink since it's happening within 15 minutes, and the SOI would be less dire because it's still 1 day out. So this example shows something you could do with mission info (Launch, staging, part heating, destruction, failure, landing, eva) with the proper context button. But in this case we'll use Transfer window (but you could do SOI, whatever) So say you click the transfer window button, now it'll show a dot for each Transfer window upcoming from your current location, maybe a pop up key will show a different color for each body. But in this case we'll use muted green dot for every planet with an upcoming Transfer. In our example we clicked Duna, note that Eeloo is below it (the muted green dot under the bright green dot) because they're nearly the same time window. Since we selected Duna, in addition to showing it's nearest transfer, it now projects out the next 4 transfer windows (represented by bright dots that fade from green, to yellow, to red) So you can visualize the time scale of the Kerbin Duna transfer in context of your other markers, alarms, etc. In this example I further demonstrated the Warp overlap Mechanism, both players have layed out warp ques, but only the agreed upon areas are going to warp. I suppose the player could hit the warp hotkey when they are within player twos warp que and it'll just automatically add say 5 minutes of warp or whatever till they run out. If there is going to be 'surprise' warp, there should be some 10 second warning in which the other player can change their mind, so you can change your mind. Anyway So this is the Summary: Timeline, different time scales and positions selectable by player. KAC functionality built into it, place alarms by clicking on timeline, select context buttons to show all SOI, Transfer windows, closest approach, AP, PE, etc. Place an alarm just by clicking icon. Mission Timeline also shown on this with context button. Icons to represent evens, so Launch Icon, Stage Icon, Landing Icon, Recovery? Park failure icons. Mouse overs show details, Possibly multiplayer support with a muted or different color to optionally show the other players launches, disasters, etc. Also if there is life support, this would be a HUGE factor also, big indicators to show estimated life support range, warnings for specific flights. Easier Time warp, just click and drag on the timeline, it'll warp during that time segment. Maybe time warp hot keys just add an automatic time segment to the timeline, the longer the segment, the faster the warp Show upcoming Transfer windows, SOI changes, AP, PE, etc based on context menus. Anyway i'm done, what do you think?
  10. I know many people are anxiously awaiting multiplayer mode for KSP. To be honest though, I'm not sure I would play it a lot. The thing is, however well it works and whatever ingenious ideas are used to solve the time warp issue, space is still really really big. Apart from some relatively rare occations where you meet up with other players (which is already no easy thing to do), you will still spend most of the time alone. I can see it working with planes, but I mostly play Kerbal Space Program, not Kerbal Aircraft Program. However, there's another kind of multiplayer that I would really enjoy, and that's having multiple players in control of the same ship. I know that sounds stupid at first, but imo KSP is a lot about learning (and teaching). Wouldn't it be great if an experienced player could act as a driving instructor on your ship, give advice in real time and take over control if necessary? I've been in this situation quite of few times. Right now, the best solution is to either use some streaming service like Twitch or Steam (resulting in horrible delay) or use a desktop sharing program like Teamviewer (with horrible quality and sometimes also delay). An in-game sharing feature should work much better since there's actually not that much information that has to be transmitted. Such a "Mentor Mode" wouldn't have to be limited to flying, it could also work in the VAB. Of course there are details to be worked out (Like for instance how would one player hand control over to another? Or should one player's input always overwrite the other one's?), but I see no major technical obstacles. What do you about this idea? Has anything like this been suggested to and/or been taken into consideration by the devs?
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